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Mixed Flow Module Apparatus

Product Code: LBNY-0005-12500045 - (Mixed Flow Module Apparatus)

The heat transfer between the pipe wall and medium can be studied. Baffles guide the air through the pipe bundle in a cross-flow. The air duct with the pipe bundle heat exchanger is fitted to and heated electrically. The power and surface temperature at the heater are measured and displayed on the base unit. The number of deflections can be varied by removing and adding baffles.



Flow Through Particle Layers

Product Code: LBNY-0005-12700046 - (Flow Through Particle Layers)

Glass Test Tank With Sintered Filter Medium On Its Base
2 Manometers With Differing Measuring Ranges To Measure Pressure Loss Through The Test Tank
Test Tank Removable For Filling
Investigation Of The Properties Of Fixed And Fluidised Beds Subjected To Liquid Flow
Steel rule to measure the height of the fixed or fluidised bed
Upward Flow To Investigate Fluidised Bed
Downward Flow To Investigate Fixed Beds
Flow Meter With Valve For Adjustment.



Oxygen concentrator, 10 LPM, single flow

Product Code: LBNY-0017-2200050 - (Oxygen concentrator, 10 LPM, single flow)

Oxygen concentrators are not suitable to be used as an oxygen source to other medical equipment providing respiratory support, such as ventilators, CPAP devices, High Flow Nasal Oxygen, etc.
Equipped with one oxygen outlet, provided with controllable flow meter.
Audible and visual alarms for low oxygen concentration (<82%) and power supply failure.
Provides a continuous, variable flow of concentrated oxygen (>82%) derived from room air, to a maximum rate 10 L/min.
Contains oxygen monitor to verify concentration.
Audible and visual alarms for high temperature, no flow rate and low/high pressure.
Power efficiency < 70 W/L/min.
Flowmeter continuously adjustable, with markings of at most 0.5 L/min intervals.
Flowmeter control allows shutting off flow (i.e. 0 L/min) by user.
Noise level <60 dB(A).
Digital meter that displays cumulative hours of device operation.
Flowmeter minimum flow rate of 2 L/min. Lower flow rates may be achieved by a combination of the concentrator and a separately supplied flow splitter.
Oxygen outlet(s) with 6 mm (¼-inch) barbed fitting and DISS connector.

Electrical characteristics
Capacity for safe operation from at least ± 10% of rated voltage.
Electrical protection by resettable circuit breakers, fitted in both neutral and live lines.
Electrical power requirements are locally compatible.
230 Volt, 50 Hz, 3.0 amps (120 Volt units available)
Mains power cable length > 2.5 m.

Casing and environment
Hard case, cleanable with standard hospital cleaning materials.
Whole unit movable with wheels on at least two feet
All user-removable filters are cleanable. Cleaning instructions for filters are included in the instructions for use.
The unit includes internally and externally mounted filters for cleaning the air intake.
Unit weight <27 kg.



Oxygen concentrator, 8LPM, double flow

Product Code: LBNY-0017-2200051 - (Oxygen concentrator, 8LPM, double flow)

Provides a continuous, variable flow of concentrated oxygen 93% (±3%) derived from room air, to a maximum rate 8 L/min.
Audible and visual alarms for high temperature and pressure failure.
Power efficiency ≤ 70 W/LPM.
Digital meter that displays cumulative hours of device operation.
Oxygen outlet(s) with 6 mm (¼-inch) barbed fitting.
Contains oxygen monitor to verify concentration.
Equipped with two oxygen outlets each provided with controllable flow meter.
Audible and/or visual alarms for low oxygen concentration (<82%) and power supply failure.
Flowmeter continuously adjustable, with markings of at most 0.5 LPM intervals.
Noise level <60 dB(A).
Flowmeter minimum flow rate of 2 L/min. Lower flow rates may be achieved by a combination of the concentrator and a separately supplied flow splitter.

Mains power cable to have length ≥ 2.5 m.
Capacity for safe operation from at least ± 10% of rated voltage.
Electrical power requirements to be locally compatible.
230 Volt, 50 Hz, 2.1 amps (110 Volt units available)
Electrical protection by resettable circuit breakers or replaceable fuses.

Case to be hard, to be cleanable with standard hospital cleaning materials.
All user-removable filters are cleanable. Cleaning instructions for filters are included in the instructions for use.
Oxygen outlet to be securely mounted and sheltered.
Whole unit to be movable with four wheels.
The unit includes internally and externally mounted filters for cleaning the air intake.



