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Influence Line Apparatus

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1390006 - (Influence Line Apparatus)

Influence Line Apparatus is to be used with Universal Base Frame or Universal Structural Frame. The bridge has a cantilever end sections and a suspended center section. The Influence Line Apparatus is used for studying the reactions under various conditions of load at all supports along a three span bridge. The deflection of the bridge can be measured by dial indicators. The location of the supports is adjustable. The supports are vertical force supports for measurement of loads.



Doppler,FHR detector,w/access

Product Code: LBNY-0014-220006 - (Doppler,FHR detector,w/access)

Ultrasonic fetal heart detectors are low-cost devices used in a variety of healthcare settings to provide audible and visual information about the fetus. The primary purpose of the fetal heart detector is to provide quick reassurance of fetal well-being to both the mother and the healthcare worker. Certain conditions, such as vaginal bleeding or lack of fetal movement, can cause anxiety in the mother, making her question the health of her unborn baby. Ultrasonic fetal heart detectors can easily detect fetal heart motion throughout the pregnancy, starting as early as 8 weeks. The fetal heartbeat cannot be heard with an obstetric stethoscope until 24 weeks after conception. 




Product Code: LBNY-0032-220006 - (WIRE STRIPPER)

Drop Forged from Carbon Steel
Hardened and Tempered



Common Controls Cognitive Instrument Application

Product Code: LBNY-00013-110006 - (Common Controls Cognitive Instrument Application)

Common Controls Cognitive Instrument Application



Toggle Joint Apparatus

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1330007 - (Toggle Joint Apparatus)

The unit consists of a metallic base structure which provides the support locations for the structure. It has a spring balance which shows the elongation and hence the force acting on movable end due to the load applied on the top of the structure via a hanger. Three members are connected in a triangular shape to form a toggle joint. The base structure is fixed at one end but its other end is movable.
This unit is designed to study the characteristics of toggle joint. Toggle joint is a structure which has three members connected in a triangular shape. Its length can change due to the load applied at the top of the triangular structure. Two of its members have fixed lengths but third member (base member) has a variable length.



Ductility Testing Apparatus

Product Code: LBNY-0005-2020007 - (Ductility Testing Apparatus)

The machine consists of a carriage moving over a lead screw. An electric motor driven reduction gear unit ensures smooth constant speed and continuous operation. Designed to test three specimens simultaneously. 



Wheelchair,active urban,fold,more supprt

Product Code: LBNY-0024-220007 - (Wheelchair,active urban,fold,more supprt)

Wheelchair, manual, active urban, folding frame with more POSTURAL SUPPORT (with arm supports and taller back support):
POSTURAL SUPPORT: For CHILD and ADULT users who can sit upright and balanced but who need a taller backrest AND/OR arm support, as well as those needing additional support such as configuration of wheelchair set-up and/or addition of postural support devices. Relationship of seat, back-, arm- and foot support dimensions anatomically appropriate for size of wheelchair.
FUNCTION AND ENVIRONMENT: For people who self-propel, as well as those who need assistance. For use in urban indoor and outdoor settings. If assisted, also for peri-urban outdoor settings.



Vortex Apparatus

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1030008 - (Vortex Apparatus)

The product consists of a transparent vessel on a support frame, which mounts on a DigitalHydraulic Bench. A low-voltage, variable-speed motor rotates the vessel aboutits vertical axis. The Vortex Apparatus enables students to produce both freeand forced vortices, and measure the vortex water surface profile. To produce a forced vortex, studentsadd water to the rotating vessel until it is about half full. A forced vortexforms. After a few minutes the vortex becomes constant, and students canmeasure the surface profile using the traverse probe. A speed-control unit (included), sited away from the mainapparatus, controls the speed of rotation. Students can also measure distribution of total head by replacing the traverseprobe with a Pitot tube. The traverse probe canmove both horizontally and vertically, and both axes have linear scales.



