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Gyroscope Two Motors

Product Code: LBNY-0005-13000015 - (Gyroscope Two Motors)

The rotor is mounted horizontally on a frame with two bearing supports. The frame has a horizontal screw for installation of counter weight to provide a torque. The frame rests on a vertical shaft on bearings and driven by the precession motor via a belt. The Gyroscope Two Motors apparatus is used for studying relationship between gyroscopic torque, rotor speed and rate of precession. A guard with transparent front is provided for safety. The top assembly can be removed for determination experimentally the moment of inertia, and nutation study. The equipment consists of a rotor with a motor, and a power supply with speed control, counter weight, precession motor, and instruments for measurement of speeds and counter weight distance.

Determination of systems moment of inertia and nutation study.
Gyroscope torque vs. processional speed.
Rotor speed vs. gyroscope torque.



Clutch Plate Friction Apparatus

Product Code: LBNY-0005-13300015 - (Clutch Plate Friction Apparatus)

Self-contained, wall mounted
Interchangeable brake lining friction material
3 diameters of friction plate to be supplied
Variable plate pressure using calibrated weights supplied
Comprehensive instruction manual for students and lecturer supplied.
To enable determination of coefficient of friction and minimum torque to maintain rotation
Torque application to be applied using cord and hangers.



Centrifugal Compressors Study Unit

Product Code: LBNY-0005-13700015 - (Centrifugal Compressors Study Unit)

The compressor is driven by a variable speed d.c. electric motor with a belt gearing-up system of O to 4000 RPM with a transmission ratio of 7.5/1.If is possible to read the pressure values, upstream and downstream of the compressor, by means of 2 U shaped differential manometers. The industrial type compressor used in this apparatus is a single stage machine having a 127 mm dia impeller and an aluminium scroll with fluid threads rectifier. Thermometers are inserted into the circuit in order to read the air temperature before and after the passage through the centrifugal compressor. At the maximum speed of over 29,000 RPM, if develops a downstream pressure of about 230 mmHg with a max air capacity of 1230 kg/h.



Three Dimensional Equilibrium

Product Code: LBNY-0005-13900015 - (Three Dimensional Equilibrium)

The Three Dimensional Equilibrium equipment is used for studying the equilibrium of five concurrent and non-concurrent forces in a three dimensional system. A vertical load with a cord is applied at one of the joints. Each cord is marked out a 100 mm length. Two mirrors are attached on two adjacent side walls and transparent plates with transparent graph grids are attached on the other two side walls. Four cords, each with a load hanger outside the frame, pass over the pulleys and meet inside the frame concurrently or non-concurrently with an additional cord between two joints. By aligning each marked cord to the mirror, its coordinates in space can be measured. A rigid box frame has four swiveling pulleys at the top corners and leveling screws at the legs.



Disc Brake Apparatus

Product Code: LBNY-0005-14000015 - (Disc Brake Apparatus)

A single shaft runs through the brake disc and the wall bracket supports. A cord pulley mounts to the shaft onto which is mounted a cord terminating in a load hanger. A Disc Brake Apparatus is mounted into a sturdy frame which must be mounted vertically. The rotational angle of movement of the disc wheel can be viewed using the external protractor.
All load hangers, and calibrated weights are supplied with the Disc Brake Apparatus. Two bell crank levers are mounted either side of the Disc Brake Apparatus. Through the load hanger and calibrated weights the leverage load is applied to the brake disc and the parameters of braking force, braking torque, normal force can be assessed. 

Experimental Capabilities:
Material suitability testing
Normal forces
Braking torque
Effective radius of the brake pads.



Chiller Units Training Bench With Open Signal Access

Product Code: LBNY-0005-14100015 - (Chiller Units Training Bench With Open Signal Access)

A connection panel that allows open signal access to connect a compatible controller e.g. the PLC Trainer with Software for controlling the training bench operation. The has been designed and manufactured to incorporate all current safety standards. The refrigerant used complies with anti-pollution legislation.
Chiller Units Training Bench with Open Signal Access that is designed to allow the theoretical and practical studies into the operation and use of chiller units and the use of an intermediate fluid (a mixture of water and anti-freeze), for the transport of cooling power form the cooling production plant to the user site.
The allows students to become familiar with plant start-up and operational safety checks, control and system operating parameters and calculation of thermal balances and efficiencies.

Study and understanding of the operation of a chiller unit
Plant start-up and system monitoring using the incorporated protection and safety devices
On-off control of the cooled water temperature
Safety control using the high and low pressure switch and flow switch.



Open Channels Weirs

Product Code: LBNY-0005-15800015 - (Open Channels Weirs)

The flow pattern over a notch or weir is complex and there is no analytical solution to the relationship between discharge and head so that once again a semi-empirical approach has to be used. For small scale applications, weirs are often referred to as notches and invariably are sharp edged and manufactured from thin plate material. Hydraulics Bench incorporates a weir channel which is 158mm wide tapering to 152mm wide at the bottom, x 150mm deep x 735mm long in the working surface. The weir channel is fitted with an acrylic 60 triangular notch weir with an integral scale which can be used to provide an approximate indication of the flow rate. In open channels, weirs are commonly used to either regulate or to measure the volumetric flow rate. The Hook Gauge and Scale is an essential accessory for the accurate measurement of the upstream head. They are of particular use in large scale applications such as irrigation schemes, canals and rivers. For a detailed study of the discharge over weirs, provided two sets of weirs and a hook gauge.



