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Flow Measurement Apparatus

Product Code: LBNY-0005-16100010 - (Flow Measurement Apparatus)

The fan inlet and outlet ports are designed to accommodate standard duct sections of 146 mm Of aluminum diameter and comprising sleeves Sealed by O-rings and tightened by Snap closures with quick disassembly. All these sections conform to the Standards.
65 mm nozzle at the inlet of the 146 mm duct diameter
65 mm diaphragm at the inlet of the 146 mm diameter
95 mm diaphragm at the inlet of the 146 mm diameter
Venturi nozzle of 95 mm-146 mm diameter Pitot tube and through mechanism
To install additional measuring devices, two Sections and a supporting device are included :
Section 1000 mm long and 146 mm in diameter, Comprises a honeycomb flow rectifier and three fasteners For the Pitot tube.
146 mm diameter input adapter, Includes measuring points for diaphragm or Venturi trunk.



Flat Plate And Mouse

Product Code: LBNY-0005-16200010 - (Flat Plate And Mouse)

Demonstrate and study boundary layers and boundary layer growth with ease. The pressure probes ascend on an angle covering a width of one inch (25.4mm) and a height of 0.24 inches (6.1mm). The probes are approximately 0.048 inches (1.22mm) apart along the diagonal. The Flat Plate And Mouse combination has a 10-tap total pressure probe, or mouse, that can be positioned in three locations along the length of the flat plate.



Condenser Steam Bench

Product Code: LBNY-0005-16300010 - (Condenser Steam Bench)

The steam bench includes a water-cooled multi-tube condenser; a steam feed line to supply a regulated supply of steam at reduced pressure and a condensate tank complete with a sight glass. Cooling water flow rate is metered in the supply line and regulated by a control valve in the drain line. Steam Bench Consists of a sturdy framework and panels of all steel construction, fitted with a student work surface, interconnecting back panel and adjustable feet. Bourdon type pressure gauges are provided from pressure indications and thermocouples are used to measure temperature, which may be individually selected for display on an analogue temperature meter.

Compact modular design
Easy Installation
Comprehensive instrumentation
Low capital cost
Pressure test certificates supplied for major components engine
Utilises industrial standard horizontal shell and tube type condenser.



Rare Gas Purifier

Product Code: LBNY-0005-16500010 - (Rare Gas Purifier)

The Rare Gas Purifier is of a standard size (19) suitable for rack or bench mounting, and specifically made for laboratory or process work. The Rare Gas Purifier, has been developed from a family of rare gas purifiers originally designed by BOC. Depending on flow rate the RGP-4 in normal use is on average capable of continuous operation for in excess of two years before it becomes necessary to replace the reagent tubes. For normal flow rates of 10 litres/minute that will reduce the impurities (typically 30 vpm) of commercial rare gases (argon, helium, krypton, neon, and xenon) down to a level of less than 1 vpm in total.

Simple to operate, low cost, fully automatic, factory pre-set system
Rapid warm-up time
Excellent purification of commercial grade rare gases, impurities reduced to less than 1 vpm
Unaffected by ambient temperature variations
Lightweight, robust, compact, 19 rack mounting
Long life reagent tubes.



Mini Axial Flow Propeller Turbine Test Set

Product Code: LBNY-0005-17200010 - (Mini Axial Flow Propeller Turbine Test Set)

The unit consists of a storage tank, a pump, a turbine, a dynamometer, and measuring instruments. Mini Axial Flow Propeller Turbine Test Set is a self contained bench top set for studying the axial flow propeller turbine characteristics under various flow rates and heads.

Power output vs speed for various heads and flow rates.
Efficiency vs speed for a given head and flow rate.
Torque vs speed at various heads and flow rates.
Racing characteristics.



Process Trainer

Product Code: LBNY-0005-18500010 - (Process Trainer)

Process Trainer is an educational package that mimics industrial process engineering. The fully integrated, selfcontained teaching apparatus gives a comprehensive range of process control experiments, from basic to advanced. Using water as the working fluid, the equipment allows safe, practical experiments on control of flow, liquid level, temperature and pressure. Students can study each of these separately or in combinations.



Engine Test Stand With CNG

Product Code: LBNY-0005-18600010 - (Engine Test Stand With CNG)

The stand is to accommodate radiator mount with varied positioning slots and sliding brackets positioned in the front of the engine test stand.  The engine mount is a heavy dun, test stand, constructed from 3" x 3" steel mechanical tubing frame, 11 gauge heavy wall type, welded at all joints. The entire test stand is positioned on specially designed vibration dampers and are attached to the main frame.



