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Flow Measurement Apparatus

Product Code: LBNY-0005-16100010 - (Flow Measurement Apparatus)

The fan inlet and outlet ports are designed to accommodate standard duct sections of 146 mm Of aluminum diameter and comprising sleeves Sealed by O-rings and tightened by Snap closures with quick disassembly. All these sections conform to the Standards.
65 mm nozzle at the inlet of the 146 mm duct diameter
65 mm diaphragm at the inlet of the 146 mm diameter
95 mm diaphragm at the inlet of the 146 mm diameter
Venturi nozzle of 95 mm-146 mm diameter Pitot tube and through mechanism
To install additional measuring devices, two Sections and a supporting device are included :
Section 1000 mm long and 146 mm in diameter, Comprises a honeycomb flow rectifier and three fasteners For the Pitot tube.
146 mm diameter input adapter, Includes measuring points for diaphragm or Venturi trunk.



Motor Driven Power Supply

Product Code: LBNY-0005-18400010 - (Motor Driven Power Supply)

Suitable for Power Supply with variable voltage the braking systems and the excitation of the machines through manual or automatic operation.
Automatic regulation of excitation to keep a constant voltage
DC output: 0 to 210 V, 2 A
Power supply: 220 V, 50/60 Hz



Skipping rope,polyester,3m/PAC-10

Product Code: LBNY-0014-2100010 - (Skipping rope,polyester,3m/PAC-10)

Skipping rope for individual skipping, length 3 metres, diameter 1 centimeter. 
Made of soft polyester threads, divided into eight strands, tightly woven, no handles (heat sealed at both ends).
Pack includes ropes of assorted colours.




Product Code: LBNY-0038-2200010 - (LOPPER - TELESCOPIC)




Thermal Conductivity of Liquid and Gases Apparatus

Product Code: LBNY-0005-10200011 - (Thermal Conductivity of Liquid and Gases Apparatus)

Thermal Conductivity of Liquid and Gases is aspect of heat transfer studies that is often overlooked but of crucial importance in the prediction of heat exchanger performance. A compact unit designed for the direct measurement of the Thermal Conductivity of a wide range of liquid and gases. The unit is complementary to the Thermal Conductivity of Building and Insulating Materials Unit. The simple calibration procedure enables the effect of incidental heat transfer to be determined and the unit is supplied complete with a console for the control and display of temperatures and heat input. 



Sedimentation Studies Apparatus

Product Code: LBNY-0005-11900011 - (Sedimentation Studies Apparatus)

The simplest type of sedimentation is the settling of a dilute suspension of particles which have little or no tendency to flocculate. In these circumstances, the prediction of clarification rates and their scale-up to plant design is relatively straightforward. 
Sedimentation is a process used widely in the clarification of water and waste water. Particles settle from suspension in different ways, depending on the concentration of the suspension and the characteristics of the particles.
Information from batch tests for such systems forms a vital part of the search for the optimum design and operation of industrial sedimentation tanks. The Sedimentation Studies Apparatus allows demonstration of these different characteristics for any chosen sediment/water system. For higher concentrations where inter-particle effects become significant and where agglomeration may take place, different regimes of settling rate occur, known as 'zone' settling A. 
Five equal sized glass cylinders are mounted vertically on a backboard incorporating measuring scales. Solutions containing different amounts of suspension can be placed in the cylinders and the differences in sedimentation rate observed by measuring the changes in height of the various solid/liquid interfaces with respect to time. Each of the cylinders may be removed from the board for washing, filling and mixing of the solid particles. 
The whole apparatus is bench-mounted and provided with back lighting. An accurate balance (not supplied) is required for weighing the solids. 
The equipment includes the following accessories necessary for a self-contained facility: stop clock, three plastic beakers of 2 litre capacity, specific gravity bottle.



Automatic Concrete Water Permeability Apparatus At Four Cells

Product Code: LBNY-0005-12200011 - (Automatic Concrete Water Permeability Apparatus At Four Cells)

The specimens are submitted to hydrostatic stress for a pre-set period. The water permeated through the test specimen is directly collected and measured into a graduated cylinder. It is therefore possible to determine the permeability coefficient in cm/sec. by the attached formula. The equipment consists of a strong metallic frame holding four cells which are hot-galvanized for anti-corrosion protection. Automatic Concrete Water Permeability Apparatus At Four Cells fully automatic apparatus is designed to carry out water permeability tests on cubic concrete specimens max.150 mm side and cylinder specimens max.160 mm diameter. Each cell includes a pressure control manometer.



Apparatus For Statics Experiments

Product Code: LBNY-0005-13300011 - (Apparatus For Statics Experiments)

Experiment bench top apparatus for demonstrating the fundamentals of simple planar systems of forces.
Two weights set supplied.
Individual components to be stored in portable case.
All spares and accessories supplied.
To be supplied with vertical mounting panel and pen.
To cover topics as follows: Equilibrium of forces, addition and resolution of forces with force parallelogram, principles of levers, moment and moment equilibrium, forces in supports.