Cross Flow Membrane Filtration

Product Code: LBNY-0005-10700053 - (Cross Flow Membrane Filtration)

The is available in two basic configurations. The standard is the simplest system. As standard the filtration assembly works with polymer membrane filters (90mm diameter) and sample filters are included for microfiltration (MF), ultrafiltration (UF), nanofiltration (NF) and reverse osmosis (RO). A backpressure valve is used to adjust the transmembrane pressure with a maximum allowable system pressure of 40 bar (analogue pressure indicator). A wider range of filters are available on request. It uses a high pressure stainless steel piston pump to circulate product from a food vessel to the filtration assembly with simple on/off control.
The 50 is an enhanced unit, with all the additional benefits of computer control, data logging and diafiltration capability. There is also an electronic mass balance to measure the mass of permeate collected. This option also enables diafiltration using a peristaltic pump and high level sensor. It includes an electronic pressure sensor to measure filtration pressure (0-40 bar) and electronic temperature sensor (thermocouple) to measure retentate temperature. It also includes a feed pump speed controller, which enables the retentate cross flow velocity over the filtration membrane to be varied. The data from all these is logged in the software enabling plotting of permeate flow rate with time so that the effect of variables (filtration pressure, cross flow velocity, product temperature and diafiltration) on process performance can be determined. The software can be used to define the mass of permeate collected prior to addition of water/buffer (batch diafiltration). Communication to the PC (not supplied) is via an internal USB interface.

Suitable for microfiltration, ultrafiltration, nanofiltration and reverse osmosis membranes and pressures. Pressure operating range of 1-40 bar.
Uses a standard filtration size of 90mm enabling a wide range of filtration membranes to be used
Optional ceramic membrane available
Supplied with a range of polymer membranes.



Tilting Flow Channel

Product Code: LBNY-0005-10300054 - (Tilting Flow Channel)

Tilting Flow Channel is done by dropping a particle into a vertical liquid column and timing its fall between two points. Various sizes and density of particles are supplied including stream lined shaped objects. The Tilting Flow Channel apparatus is designed to study the drag of a particle in a liquid under various Reynold numbers. A guide at the top of the tube is provided to minimize disturbance to the liquid. A fluorescent tube light at the back of the liquid tube allows clear observation of the particle fall. Valves at the bottom of the tubes provide a mean for particle removal with minimum loss of the liquid.

Effect of boundary layer separation on motion of sphere.
Effect of particle shape on rate of fall and drag coefficient.
Measurement of drag coefficients of sphere under various Reynold numbers.
Exploration of dynamic similarity.



Flow Visualisation Investigation

Product Code: LBNY-0005-11700054 - (Flow Visualisation Investigation)

The resulting smoke filaments clearly show streamlines around the test shapes.
A smoke generator generates a visual oil mist that is introduced into the airstream ahead of the test shape through a number of fine nozzles.



Sediment Flow Channel

Product Code: LBNY-0005-10300055 - (Sediment Flow Channel)

The channel is of a rectangular cross-section supported by steel frame. The channel sides are made of clear acrylic with tilting controlled by a manual screw jack. Sediment Flow Channel is a self contained bench top open channel for studying bed forms with change in flow and slope as well as flow phenomena without sediment. A stainless steel head tank with a stilling baffle provides a smooth flow. A fine strainer is provided in the storage tank to trap the sand sediment. The water is discharged from the channel via a built in rectangular weir to the storage tank.

Flow over fixed gravel bed.
Fixed smooth bed flow.
Local scour.
Mechanics of sediment transport.
Bed form hysteresis.
Flow over mobile sand bed.
Flow structures.
Depositionary features and fancies.
Computational work.



Flow Round A Bend Investigation

Product Code: LBNY-0005-11700055 - (Flow Round A Bend Investigation)

A 90 degree bend of constant cross section has air blown through it from the Airflow System. When connected to a suitable multi-tube manometer the static pressure profile along the inner and outer radius of the bend may be measured at a range of air velocities. Along the inner and outer radius at strategic points, static pressure tapping points are located.



1/8 Inch Hose Barb Single Use Uv Flow Cell

Product Code: LBNY-00016-1100055 - (1/8 Inch Hose Barb Single Use Uv Flow Cell)

Single use UV flow cell, 2mm path length, non-sterile, polysulfone, 1/8" inch hose barb.



Airflow System Base Unit

Product Code: LBNY-0005-11700056 - (Airflow System Base Unit)

A small footprint, high volume high pressure centrifugal fan with adjustable flow control, inlet and outlet couplings.
A comprehensive range of optional accessories are available that may be connected to the fan inlet, outlet or both as required.
11 Optional Heat Exchangers available:-
Flow Visualization Investigation
Multitube Manometer
Bernoulli's Equation
Flow Around a Bend Investigation
Jet Attachment Investigation
Boundary Layer Investigation
Round Turbulent Jet Investigation
Drag Force Investigation
Principles of Airflow, Friction Losses in Bends and Pipe Elements
Principles of Airflow, Fan Test and Flow Measurement
Principles of Airflow, Pressure and Velocity Distribution (Pitot-Traverse).



1/2 Inch Hose Barb Single Use Uv Flow Cell

Product Code: LBNY-00016-1100056 - (1/2 Inch Hose Barb Single Use Uv Flow Cell)

Highly accurate, stable and reproducible standards for calibrating turbidimeters and nephelometers.



Airflow Friction Losses In Bends

Product Code: LBNY-0005-11700059 - (Airflow Friction Losses In Bends)

Measurement of fan air flow rate using an intake orifice plate, and an iris diaphragm at a range of air flow rates in order to determine the fan characteristics.