Data Acquisition System

Product Code: LBNY-0005-18700010 - (Data Acquisition System)

Experiment software supplied with the apparatus simulates an oscilloscope, allowing parameters such as phase angle, excitation frequency and displacement to be viewed. The experiment transducers are wired into the using front mounted BNC sockets. The parameters are fed into the system via the experiment sensors, i.e. proximity sensor, LVDT. Data Acquisition System is quick and easy to set up and connects to the host pc using a USB connection. 
This unique and compact Data Acquisition System is an essential accessory for the Universal Vibrations Apparatus experiments. When connected to the relevant experiment and its sensors, the system allows measuring, capturing, storing and analysing of experiment data.



Basic Installation Training Package Unit

Product Code: LBNY-0005-18800010 - (Basic Installation Training Package Unit)

Basic Installation Training Package Unit may be thermally loaded for performance investigation and has a dial thermometer, Internally equalised Thermostatic Expansion Valve; High Pressure Switch; Low Pressure Switch; Liquid Line Filter Drier; Liquid-vapour Heat Exchanger; High Pressure gauge; Low pressure Compound gauge.
Basic Installation Training Package Unit consists of an air cooled condensing unit with high back pressure, high starting torque hermetic compressor, Complete with: Suction and Discharge Service Valves; Gauge Manifold Connections and Built in Motor Protector.
The evaporator is a finned coil type with fins a 5 fins per inch. Basic Installation Training Package Unit powder coated evaporator is a forced air, blow through type with removable front panel and galvanised sheet steel casing.



Motor Driven Power Supply

Product Code: LBNY-0005-18400010 - (Motor Driven Power Supply)

Suitable for Power Supply with variable voltage the braking systems and the excitation of the machines through manual or automatic operation.
Automatic regulation of excitation to keep a constant voltage
DC output: 0 to 210 V, 2 A
Power supply: 220 V, 50/60 Hz



Alternative Fuels Engine Test Stand With Close Loop

Product Code: LBNY-0005-18900010 - (Alternative Fuels Engine Test Stand With Close Loop)

The mechanics, dynamics and emissions are all under the control of the student. The data can be compared and trouble shooting procedures can be tested with ACTUAL results! Innovative designs makes the study of ALTERNATIVE fuels, biodiesel/LPG/CNG for heavy duty diesels a practical experience. Attached to dynamometers in the range of range, the training becomes a realistic experience.



Mechanical Drives Wind Technology

Product Code: LBNY-0005-19300010 - (Mechanical Drives Wind Technology)

Mechanical Drives Wind Technology course introduces mechanical systems and develops fundamental knowledge of mechanical systems and practices. Topics covered include learning how to select, install, adjust, troubleshoot, and repair a range of mechanical systems which are commonly found in both automated and manual machines used in every industry around the world. It will cover basic safety, installation, key fasteners, power transmission systems, spur gear drives, and multiple shaft drives.

Strong Depth and Breadth of Content
Text and Audio
Built for Self-Paced Learning 
Engaging Interactions
Stunning 3D Animations.



Electric Single Component Balances

Product Code: LBNY-0005-19700010 - (Electric Single Component Balances)

Both balances serve mainly for measurements of forces acting on models which are either towed with the help of a towing carriage through a towing tank, or which are tested in a circulating water channel.
Both balances have the same general design but a different capacity as stated below. Pressure changes have practically no influence on the force measurements. The pressure surrounding the balance can vary between high vacuum and 1 bar above atmospheric pressure.



Simple Harmonic Motion Kit

Product Code: LBNY-0005-19800010 - (Simple Harmonic Motion Kit)

The relationship between SHM and gravity is evaluatedusing the Katers pendulum, as well as understanding SHM in a mass springsystem. The Simple Harmonic Motion Experiments Kit enablesstudents to understand the effect of mass and length of pendulum on SHM and theperiod of oscillation. 

Harmonic Motionincluding multiple practical experiments designed to further develop thestudents understanding in this field
Appliedstudent learning via Building and experimentation
Clear andconcise pictorial assembly instructions enhance the learning experience
Multipleexperimental capabilities per self-contained kit
Supplied witha detailed instruction manual, covering the theory of Simple 
Tool-Less assembly.