Three Phase Voltage Transformer

Product Code: LBNY-0005-15900015 - (Three Phase Voltage Transformer)

Three Phase Voltage Transformer for measuring and protection.
Accuracy class: 1
Frequency: 50  60 Hz
Rated primary voltage: 380 V/3 (220 V)
Rated secondary voltages:  100 V/3, Performance 15 VA 100 V/3, Performance 5 VA



Diaphragm And Piston Pumps Test Unit

Product Code: LBNY-0005-16000015 - (Diaphragm And Piston Pumps Test Unit)

The Diaphragm And Piston Pumps Test Unit is completely self-sufficient and it is fitted with a wheeled frame the working liquid is the water. The reciprocating pumps fitted with the bench are micro metrically regulated by the piston upstroke this allows to change the volume of the pumping chamber and consequently to modify the delivered capacity without reducing the delivery pressure. 
The group is supplied with manuals which describe all parts of the Diaphragm And Piston Pumps Test Unit, the installation and utilisation procedures, aswell as many exercises with the relative results. The Diaphragm And Piston Pumps Study unit allows the student to understand and to experiment the reciprocating pumps running. 



Schlieren Systems

Product Code: LBNY-0005-16200015 - (Schlieren Systems)

In supersonic flow, air experiences very large changes in density as it approaches, passes through and trails shock waves. As the density of air changes, so does its index of refraction. Schlieren Systems let you see shock waves as a combination of bright and dark areas. In the study of supersonic flow, shock and expansion waves are used to determine Mach number. Schlieren are optical in homogeneities in transparent materials. In most situations, however, they are virtually invisible to the naked eye.



Water Treatment Studies Bench

Product Code: LBNY-0005-16300015 - (Water Treatment Studies Bench)

A panel with tubular supports is provided for storing filter columns not in use. Dosed or untreated water is transferred from the sample tank to the filter system by a centrifugal feedwater pump at reduced pressure and a metered rate; treated filtered water is either collected in a portable 25 litre storage tank or passed to the Steam Boiler Bench, depending on the use of the unit. Water Treatment Studies Bench consists of a sturdy framework and panels of all steel construction, fitted with a student work surface, interconnecting back panel and adjustable feet. These are fitted with top and bottom quick release couplings. Two of the columns may be used at any one time in a system of inter-connecting pipework and selection valves, set to allow the columns to be circulated with dosed or untreated water either independently, in parallel, in series or in reverse, and with a backwash connection from the service water line. The studies bench comprises five interchangeable, clear filter columns, each of which can be filled with a sand filter or ion exchange medias. A variable chemical dosage system, comprising a dosage pump and a chemical additive mixing vessel, is supplied to inject diluted additive at a controlled rate to either a portable 25 litre sample tank or the boiler feedwater tank on the Steam Boiler Bench. A control box, suitable for either 110V or 240V a.c. supplies, provides separate ON-OFF switches and associated indicator lamps for each pump and a switch to select the pumps for either Water Treatment Studies or Feed Water Service to the Steam Boiler Bench. Pressures at the inlet and outlet of either filter column are indicated on separate 0-2.5 bar Bourdon tube pressure gauges. Sample cocks are included in the system to enable water samples to be collected for analysis by test kits supplied with the unit.

Experimental Capability:
To demonstrate the abilities and combined effects of the base exchange, de-alkalinising and demineralisation units.



Balancing Apparatus

Product Code: LBNY-0005-16500015 - (Balancing Apparatus)

This process is called balancing. The machine component is then balanced and runs without vibration. During imbalance, the principal axis of inertia or centre of gravity of the rotating machine component is outside its axis of rotation. Imbalances on rotating machines are often the cause of disruptive vibrations and noise. By adding or removing masses, the centre of gravity or the principal axis of inertia can be shifted so that both coincide with the axis of rotation. 

Learning Objectives And Experiments:
Comparison of static, dynamic or general imbalance
Demonstration of imbalance vibrations at different speeds
Perform a balancing operation
Determine an imbalance.

Static and dynamic imbalance.
Representation of the fundamental processes involved in balancing.



Mini Axial Flow Impulse Turbine Demonstration Unit

Product Code: LBNY-0005-17200015 - (Mini Axial Flow Impulse Turbine Demonstration Unit)

The turbine twin nozzles with flow control valves direct water jets to the runner radial blades. Mini Axial Flow Impulse Turbine Demonstration Unit is a mini axial flow impulse turbine for studying the turbine characteristics with data analysis by computer. The unit is to be used with Mini turbine service unit, and a computer. The unit consists of the mini axial flow impulse turbine with a dynamometer, output power sensors and software. Both are separately supplied.

Power output vs speed for various heads and flow rates.
Efficiency vs speed for a given head and flow rate.
Torque vs speed at various heads and flow rates.
Racing characteristics.



