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Plastic Bending Of Beams Apparatus

Product Code: LBNY-0005-13800019 - (Plastic Bending Of Beams Apparatus)

Introduction to limit state design
Relationship between maximum loading and plastic hinge formation for a simply supported beam, a propped cantilever and a fixed beam
Relationship between load and deflection for beams loaded to the plastic condition
Introduction to form factor.



Apparatus For Flow Rate Measurements

Product Code: LBNY-0005-16000019 - (Apparatus For Flow Rate Measurements)

The apparatus consists of a hydraulic feed bench on which some instruments in series are tested and it allows themeasuring of the same flow rate verifying in this way, the imprecision degree of flow rate measuring methods. The Apparatus For Flow Rate Measurements has been designed to allow the comparison betweendifferent methods of flow rate measurements. The group is supplied with manuals which describe all parts of the Apparatus For Flow Rate Measurements unit, the installation and utilisation procedures, aswell as many exercises with the relative results. It is an useful educational instrument because it allows the student to acquirethe fundamental knowledge concerning the hydraulic measurements; the student can also realize by himself about theuncertainty of the measurement.



Torsion And Deflection Testing Apparatus

Product Code: LBNY-0005-17600019 - (Torsion And Deflection Testing Apparatus)

Torsion and Deflection Testing Apparatus extruded base frame carries two solid vertical supports. Profiled grooves within the base frame, fasteners and quick release handles ensure quick and easy adjustment of the span between the vertical supports. Torsion and Deflection Testing Apparatus allows a variety of experiments to be undertaken to investigate test specimens under torsional loading and bending loading within their elastic limits. The students cover topics involving bending moment equation, torsional rigidity, modulus of rigidity, angle of twist, and create graphs and compare actual measured values with theoretical values using formulae and theory provided.

Experimental Capabilities:
Deflection of specimen as a function of loading force, material, Youngs Modulus of Elasticity (E), cross section, support span
Comparison of cantilever beams, simply supported beams
Determination of Youngs Modulus of Elasticity (E) in shear for the different material specimens
Comparison of bending stiffness of varying specimen sections for the same cross sectional area
Introducing Poissions Ratio
Torsion angle and specimen cross section
Modulus of rigidity introduction
Torsion angle and clamping length relationship
Torsion angle and torsion moment relationship.



Gaseous Diffusion Coefficient Apparatus

Product Code: LBNY-0005-11000020 - (Gaseous Diffusion Coefficient Apparatus)

A stream of air is passed across the top of the capillary tube, with a stationary layer of air above the liquid surface, creating a partial pressure difference between the liquid surface and the flowing air stream. Measurement of how this phase boundary changes with time enables the molar mass transfer rate to be determined. As vapour diffuses from the liquid into the air stream, the amount of liquid in the tube reduces and the phase boundary between the liquid and the air drops.
A small quantity of the volatile liquid to be investigated is placed in a capillary tube, which is positioned in a heated metal block. The block is heated by an electric cartridge heater and kept at a constant temperature using an electronic control loop.



Funicular Polygon And Forces Apparatus

Product Code: LBNY-0005-13300020 - (Funicular Polygon And Forces Apparatus)

Demonstrates Equilibrium Of Forces At A Point, Applied To Various Points Round A
Disc Or Acting On A Rectangular Lamina
Concurrent & Non-concurrent coplanar forces 
Effective Teaching
Self-Contained, Bench Mounted
Practical Verification Of Triangle Of Forces, Polygon Of Forces And Link Polygon
Direct Measurement Of Forces
Adjustable Lines Of Action Of Forces.



Universal Drive Module Apparatus

Product Code: LBNY-0005-14000020 - (Universal Drive Module Apparatus)

The floating motor is free to rotate and with a moment arm, rests against a load cell. Attached to the motor shaft is a coupling. The engineering drawing for the coupling mating half is supplied for the customer to produce.
Universal Drive Module Apparatus consists of a sturdy cradle, with bearings at either end. The motor is speed controlled using the control box supplied. The signal from the load cell is also fed directly into the control box. The torque being applied to the attached apparatus can be calculated using these parameters. The front panel of the control box has the speed control potentiometer, tachometer display for motor speed and the force display for the load cell signal. Suspended between the bearings is a motor, which gives drive to a variety of customer designed apparatus.

Experimental Capabilities:
Calculations involving torque, moment, speed and power
Introduction to drive system.



Engine Speed Control Apparatus

Product Code: LBNY-0005-18500020 - (Engine Speed Control Apparatus)

The measurement of system dynamics from step response information.
Inner loop feedback compensation.
The use of dither signals in the compensation of system non-linearities.
P+I controller design.
It is good for extended or advanced control experiments, and is ideal for student project work. The flexible design of the equipment allows the user to develop many other analysis and control exercises to suit their needs. 