Flow through a Bend Apparatus

Product Code: LBNY-0005-16100011 - (Flow through a Bend Apparatus)

The module consists of two parts, a straight section Followed by a regular 90° elbow. The lower and lower are made of black acrylic plastic while the Sides are transparent. Multitube of The velocity of the air is measured by a Pitot tube, supplied With the bench, connected to the double pipe manometer inclined. Curves representing typical results Can be obtained are presented in the graph cidessus. The conduit measures 60 mm Height for 50 mm depth. Several measuring points are located both in the parts. The top and bottom of the elbow joint to Connection with multi-tube manometer, device Necessary for the use of this module. However, it can be used separately in Connecting to a suitable fan an air flow of about 500 liter / sec for 600 Pa and using the manometer. The appliance is designed for use on the basic air flow bench and connected by pipes Twisted to the experimental duct 'blown' at the exit of the fan.

Experimental Ability:
Study of the flow around the elbow fitting.
Comparison with theory and actual readings of Pressure coefficients as well as the pressure loss at Through the elbow.
Theoretical test on the effects of the boundary layer,Turbulence and on a single whirlwind.
Definition of the dimensionless pressure coefficient.
Calculation of the volumetric flow around the elbow ratio.
Calculation of the Bernoulli equation between the upstream sector Duct and any point in the reportelbow.



Seepage Apparatus

Product Code: LBNY-0005-20200011 - (Seepage Apparatus)

It consists of a self-contained bench. Glass fronted tank, aluminium rear wall, 6 pressure tappings, adjustable overflow, low and high range flow-meters with digital readout, sump tank and pump, dye injector, model set and instruction manual. a set of models. 230V, 50Hz. This bench is used for experimental studies of seepage and permeability problems in porous media.



PLC Application Materials Handling Process

Product Code: LBNY-0005-10900012 - (PLC Application Materials Handling Process)

PLC Application is a compact teaching and practice unit for the control of a materials handling process using a PLC. Two processes can be simulated: a punching process, or workpiece control in the form of a sort operation. The working cylinder can switch between sorting and punching modes by a simple sequence of actions. All components are in a clearly laid out design. Black and white cylindrical workpieces are fed from a container onto a conveyor belt. On the belt is a reflex photoelectric proximity switch which differentiates between light and dark and feeds the white items to the pre-selected process (punching or sorting). The unit is designed for operation in conjunction with a PLC module. Use of PLC module is recommended. The well-structured instructional material sets out the fundamentals and provides a step-by-step guide through the experiments.



Level Control Apparatus, Three Term Electronic

Product Code: LBNY-0005-12800012 - (Level Control Apparatus, Three Term Electronic)

This Level Control System is designed to allow numerous level control experiments to be performed within a typical laboratory session. This invention relates to an improved type of electronic liquid level control apparatus, yand more particularly toa relatively. A simple electronic type 'of controller which may be utilized to maintain substantially accurate liquid levels, within small liquid receiving chambers. A for use with very small liquid receiving chambers, such as -may be used 'in laboratory apparatus or pilot plants, or they are not adapted for use with extremely high pressure'equipment because of yinadequate packing glands or sealing means. Still other types of liquid level 'controllers are adapted to operate overa relatively wide range of level variations and are not sensitive to small changes ,in liquid' level. The unit enables students to investigate the effects of changing the parameters of the control algorithm and changes can be made to the process conditions by adjustment of the ow into the vessel. Many of the present-forms of liquid level ycontrollers are of a type which are not suitable.



Torsional Oscillations Apparatus

Product Code: LBNY-0005-13000012 - (Torsional Oscillations Apparatus)

Torsional Oscillations Apparatus mechanism demonstrates torsional oscillations of single or multi-rotor and or geared systems with low natural frequencies.



Beam Apparatus

Product Code: LBNY-0005-13800012 - (Beam Apparatus)

Verification of the bending equation
Deflection of beams on two simple supports with point loads
Reciprocal properties for loads and deflection
Determination of flexural rigidity and elastic modulus (Youngs modulus)
Verification of static equilibrium
Bending characteristics of a brass/steel compound beam, with and without shearing connection between the two layers
Equivalent sections characteristics of a metal-faced wooden beam
Simple and propped cantilevers with any loading
Simply supported and cantilever beams with sinking supports
With the Specimen Beams, these additional experiments can be done:
The effects of material and section shape on flexural rigidity
Continuous beams statically indeterminate cases for simply supported beams and cantilevers on more than two supports with any loading (including measurement of unknown reactions
Deflections on a non-uniform (tapered) beam or cantilever.