Flow Measurement Test Set

Product Code: LBNY-0005-10300060 - (Flow Measurement Test Set)

The flow measuring instruments are connected in series and all except the measuring tank are arranged on a water proof panel. The pressure drop is measured by deferential pressure using manometers. Pressure tapping is by valves with quick connection. Flow Measurement Test Set is a bench top self contained water circulating unit for studying the various flow measuring instruments including primary flow measuring devices. Flow rate is obtained from a water meter reading and a stop watch. Water tanks are behind the panel. Flow rate is varied by a flow control valve. Measurement of flow by a primary flow measuring devices is by coefficient of discharge which is determined from a pressure drop across the device and a flow rate. 

Determination of coefficients of discharge for Venturi meter, orifice meter and Pitot tube and compare the flow rates with those from water meter, variable area flow meter and measuring tank.
Comparison of differential pressure at various flow rates for Venturi meter, orifice meter, Pitot tube, and variable area flow meter.



Hydraulic Flow Channel Demonstrator

Product Code: LBNY-0005-10300070 - (Hydraulic Flow Channel Demonstrator)

The channel is totally transparent so it allows an optimum visualization of the hydraulic flow. The purpose is to study the flow behavior in open channels and closed pipes, by realizing some experiments in both conditions. These points are connected to the 6 tubes manometer. By floodgates, it is possible to increase water volume in the inlet or outlet tanks. In order to carry out experiments in a closed chamber, the module includes a cover for hermetically seal. Pitot tubes are arranged along the whole length of channel, so it allows measuring the working pressure in 6 points. The equipment can be used stand alone or in conjunction
Open channel:
1. Study of water flows through open channels identifying variables like:
Speed at different points of the cross-sectional area.
Water height
2. Study of constant water flow, gradually varied flow and behavior of surface profiles.
3. Study and utilization of thin edged weir for flow measurements.
Rectangular weir without lateral contraction.
4. Study and utilization of broad crested weir for flow measurements.
Rectangular weir.
5. Analysis and study of discharge under a gate.
Vertical weir
6. Study of jump spillway



Flow Networks

Product Code: LBNY-0005-10300073 - (Flow Networks)

Flow Networks system reproduces the problem that usually appears in pressure and flow calculation in pipes that generally have different diameters, lengths and are interconnected; these systems of pipes (in series, parallel or meshed) can complicate the pressure and flow calculation. The flow measurements can be done using the volumetric reservoir of the hydraulic bench (required and not included in this item) and it allows also the study of the relationship between pressure drop and fluid velocity. The module is made of some transparent tubes with different diameters, and it includes a number of valves placed in specific points of the network. The quick couplings used in this system enable fast and easy exchange of pipes creating therefore several network configurations. These pipes interconnections are known as flow networks. For example, a water-supply network of a town or the fire-protection system in a building can be considered as flow networks. With this module, students can perform experiments that can simulate the behavior of the flow network in different conditions. 



Controlled System Module Flow

Product Code: LBNY-0005-12700077 - (Controlled System Module Flow)

Flow control loop setup
Stop valve in the inlet section
Water as the working medium, supply via base module
Ready-to-install compact panel assembly
Optional cascade control in conjunction
Rotameter with scale.



Flow Control Demonstration Unit

Product Code: LBNY-0005-12700079 - (Flow Control Demonstration Unit)

Flow measurement by paddle-wheel sensor
Generation of disturbance variables by ball valve with scale in pipe section outlet
Experimental unit for control engineering experiments
Flow control in a pipe section
Process variables X and Y accessible as analogue signals via lab jacks
Digital industrial controller, parameterisable as a P, PI or PID controller
Large process schematic on front panel
Rotameter to visualise the flow
Control valve: electric control valve.



Flow Level Control Demonstration Unit

Product Code: LBNY-0005-12700088 - (Flow Level Control Demonstration Unit)

Flow measurement by rotameter with electrical output
Generation of disturbance variables by ball valves with scale
Tank with overflow and scale
Experimental unit for control engineering experiments
Level and flow control individually, and cascaded
Large process schematic on front panel
Key process variables accessible as analogue signals at lab jacks
Level measurement by pressure sensor
Control valve: electromagnetic proportional valve
2 digital industrial controllers, parameterisable as P, PI or PID controllers, cascade.



Airflow Study Unit

Product Code: LBNY-0005-10300095 - (Airflow Study Unit)

The air flow rate can be measured with various measuring inserts such as a nozzle/orifice, Pitot tube or iris diaphragm. The measuring inserts are connected to a multiple tube manometer using hoses; the pressure differences can then be read on the manometer. The system offers comprehensive investigations on air flow. A fan draws air through a section of pipe. The tube manometer can be tilted to increase precision and can be fixed in various positions. Open jet experiments can be performed at the fan outlet. Measuring glands are also fitted to the pipe section at evenly spaced intervals; these can be used for determining pipe friction, pressure losses or velocity profiles. 


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