Filterability Index Apparatus

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1190008 - (Filterability Index Apparatus)

A simple measure of whether the liquid is filterable is useful to enable assessment of filtration as an appropriate process, if so what type of pre-treatment and filter media are required. The use of deep beds of porous granular media to filter liquids to improve their clarity is widespread in municipal and industrial practice. Other liquids are filtered through granular media in the processing of beverages and food products for example. Predominant is the filtration of drinking water and industrial water, although the filtration of sewage as a tertiary stage of treatment is increasing. Although the normal methods of chemical and physical analysis such as suspended solids content, turbidity, color etc. may, with experience, indicate whether a suspension is filterable, they give no direct measure of this property.
The Filter ability Index Unit utilizes a bed of granular material, normally sand, which can be chosen by the investigator to suit his own purposes. The measurements taken with this apparatus enable a filter ability number to be calculated which has significance in deep bed filter performance.
A number of measures of filter ability have been proposed, using woven micromesh, lint pads or membrane filters, which have application where these materials represent, or are identical to, the filter media to be used. However none of them is representative of porous granular filter media, such as sand, consequently they are not applicable to deep bed filtration.
The Filter ability Index Unit is not intended for filter design purposes. That requires pilot filter column equipment such as the Deep Bed Filter Column. However preliminary assessment of pre-treatment processes, and possible filter media with the Filter ability Index Unit will reduce the amount of testing required with pilot filter columns. 



Rubber In Shear Apparatus

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1330008 - (Rubber In Shear Apparatus)

The unit has dial gauge attached to the upper end of the rubber block to measure the amount of deformation. The unit consists of a frame that is attached to wall. To produce shear strain in the rubber block, load is applied to metallic strip via a hanger. A rubber block is affixed to its surface. The rubber block has a metallic strip fastened to its surface.
This apparatus is designed to study the shear strain in a rubber block due to the shear stress applied on it. When a force acts parallel to the surface of any object, it produces shear strain in it.



Bernoulli Apparatus

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1610008 - (Bernoulli Apparatus)

The apparatus is designed to be used on the working surface of the basic Air Flow Bench and connected by convoluted hose to the 70 mm dia. blown experiment duct on the fan outlet. However, it may be used as a standalone unit by connecting it to any suitable fan with an air supply of approximately 500 litre/sec. at 600 Pascals and by utilising appropriate manometers. A pitot static tube is fitted at the outlet end of the venturi duct and this can be traversed longitudinally along the centre line to enable its measuring tip to be positioned at various points. The apparatus comprises an acrylic duct with the upper and lower surfaces in opaque material and the sides clear. The whole unit forms a 60 x 50 mm rectangular cross section converging to a 20 x 50 mm throat area then diverging back to 60 x 50 mm section at the exit plane. Measured positions are obtained against two scales positioned on opposite sides of the duct to avoid parallax errors. A plot of typical results which can be obtained is shown in the graph. The scales are marked in millimetres but are reversible to show imperial measurements.

In carrying out the experiment the student is able to verify Bernoullis Theorem which, in its wider form, states that: At any point in a tube through which a fluid is flowing, the sum of pressure energy, potential energy and kinetic energy is constant.
Bernoullis Apparatus is designed to demonstrate visually the interchange between static and dynamic pressure as air flows through a duct of variable cross sectional area. 



Automatic Precipitation (Tipping Bucket) to be Installed At The River Gauging Stations

Product Code: LBNY-0002-830009 - (Automatic Precipitation (Tipping Bucket) to be Installed At The River Gauging Stations)

Automatic Precipitation (Tipping Bucket) to be Installed At The River Gauging Stations



Three Phase Horizontal Separator Apparatus

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1100009 - (Three Phase Horizontal Separator Apparatus)

The water being the heaviest in gravity stays at the bottom whilst the oil floats on top and the gas occupies the void space in the vessel. At the secondary separating section, the fluids are allowed to slow down and separate by gravity. 
A combination of refined oil, water and air enters the vessel, the flow is directed to the spherical end of the vessel where primary separation occurs and then flows through the vessel where it meets the coalescer. 



Flow Control Apparatus, Three Term Electronic

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1280009 - (Flow Control Apparatus, Three Term Electronic)

This Flow Control Apparatus is designed to demonstrate automatic control of the ow of water delivered by a centrifugal pump. The present invention relates to a flow control apparatus for a positive-displacement pump such as rotary-vane pump, plunger pump, gear pump, and more particularly to the flow control apparatus for keeping a flow rate of fluid discharged from the pump at the high rotational speed which is lower than a flow rate of fluid discharged from the pump at the low rotational speed. The unit enables students to investigate the effects of changing the parameters of the control algorithm (proportional band, integral action and derivative time) on the control capability of the system.