Flow In Pipes Apparatus

Product Code: LBNY-0005-16100012 - (Flow In Pipes Apparatus)

Two duct support stands are provided (only one is shown in the picture) and the experiments require the use of a necessary accessory, the Multitube Manometer. The equipment comprises additional sets of ductwork manufactured in aluminium containing both pressure tappings and pitot static tube points together with a set of inlet adaptors which can be connected to the intake of the fan by means of deep spigoted sockets with O ring seals and over-centre toggle latches.

Items of ductwork comprise:
The graph shows typical results which can be obtained when measuring duct entry pressure.
65 mm dia. inlet duct with sudden transition to 95 mm dia. incorporating six static pressure tappings. 
65 mm dia. bellmouth intake adaptor.  
95 mm dia. by 1400 mm long section with six static pressure tappings, together with a pitot static mounting pad.  
65 mm dia. bluff intake adaptor.
95 mm dia. by 1400 mm long section with a static pressure tapping and a pitot static mounting pad. 



Ball And Plate Apparatus

Product Code: LBNY-0005-18500012 - (Ball And Plate Apparatus)

The Ball and Plate Apparatus shows the problems of the of an unstable system. The apparatus consists of a plate pivoted at its centre so the plate can tilt in two directions.
The basic control task is to control the ball position. The ball is free to roll on the plate.
Stepper motors tilt the plate. A servo system with a stepper motor control card controls the motors. A camera with an intelligent vision system measures the ball position.

The equipment includes:
A data acquisition board for your computer
Camera with USB connection
Ball and plate model
Power supply
The data acquisition board fits into a suitable computer (not included) to link with the Ball and Plate Apparatus and control its motors.
Software (included)
Interface library for programming at the system level
Demonstration program with PID controllers



Tachometer Apparatus

Product Code: LBNY-0005-18700012 - (Tachometer Apparatus)

Tachometer Apparatus unit display the excitation frequency (in Hz) of the motor exciter being used to excite the beam. A bench top unit that operates in conjunction with the Universal Vibration System. The digital display shows the excitation frequency in units of Hz and to a resolution of 1 decimal place. This module will operate with both the and motor exciter.
Tachometer Apparatus also processes the signals from these sensors and outputs them to two BNC sockets on the rear panel. The connects to the so that the motor exciters can be speed controller. The requires its supply voltage The supplies power to the LVDT sensor and the speed sensor of the motor exciters. This then allows easy connection to an oscilloscope or Data Acquisition System The unit can be operated from either an 115V/230Vac supply, 60/50Hz.



Digital Triaxial Shear Test Apparatus

Product Code: LBNY-0005-20200012 - (Digital Triaxial Shear Test Apparatus)

Once the specimen is assembled in the triaxial cell, required parameters like strain rate, confining pressure and back pressure are programmed through the computer. Digital Triaxal is totally automated stress path system for soils and conforms to the test requirements of All the modules namely load frame, confining pressure, back pressure, pore pressure or volume change are totally controlled by the dedicated computer. 
Controlling and data acquisition is supported by window based software. which can perform tests under the following conditions:
Shear in UC, UU, CU, CU & CD
Stress path triaxial test
K0 consolidation and swelling test.



Thermal Conductivity of Building Material Apparatus

Product Code: LBNY-0005-10200013 - (Thermal Conductivity of Building Material Apparatus)

The assembly is contained in a thermally insulated enclosure to minimise heat losses. The heat flowmeter gives an output to a digital panel meter on the special control and instrumentation console. Special thermocouples are arranged to measure mean temperatures either side of the test specimen, allowing the temperature gradient across the sample and hence the thermal conductivity to be determined. The Thermal Conductivity of Building Material Apparatus uses a PID controlled flat plate electrical heater and a water cooled flat plate with an integral and highly sensitive heat flowmeter. The 300mm *300mm specimen under test is sandwiched between the heated and cooled plates.



Fixed And Fluidised Bed Apparatus

Product Code: LBNY-0005-11000013 - (Fixed And Fluidised Bed Apparatus)

The air flow rate is measured using pressure sensors at discharge orifices at the top of the columns. The two air columns are fed by variable pressure regulators, which can be used to adjust the air flow rate through the column. The integral micro controller calculates the flow rates from the pressure readings and displays these on the front panel.
The apparatus comprises three clear acrylic columns mounted above a moulded ABS base. This column features an overflow pipe, which returns the water back into the sump. The base contains a water reservoir with a variable speed submersible pump, which pumps water through an electronic flow meter into the base of the left hand column.
Pressure drops on all three columns are measured by differential pressure sensors connected to tapping points at the top and bottom of the columns. The software also provides powerful graph plotting facilities. All process measurements are displayed simultaneously on the front panel display and are available on the USB output for data logging.

