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Catalytic Reactors Unit

Product Code: LBNY-0005-11000021 - (Catalytic Reactors Unit)

A bench top unit comprising a vacuum formed ABS plastic plinth with integral electrical console on to which is mounted the packed bed reactor columns, feed pump, optical sensor and optional Flow Injection Analysis system.
A heated water supply to the column jackets allows automatic control of reaction temperature to a set point value.
Feed flow rate can be varied between 0 and 15 ml/min.
The unit is supplied as standard with two reactor columns for chemical catalysis.
A third column can be optionally added to the system for biological enzymic catalysis.
The console has two digital meters. The first, associated with the controller, shows the temperature of water supplied to the column jackets, and the second shows the optical sensor reading which provides a measure of product concentration. Corresponding signals are routed to the I/O port for connection to a PC.
The optional FIA pump can be adjusted to give flow rates up to 2.5 ml/min.
All electrical circuits are fitted with appropriate protection devices.



Refrigeration And Air Conditioning Unit One Condenser Air And One Evaporator Water

Product Code: LBNY-0005-11200021 - (Refrigeration And Air Conditioning Unit One Condenser Air And One Evaporator Water)

Bench-top unit.
Diagram in the front panel with similar distribution to the elements in the real unit.
Cooling compressor, computer controlled.
Anodized aluminium structure and panels in painted steel. Main metallic elements in stainless steel.
Coolant accumulation tank. Cooling filter.
Expansion valve.
Water evaporator.
Air condenser, computer controlled.
High pressure control.
Tank of division of the cooling liquid.
4 Manometers.
2 Flow sensors (cooling flow sensor and water flow sensor).
2 Pressure sensors: Cooling pressure sensor (compressor outlet). Cooling pressure sensor (compressor inlet).
8 Temperature sensors (4 sensors for the cooling temperature, 2 sensors for water temperature, 2 sensors for the air temperature)
Enthalpy diagram of the refrigerant R134a.



Rigging 1 Learning System

Product Code: LBNY-0005-11400021 - (Rigging 1 Learning System)

The Rigging 1 Learning System includes a 1-ton rated gantry crane with casters and component storage, hoists, slings, loads and load fittings to enable learners to replicate various on-the-job load movement applications. The Rigging Concepts 1 Learning System teaches how to safely move loads of different shapes and sizes using a variety of methods. Major topics covered by this learning system include hoists, slings, lifts, wire ropes, and chain slings. Rigging skills are required in many industries including manufacturing, construction, and transportation, so give your students a head start by teaching them these rigging concepts and applications. Hands-on, applied skills include installing an eyebolt for lifting, calculating crush force, assembling and lifting a load using a two-leg wire rope bridle sling with shackles, and many more. The Rigging 1 Learning System can be used as solid foundation toward industrial certifications and industry standard safety practices are followed throughout. This learning system also includes student learning materials for theory and lab, an instructors guide, a student reference guide, and an optional eBook format for online learning.

Heavy Duty Welded Steel Gantry
Industrial Standard Components
Optional Online eBooks
Replication of Common Loads
Student Reference Guide.



Wetted Wall Absorption Pilot Plant

Product Code: LBNY-0005-11600021 - (Wetted Wall Absorption Pilot Plant)

Feed tank with a capacity of 45 litres.
Deoxygenation column manufactured from Plexiglas with a height of 1,600 mm
Pump for absorption column.
Pump for deoxygenator.
Wetted wall column of height 900 mm and inside diameter 34 mm.
Air compressor.
2x industrial oxymeters 0 to 20 mg per litre or 0 to 200% with a resolution of mg/l or 0.1% SAT.
2x industrial measuring sensors for dissolved oxygen.
Variable area flowmeter for water with glass tube and a range of 1.9 to 19 litres per hour.
Variable area flowmeter for air with glass tube and a range of 30 to 300 litres per hour.
Emergency stop button
Electrical control panel in main cabinet.
Power Supply: 230 Vac 50 Hz single-phase 1500 VA.