Surface Tension Apparatus

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1380009 - (Surface Tension Apparatus)

A horizontal ring is suspended on load cell and immersed in a liquid in a dish which is put on an adjustable height support stand. Surface Tension Apparatus is designed for measuring the surface tension of liquids. The force can be displayed on a force meter.



Laminar Flow Apparatus

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1580009 - (Laminar Flow Apparatus)

Laminar Flow Apparatus is to be used with Hydraulics Bench. Two horizontal plates are placed closely together with seals on side edges.  The top plate is transparent and has a transparent grid to help observe stream line patterns. Laminar Flow Apparatus equipment is designed to study laminar flow in two dimensions. Stream lines are produced by regulating a flow of dye from a reservoir through a series of holes at the upstream end. The set rests on adjustable screw supports with bulls eye level. This plate is removable to insert or remove models. The bottom plate has small holes which are connected by valves to a water supply or source and a drain or sink. Water is admitted through a diffuser at one end and drained at the other end.



Axial And Centrifugal Fan Demonstration Apparatus

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1610009 - (Axial And Centrifugal Fan Demonstration Apparatus)

The Centrifugal Fan Demonstration Unit has been developed for the study of the characteristics of a centrifugal fan. The unit is equipped with 2 different types of impellers; (forward and backward blades), which can be easily interchanged. The direction of the rotation can be changed using the 3-position command control. Vertical and inclined gauges allow a correct reading of the pressure. The inverter allows the speed to be varied, while observing the electrical power through the power meter. A Pitot tube allows the measurement of the air velocity at any point of the tube, and the measurements can be obtained from the digital display which is provided.



Magnetic Levitation Apparatus

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1850009 - (Magnetic Levitation Apparatus)

The basic control task is to control the vertical position of the freely levitating ball in the magnetic field of the coil. The Magnetic Levitation Apparatus is a non-linear, dynamic system with one input and one output. The Magnetic Levitation Apparatus shows control problems with non-linear, unstable systems. The apparatus consists of a steel ball held in a magnetic field produced by a current-carrying coil. Any imbalance and the ball will move away from the set-point position. A sensor measures the position of the ball. At equilibrium, the downward force on the ball due to gravity is balanced by the upward magnetic force of attraction of the ball towards the coil. A power amplifier with overheat protection drives the coil.



Permeability Fluidisation Studies Apparatus

Product Code: LBNY-0005-11900010 - (Permeability Fluidisation Studies Apparatus)

A bed of granular medium (usually sand, but other materials can be used such as Ballotini or anthracite) is placed in a readily demountable tube through which water can be made to flow in either a downwards or upwards direction.
The test section tube and all tubing connections are transparent so that operation can be observed and the presence of air bubbles easily detected. All metal fittings are corrosion resistant.
Pressure drop across the bed can be measured either by a 0.5m length water differential manometer or a 0.5m length Mercury manometer (see recommended accessories), depending on the magnitude. Valves are fitted for isolation of various parts of the circuit, together with air release valves.
Flow from a laboratory tap passes through a constant head tank, which also allows air bubbles to be released, and is controlled by hand with a needle valve. The rate of flow is indicated by a variable area meter.
No power connections are required and the whole apparatus can be lifted and transported by one person. Test material (Ballotini) for the packed bed is supplied but Mercury for the manometer is not included. 



Acidity (Ph) Control Apparatus

Product Code: LBNY-0005-12800010 - (Acidity (Ph) Control Apparatus)

pH Control Apparatus is designed to  demonstrate the control of the acidity of a water  supply by chemical dosing. Control of pH is an important  aspect of water treatment in water cooling systems, hot  water heating systems and boiler feed water. The pH Control Apparatus is designed to demonstrate the control of the acidity of a water supply by chemical dosing. Two methods are available to control the addition of the dosing chemical, either slug (on-off) dosing or continuous controlled injection. Both methods can be demonstrated  with this apparatus. Optional equipment is available to  convert the apparatus into a Ratio Control Apparatus. Two methods are available to control the addition of the  dosing chemical, either slug (on-off) dosing or continuous  controlled injection.


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