The abdominal contains thirty surgical instrument set can be used either for interventions in abdominal emergencies such as exploratory laparotomies, caesarean sections, etc., or common interventions, especially gynaecology. This kit contains the instruments only, no storage box.
....This set is sufficient for most examinations of complex wounds, appendectomy according to Mac Burney, non-complicated ruptures, etc. It is the best basic emergency surgical box.
This set should be considered part of any minimal investment in a health facility with surgical activities. A fully functional environment with theatre, sterilisation and resuscitation rooms, as well as trained personnel must be available.
Muzeux forceps are used in preference to Pozzi forceps because they are less traumatic. Vaginal retractors permit a better access to the cervix than a speculum.
A fully functional environment with theatre, sterilisation and resuscitation rooms, as well as trained personnel must be available. This set should be considered part of any minimal investment in a health facility with surgical/obstetrical activities.
The set contains two Kocher forceps to clamp the umbilical cord (time needed to tie up), and a pair of "episiotomy scissors" and a pair of scissors to cut the umbilical cord. Most of episiotomies are performed at the last moment, so the set must always be available and ready for use.
This set should be considered part of any minimal investment in a health facility with obstetrical activities. A fully functional obstetrical environment as well as a professional midwife must be available.
The set can be used in various ways for abscesses, simple suturing, and reparation of perineum or episiotomy, or for complex dressings. The set should be considered part of any minimal investment in a health facility and dispensary.
....The set contains three basic instruments needed for all dressings. All dressings within the hospital and dispensary must be made with this minimum set of instruments, all sterile.
The set should be considered part of any minimal investment in a health facility and dispensary.