Computerized Boiling Point Heat Transfer Unit

Product Code: LBNY-0005-11700021 - (Computerized Boiling Point Heat Transfer Unit)

The Computerized Boiling Point Heat Transfer Unit is designed to display the various types of boiling to change the intensity of the heat flow. The experiment is performed with environmentally-friendly, special low boiling point liquid. A transparent vessel allows to observe the evaporation process at the heated cylinder. More precisely, can be reproduced the nucleate and the film boiling and it can plot the so-called pool boiling which is the basis of the design of the systems with the steam boiler. The cylinder operates as a fire tube heated from the inside. An integrated water-cooled condenser allows for a continuous boiling process. The unit is supplied with manuals that describe each component of the system, installation and utilization procedures and give many exercises. The special liquid used evaporates at low temperatures. An automatic data acquisition and analysis system for Personal Computer allows to take the measurements automatically, to plot the curves on screen or print them out, to store the experimental data on disk or print them. 



Truck Ball Nut Hydraulic Steering Gear

Product Code: LBNY-0005-12000021 - (Truck Ball Nut Hydraulic Steering Gear)

The steering shaft makes a pivoting movement. When the steering spindle is turned,one sees the function of the hydraulic control with the torsion bar, rotaryvalve, control jack and radial grooves. When the steering spindle is turned with the help of thecross button, the steering nut plunger is displaced in the housing cylinder. 

The following can also be seen:
Steering-sector shaft and the balls in the cutaway ball cage
Steering stop valve
Ball nut plunger with toothing.



Digital Concrete Test Hammer

Product Code: LBNY-0005-12200021 - (Digital Concrete Test Hammer)

The unit consists of the standard mechanical but equipped with an electronic transducer that measures the rebound values and supplies automatically the results on a graphic display. This Digital Concrete Test Hammer microprocessor operated, entirely designed and manufactured by with advanced technology, performs basic concrete testing with continuous automatic recording of all parameters in accordance with Specifications, register and process data and then transfer them to a PC.



Laser Therapy

Product Code: LBNY-0005-12400021 - (Laser Therapy)

This radiation does not produce heat, it does not alter the tissues and it is not felt by the patient that is under therapy. It performs an anti-inflammatory and revitalizing action. I.R. (Infrared Radiation) is a beam of non visible, unidirectional and monochromatic light (since it is emitted in the infrared band) that transfers remarkable amounts of energy represented by photons

Theoretical topics:
Features of the Laser
Introduction to the Laser
Semiconductor Laser
CO2 Laser

Circuit blocks of Laser Therapy
Typical circuit of an IR Laser
Main applications of the Laser Therapy.



Expansion Of Ideal Gases

Product Code: LBNY-0005-12500021 - (Expansion Of Ideal Gases)

The experimental unit enables the user to examine the expansion of ideal gases. The focus is on the experimental determination of the adiabatic exponent of air using the Cment Desormes method. Gas laws belong to the fundamentals of thermodynamics and are dealt with in every training course on thermodynamics.

Learning objectives/experiments:
Adiabatic change of state of air
Isochoric change of state of air
Determination of the adiabatic exponent according to Clment-Desormes



Universal Industrial Process Simulator

Product Code: LBNY-0005-12600021 - (Universal Industrial Process Simulator)

Universal Industrial Process Simulator is effected by means of series R-C pneumatic circuits. Universal Industrial Process Simulator module allows to simulate the process, the regulating element, the measurement and transmission of the controlled quantity and to generate step or ramp noises.
The Universal Industrial Process Simulator is composed of Three sections:
Controlled quantity transmission,
Process simulation and noise generation,



Electronic Control Console

Product Code: LBNY-0005-12800021 - (Electronic Control Console)

Using this console also enables the sensor data to be logged and displayed on a computer (using the interface), but with the control functions being implemented in the hardware, rather than the computer software. The enables all of the single loop configurations to be implemented without using a computer.



Simple Stability Problems Study Unit

Product Code: LBNY-0005-13100021 - (Simple Stability Problems Study Unit)

Two-part buckling bar with a central elastic joint:
The support of the two parts is pinned-pinned (articulated-articulated).
Length: 550 mm (length of each part: 275 mm).
Cross-section: 20 x 20 mm.
Device to apply compressive load:
Compressive force range: 25-125N.
Load application lever with scale, lever ratio: 1:2-1:5.