Engineering Science Work Panel

Product Code: LBNY-0005-18500015 - (Engineering Science Work Panel)

Engineering Science Work Panel



Automotive Solar Ventilation Trainer

Product Code: LBNY-0005-18600015 - (Automotive Solar Ventilation Trainer)

The module includes the components as used in the Prius scaled down for quick and easy instruction. Included is a 12-20 Volt Solar Panel, Solar ECU, Blower, Relay High Output Blower Fan and Ventilation Control Switch. Automotive Solar Ventilation Trainer /program is designed to demonstrate the basic operation of the optional Solar HVAC assist offered. The air inlet/outlet Servo function is simulated with colored lights to show timed operation while the actual air flow comes through the live dash vent. 



Vibrations Frame

Product Code: LBNY-0005-18700015 - (Vibrations Frame)

The Vibrations Frame offers the ideal working frame for all of the Universal Vibration apparatus experiment modules. The internal working dimension for mounting experiments is 1.22m x 0.76m. Manufactured from high quality, ergonomic aluminium profile, Vibrations Frame comprises solid side profiles for rigidly mounting experiment components and dual upper and lower members, which creates a mounting slot thus allowing the individual experiment components to be interchanged quickly and efficiently.
The Vibrations Frame comes fully assembled with no need for tooling or lengthy assembly.
Profile grooves create an accurate alignment of experiment components, and pre-assembled fasteners are integrated into the grooves for assembling of specific experiments within the range.



Energy Efficiency In Electric Motors

Product Code: LBNY-0005-18400015 - (Energy Efficiency In Electric Motors)

The trainer allows studying the Energy Efficiency in a hydraulic circuit with motor driven pump controlled by an inverter. Trainer for the study of the Energy Efficiency in the control of electric motors.

Training Objectives:
Introduction to the different sensors/actuators used in this trainer and their main features (float switch, flow sensor, pressure sensors and solenoid valves)   
Learning and setting a Multifunction Network Analyzer (MNA)  
Learning and programming an industrial Variable Speed Drive (VSD)
Learning the energy savings with electric motors and drives
Possibility to import data (saved on micro SD card) in Microsoft Excel environment for processing.  
Introduction to electric motors
Learning and programming an advanced PLC with operator interface.



Aircraft ADI And HSI System Trainer

Product Code: LBNY-0005-20100015 - (Aircraft ADI And HSI System Trainer)

The Attitude Director Indicator (ADI)provides a consolidated and easy-to-read display of aircraft roll and pitch attitudes and command bugs. The Horizontal Situation Indicator (HSI) to provide a consolidated display to a pilot for more efficient cockpit resource management. All modern military and commercial aircraft are equipped with autopilots for automatic flight control, and Horizontal Situation Indicator (HSI) for navigational information presentation to the pilot. All wire harnesses are routed through terminal strips to enable students to measure and monitor electrical signals, and to troubleshoot the instructor induced faults. The equipment is mounted on a mobile workstation containing Horizontal Situation Indicator, with bootstrap Directional Gyro, Flux Valve,Slaving Accessory, ADI, and a simulator box to generate all other required signals needed by the system.

Functional Description:
Magnetic Heading and course information from VOR/LOC, and GPS is combined on the HSI. 
Remote mounted compass system consisting of Pictorial Navigation Indicator, Remote Directional Gyro, Magnetic Azimuth Transmitter, simulated NAV signals unit, and Slaving Accessory. The ADI system comprises of vacuum driven attitude gyros,and simulated autopilot deviation signal unit. The HSI also provides outputs for autopilot or flight director, OR receivers, and additional compass loads. The HSI provides a pictorial display of the horizontal navigation situation and also provides manual controls for course and heading datum selection. It includes dual glide-slope pointers which are in view during a simulated ILS approach.

Durable,metal frame with sturdy casters
Control Yoke operated roll, pitch, and yaw simulation
Installed units are actual aircraft equipment
Fault insertion module
Simulated NAV inputs
Interface trainers
CBT included.



Apparatus For Distillation Of Cup Back Asphalt

Product Code: LBNY-0005-20200015 - (Apparatus For Distillation Of Cup Back Asphalt)

Complete with one distillation flask of 500 ml and one 100 ml crow receiver but without thermometer. Electric hot plate heated with energy regulator. The apparatus consists of a heavy gauge shield, lagged with asbestos cover in two parts and wire gauge. The shield is supported on a platform with chimney arranged for fitting to stand.

Used to measure the amount of the most volatile constituents in cut-back asphaltic products.   



Creep Testing Machine

Product Code: LBNY-0005-17600015 - (Creep Testing Machine)

A lever arm transmits the load from a load hanger and weights into the specimen and the lever arm has a counter balance weight to ensure the lever arm self weight is calibrated out. A sturdy bench top mounted unit for studying the affect of Creep Testing Machine on different material test specimens. Necked test specimens are held vertically in position on special clamps, which do not induce bending during loading. 

Experimental Capabilities:
Material variation on creep rate and failure
Load variation on creep rate and failure
Creep fracture load
Temperature affect on creep rate and failure.