Thrust Reverser System Trainer

Product Code: LBNY-0005-19900010 - (Thrust Reverser System Trainer)

Thrust Reverser System Trainer is a functional system that represents the systemsinstalled in turbine powered aircraft. The thrust reverser is pneumatically operated using the shop air above 50 psi The operation is controlled by a throttle. The can be used by the instructors todemonstrate the actual operation of a thrust reverser, besides allowing hands-on operation like component replacement. 



Antiskid Brake System Trainer

Product Code: LBNY-0005-20000010 - (Antiskid Brake System Trainer)

The Anti skid Brake System Trainer includes standard hydraulic brake system plus the anti skid assemblies and components. The system is designed to meet or exceed the FAR requirements for instruction on aircraft anti-skid braking system. The Anti skid braking system is an essential part of a modern jet aircraft. There is a definite need for training aircraft maintenance technicians in this area. Our Trainer is an effective hands-on training system for anti skid braking system. Hands-on training is the only effective method of training to ensure that trainees not only understand the theory but they are also well prepared to maintain the anti skid braking system in the best possible manner.



Autopilot And Automatic Flight Controls Trainer

Product Code: LBNY-0005-20100010 - (Autopilot And Automatic Flight Controls Trainer)

This trainer is consists of three axes flight control computer, Mode Controller, Mode Annunciat or, Pitch / Yaw / Roll servos, Flight Director, and a magnetic slaved HSI System integrated with cockpit controls and includes control linkages to the control surfaces of a model aircraft. 
The Autopilot/ Automatic Flight Controls Trainer is an excellent resource for teaching the principles of automatic flight controls by demonstration using a complete system that encompasses all the aspects of auto pilot and automatic flight controls. This is dedicated to bridging the gap between classroom instruction and practical,hands on training. This is representative of autopilot systems used on large commercial aircraft.
This is equipped with a complete control mechanism linked to a control yoke and rudder pedals. The visual display of realistic effects enhances the perception and understanding of flight controls. The trainer, in the standard configuration consists of a large model airplane with all the main control surfaces. Any movement in control yoke and rudder pedals results in the proportional movement of the control surfaces.



Pressure Ageing Vessel

Product Code: LBNY-0005-20200010 - (Pressure Ageing Vessel)

The Pressure Aging Vessel pressure aging vessel is used to simulate in-service oxidative aging of asphalt binder according to procedures developed by the Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP). The Pressure Aging Vessel consists of a vertical, stainless steel pressure vessel in a stainless steel cabinet with encased band heaters, a precision sample holder for simultaneous testing of ten specimens, a set of ten TFOT specimen trays, a pressure controller, temperature controller, pressure and temperature measurement devices, temperature and pressure recorder, and a specimen loading and unloading tool. The offered product is manufactured and designed using the finest quality components with the help of contemporary technology. The offered product is delivered to our buyers only after its proper checking on different such as dimensional accuracy, performance, finish, etc.
The Pressure Aging Vessel features a compact, benchtop design with integral ASME code section VIII, division 1; 1992 A 93 pressure vessel controlled using a 7", full-color, touch-screen display, which is tilted for greater visibility. Operating pressure is 2.10 0.05 MPa (304psi). Temperature uniformity is ±0.5°C. Temperature is 80 to 115°C and programmable from 50 to 150°C. Between 80 to 115°C the tolerance is well within ±0.1°C.



Transmitted Light Polariscope

Product Code: LBNY-0005-17600010 - (Transmitted Light Polariscope)

Photoelastic analysis is achieved by passing light through the mechanical stress models while a tensile load is applied. The frame has the Transmitted Light Polariscope filter and quarter wave plate mounted to rotational frames. The Transmitted Light Polariscope is a bench top mounted frame which allows the study of stress patterns and photoelasticity resulting from geometrical changes in loaded mechanical models. Transmitted Light Polariscope can be vertically or horizontally mounted onto the light box. These frames allow the rotational angle of the plates and filters to be adjusted and hence vary the colourisation seen by the user. Rubber mounting feet enable it to sit firmly onto the light source. The frame can sits in front of a light box which supplies monochromatic or white light.

Experimental Capabilities:
Photoelastic analysis of standard mechanical models
Tensile loading of beams, perforated beams, plates, overlap element
Variation of stress colourisation
Rotational position of wave plate and filters
Analysis of Crane hook under tensile load.



Pipette, transfer, 3ml, box/500

Product Code: LBNY-0007-22600010 - (Pipette, transfer, 3ml, box/500)

Intended use:
To transfer liquids in general clinical laboratory applications.