Wind Tunnel Flight Demonstration

Product Code: LBNY-0005-13700021 - (Wind Tunnel Flight Demonstration)

Materials of Construction:         
Tunnel: Acrylic sheet or laminated glass up on requested.
Tail Pipe : Galvanized sheet metal.
Bell Mouth : Sheet metal
Blower : AC/DC motor , adjustable speed.
Smoke Generator : Oil Burning type 1 outlet port.
Electrical Supply : 380 vac 50 Hz, 3 phase.
Air Speed Indicator : Propeller type 0.4 - 30 m/s. , digital display.
Air Distributor : Acrylic sheet or aluminum sheet.
Wind Tunnel Flight Demonstration:
Tunnel Width : 60 cm
Tunnel Height : 40 cm
Tunnel Length : 100 cm



Continuous And Indeterminate Beam

Product Code: LBNY-0005-13800021 - (Continuous And Indeterminate Beam)

Reactions and fixing moments of a fixed beam and a propped cantilever
Reaction and fixing moment of a propped cantilever with a sinking support
Reactions of a simply supported beam
Reactions of a two-span continuous beam
This equipment allows many possible experiment
Relationship between load and deflection for beams and cantilevers
Configurations, using a stiff (rigid) beam, or a significantly more flexible beam.



Forces In Truss Computer Interface

Product Code: LBNY-0005-13900021 - (Forces In Truss Computer Interface)

A computer interface unit and software are provided. Universal Structural Frame Force Indicator and computer are required but separately supplied. The Forces In Truss Computer Interface set has the same accessories as except load hanger with weights and Dial Indicator is replaced by Vertical Force Load Cell with dial indicator. 



Oscillating Cylinder Apparatus

Product Code: LBNY-0005-14000021 - (Oscillating Cylinder Apparatus)

Oscillating Cylinder Apparatus at the other end of the crankshaft is a slider that runs in a swivelling housing. A linear scale mounted to this housing ensures accurate readings of the piston displacement. On the left of the base is a large rotating protractor scale 'Crank' that rotates on a shaft and bearing arrangement. The increments on the protractor match with a indicator that ensure accurate reading of the angular movement of the scale. Oscillating Cylinder Apparatus a comprehensive instruction manual for lecturer and student, giving full details on apparatus assembly and operation as well as example results. Oscillating Cylinder Apparatus comprises a sturdy base plate, which can be mounted vertically for demonstration purposes or flat for experimental use. Integral to this protractor are varying radius positions used for locating the crankshaft. An input disc can houses a crank pin, which can be fixed at various radii across the input disc face.



Split Type Domestic Air Conditioning Assembly Kit

Product Code: LBNY-0005-14100021 - (Split Type Domestic Air Conditioning Assembly Kit)

The kit includes an outdoor motor condensing unit and the wall-mounted indoor unit. The indoor unit is mounted in a metal box with transparent front panel to show the inner components.
The  has been designed and manufactured to incorporate all current safety standards.
The refrigerant used complies with anti-pollution legislation.
A Split-Type Domestic Air Conditioner with Inverter Assembly Kit for students to learn the assembly, maintenance and servicing skills applicable to a split-type domestic air conditioner with inverter.
There is also an electric convector heater to simulate a thermal load. It includes all necessary pipes and fittings.
The kit can be assembled and disassembled as often as required and comes pre-filled with refrigerant.



Water Flow Measurement

Product Code: LBNY-0005-15800021 - (Water Flow Measurement)

Four flowmeters are described below which operate on the principle of either head loss, impulse or velocity. A fifth flowmeter, Rotameter working on the variable area principle, is described separately in the Hydraulics Bench leaflet. The measurement of flow rate is a fundamental topic to which a considerable degree of attention has been paid with the result that there are flow meters available using a wide variety of principles. Chosen five types of flowmeter, which are all in common industrial use, to provide experiments in comparative flow measurement. 

Experimental Capabilities:
Establishment of the relationship that flow is proportiona to the square root of the pressure drop between entry and the venturi throat.  
Observation of degree of pressure recovery at the end of the divergent section of the Venturi Tube.
Demonstration of use of Venturi Tube as a water flow meter and determination of the flow coefficient.



Flow Visualization Mini Channel

Product Code: LBNY-0005-16000021 - (Flow Visualization Mini Channel)

It can be fed from our Hydraulic Bench or from the mains and it allows, by making use of different weirs, to carry out experiments on the open channels. The Flow Visualization Mini Channel unit, made of transparent plexiglas, allows to study the behaviour of a water flow in a channel of small dimensions. An ink jet device allows to visualize the water flow around the models.



Coupled Drives Apparatus

Product Code: LBNY-0005-18500021 - (Coupled Drives Apparatus)

Simultaneous control of speed and tension
Independent control of speed and tension
The flexible design of the equipment allows the user to develop many other analysis and control exercises to suit their needs. It is good for extended or advanced control experiments, and is ideal for student project work.
Practical methods of controlling multi-variable electro- mechanical systems.

