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Suspended Centre Span Bridge

Product Code: LBNY-0005-13900037 - (Suspended Centre Span Bridge)

The Suspended Centre Span Bridge is supported on the two inner piers and is anchored to the two outer piers to provide a pair of cantilevers on which the suspended centre span is carried. The Suspended Centre Span Bridge model three span bridge has a flat deck and solid spandrels to the three spans. The Suspended Centre Span Bridge is loaded using either point loads (25 or 10N) or through a tandem rolling load of 25 + 10N value. The four piers and the centre span supports incorporate reaction measuring load cells that connect directly to the Interface to give readings in Newtons. The tandem load can be arranged such that the 10N load is leading or trailing. The tandem loads are linked thus simulating a vehicle passing over the bridge deck. By separating the tandem loads it is possible to obtain the influence lines for the bridge.

Experimental Capabilities:
Use of the influence lines for a tandem rolling load
Production of influence lines for all six reactions.



Electronic Cloud Hybrid Orbital Model

Product Code: LBNY-0007-10100045 - (Electronic Cloud Hybrid Orbital Model)

Including: S, dZ2, dx2-y2, dyz, dxz, DXY, PX, py, PZ, SP, SP2, linear triangular, SP3 tetrahedron, D2-sp3 are 90 degrees is eight face body, ethylene, acetylene, ethane, benzene ring, molecular nitrogen and hydrogen peroxide molecular model of the set.



Hybrid Transmission

Product Code: LBNY-0005-12000051 - (Hybrid Transmission)

The following can be seen:
Duplex clutch
Pressure reservoir
Gear wheels
Parking lock
Oil pump and electric motor 
Oil cooler.



Using Photovoltaics Grid Connected Or Stand-Alone

Product Code: LBNY-0005-12500051 - (Using Photovoltaics Grid Connected Or Stand-Alone)

Using Photovoltaics: Grid-Connected Or Stand-Alone
Operation With Photovoltaic Simulator Or Actual Photovoltaic Modules
Grid-Connected Or Stand-Alone Operation
Inverter With Mpp Tracker For Grid-Connected Operation
Solar Battery And Lamp For Stand-Alone Operation
Commercially available combiner box .
Trainer With Electrical Components From Practical Usage Of Photovoltaics
Inverter And Charge Controller For Stand-Alone Operation.



Suspension Bridge Apparatus

Product Code: LBNY-0005-13900051 - (Suspension Bridge Apparatus)

The apparatus is equally suitable for student experiments or demonstrations. Model consists of a three-hinged deck suspended by ties from a light cable. This bench-mounted apparatus is used to investigate the structure under a wide range of load conditions. Cable can be readily adjusted to give different values of dip over the 1m span.



Hybrid Demonstrator Trainer

Product Code: LBNY-0005-18600054 - (Hybrid Demonstrator Trainer)

The Hybrid Demonstrator Trainer includes a Hybrid engine, a battery and an Electronic Control Unit, several meters showing power flow between the units, a brake switch and a potentiometer mimicking the accelerator pedal. The system can also be used to show the effects of regenerative braking. Two models are available: a bench top version and a panel mounted version. The controls the system to show students how the power is routed in a hybrid depending on the State of Charge of the Battery, and to allow them to make measurements on the engine performance under different load conditions.



Simple Suspension Bridge

Product Code: LBNY-0005-13900062 - (Simple Suspension Bridge)

The suspension cable passes over pulleys at each end. One end is rigidly fixed. The other end connects to a mechanism bearing on a load cell. The experiment hardware fits onto the Structures Test Frame. Students use masses on weight hangers to apply various loads to a rigid deck, joined to a parabolic cable via hangers. The equipment includes a signal cable to connect the load cell to a Digital Force Display). When connected to a Digital Force Display, the load cell measures the cable tension. 

Examination of the relationship between applied loads and the suspension cable tension
Demonstration of the characteristics of a simple suspension bridge
Comparison of behaviour to simplified cable theory
Observation of the stability of the structure.



Concave and Convex Ridge Demonstration Device

Product Code: LBNY-0004-10100065 - (Concave and Convex Ridge Demonstration Device)

The product is composed of two parallel concave and convex bridges and steel balls, track gap can be adjustable,and can be used for demonstrating the force of moving objects on the concave and convex bridges.



Cesium Chloride Crystal Structure Model

Product Code: LBNY-0007-10100069 - (Cesium Chloride Crystal Structure Model)

It is used to set up Cesium chloride crystal structure model.



Cesium Chloride Crystal Structure Model

Product Code: LBNY-0007-10100070 - (Cesium Chloride Crystal Structure Model)

Cesium Chloride Crystal Structure Model



Drive Bridge Module Model

Product Code: LBNY-0005-12100072 - (Drive Bridge Module Model)

Transparent Drive Bridge educational equipment is an ideal teaching equipment for colleges, secondary vocational and technical schools, car driving training and vehicle repairing field. And the structure and functions of the F-drive axle can be clearly understood through its demonstration and operation.



Rear Drive Bridge Module Model

Product Code: LBNY-0005-12100073 - (Rear Drive Bridge Module Model)

The interior mechanical structure and function of the rear drive axle can be clearly understood through its demonstration and operation. Rear Drive Bridge Module Model is ideal teaching equipment for colleges, secondary vocational and technical schools, truck driving training and vehicle repairing field. 



Rear Drive Bridge Module Model

Product Code: LBNY-0005-12100080 - (Rear Drive Bridge Module Model)

The interior mechanical structure and function of the back drive axle can be clearly understood through its demonstration and operation. Rear-Drive Bridge Module Model is ideal teaching equipment for colleges, secondary vocational and technical schools, truck driving training and vehicle repairing field. 



Drive Bridge Module Model

Product Code: LBNY-0005-12100083 - (Drive Bridge Module Model)

The structure and function of the F-drive axle can be fully shown through its demonstration and operation. Transparent Drive Bridge educational equipment is a kind of teaching equipment designed for colleges, secondary vocational and technical schools. 



Forces On A Suspension Bridge

Product Code: LBNY-0005-10100088 - (Forces On A Suspension Bridge)

Learning Objectives / Experiments:
Comparison between calculated and measured values of the supporting cable force
Observation of the effect of internal moments in the  roadway under uneven load
Load distribution between roadway support and  supporting cable
Familiarisation with a suspension bridge
Uder dead-weight
Uder unevenly distributed point loads
Uder additional load
Uder evenly distributed load
Calculation of the supporting cable force.



F Drive Bridge Module Model

Product Code: LBNY-0005-12100093 - (F Drive Bridge Module Model)

The interior mechanical structure and function of front drive axle is clearly understood under its demonstration and operation. F Drive Bridge Module Model is perfect teaching equipment for colleges, secondary vocational and technical schools, truck driving training and vehicle repairing field. 



Rear Drive Bridge Module Model

Product Code: LBNY-0005-12100094 - (Rear Drive Bridge Module Model)

The interior mechanical structure and function of the back drive axle can be clearly understood through its demonstration and operation. The Rear-Drive Bridge Module Model is ideal teaching equipment for colleges, secondary vocational and technical schools, truck driving training and vehicle repairing field.



Drive Bridge Module Model

Product Code: LBNY-0005-12100095 - (Drive Bridge Module Model)

The structure and function of the F-drive axle can be fully shown through its demonstration and operation. Transparent Drive Bridge educational equipment is a kind of teaching equipment designed for colleges, secondary vocational and technical schools.



Forces Suspension Bridge

Product Code: LBNY-0005-101000119 - (Forces Suspension Bridge)

Hinge in roadway indicates internal moments of roadway under uneven loading.
Four graduated weight sets to measure the cable force in both supporting cables.
Two supports with force gauge for the roadway.
Investigation of a suspension bridge in various load cases.
Hangers vertical supporting cables in the form of U-shaped shackles in graduated lengths.
Two-section roadway with central hinge.
Roadway can be loaded by additional weights.
Suspension bridge with two supporting cables and roadway.
Experimental set-up in frame.
Supporting cables with parabolic sag.
Storage system to house the components.



Using Photovoltaics Grid Connected Unit

Product Code: LBNY-0005-125000130 - (Using Photovoltaics Grid Connected Unit)

Inverter with mpp tracker for grid-connected operation
Inverter and charge controller for stand-alone operation
Trainer with electrical components from practical usage of photovoltaics
Grid-connected or stand-alone operation
Solar battery and lamp for stand-alone operation
Operation with photovoltaic simulator or actual photovoltaic modules
Commercially available combiner box.


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