Electrical Resistance Strain Gauge Apparatus

Product Code: LBNY-0005-17600020 - (Electrical Resistance Strain Gauge Apparatus)

A cantilever has a single gauge bonded onto its surface, and an identical gauge is fixed to an unstressed piece of the same material for temperature compensation. The two gauges form part of a wheatstone bridge which has a balancing potentiometer, and whose meter is calibrated directly in microstrains. The Electrical Resistance Strain Gauge Apparatus has been designed to illustrate the basic features of electrical resistance strain gauges and their application in measuring bending and torsion. A detailed label on the unit shows the wheatstone bridge arrangement and how the specimen strain gauges connect into the circuit. The cantilever is loaded by the load hanger and calibrated weights hung from its free end. A torsion bar is also supplied having two gauges bonded orthogonally at 45º.

Experimental Capabilities:
To show the application of Electrical Resistance Strain Gauge Apparatus in the measurement of stress due to bending and torsion
Visibly shows location of Electrical Resistance Strain Gauge Apparatus within wheatstone bridge arrangement and the position and use of balancing potentiometers
To demonstrate the use of wheatstone bridge arrangements in measuring change of resistance
Dummy, temperature compensation gauges
Wiring of Electrical Resistance Strain Gauge Apparatus
With optional extras to show other methods of temperature compensation in conjunction with tension and compression specimens.



Oscillating Cylinder Apparatus

Product Code: LBNY-0005-14000021 - (Oscillating Cylinder Apparatus)

Oscillating Cylinder Apparatus at the other end of the crankshaft is a slider that runs in a swivelling housing. A linear scale mounted to this housing ensures accurate readings of the piston displacement. On the left of the base is a large rotating protractor scale 'Crank' that rotates on a shaft and bearing arrangement. The increments on the protractor match with a indicator that ensure accurate reading of the angular movement of the scale. Oscillating Cylinder Apparatus a comprehensive instruction manual for lecturer and student, giving full details on apparatus assembly and operation as well as example results. Oscillating Cylinder Apparatus comprises a sturdy base plate, which can be mounted vertically for demonstration purposes or flat for experimental use. Integral to this protractor are varying radius positions used for locating the crankshaft. An input disc can houses a crank pin, which can be fixed at various radii across the input disc face.



Coupled Drives Apparatus

Product Code: LBNY-0005-18500021 - (Coupled Drives Apparatus)

Simultaneous control of speed and tension
Independent control of speed and tension
The flexible design of the equipment allows the user to develop many other analysis and control exercises to suit their needs. It is good for extended or advanced control experiments, and is ideal for student project work.
Practical methods of controlling multi-variable electro- mechanical systems.



Rotating Fatigue Machine Digital Apparatus

Product Code: LBNY-0005-17600021 - (Rotating Fatigue Machine Digital Apparatus)

The applied force is captured on the digital display along with the revolution count of the specimen. Both values can be reset and zeroed (tared) prior to the testing commencing. When failure occurs, a microswitch stops the motor and the cycles to failure are registered on the digital display. A 2800rpm motor rotates a specimen through a gear and pulley arrangement between 5600 or 1425 rpm. The specimens are held within chucks and loaded using a cantilever arrangement, with the load being applied through a screw jack mechanism with integral cantilever load cell. This Rotating Fatigue Machine Digital Apparatus has been designed to introduce students to the effects of material fatigue using a sinusoidal variation of bending stress. The count remains when the motor is not running and the ability to reset the counter has been designed in. Through an appropriate spreadsheet software printing and manipulation of data can be completed.Specially machined necked test specimens are provided in steel. A safety guard shields all rotating parts. The digital display incorporates a usb socket, which allows a host computer to be connected to the. The software supplied with the allows the capture and reviewing of data. These have a 4mm nominal neck diameter and are held in the unit using collect chucks. All tooling is provided to allow the removal and fitting of these specimens.

Experimental Capabilities:
Introducing students to s-n curvesMaterial specification on fatigue limits
Specimen geometry on fatigue limit
To make an introductory study of fatigue using a wohler rotating fatigue apparatus, including the time to failure caused by various stress levels and materials
The accessory affords bending fatigue of a cantilevered strip of metal or plastic in modes varying from alternating to fluctuating stresses



Bending Moment Apparatus

Product Code: LBNY-0005-13300022 - (Bending Moment Apparatus)

The experimental beam is in two parts, joined by a pair of low friction ball bearings. An underslung spring balance provides a resisting moment and measures the section bending moment.
Demonstration of the action of moment of resistance in a beam; measurement of bending moment at a section of a loaded beam; verify equilibrium of forces and moments.
The load hangers mountable in virtually any position along the beam.
An Instruction manual for student and lecturer provided
To be a bench mounted apparatus consisting of an 'experimental beam', 3 weight hangers, 2 supports and a spring balance
Set of calibrated weights and tools supplied.



Curved Bars And Davits Apparatus

Product Code: LBNY-0005-13800022 - (Curved Bars And Davits Apparatus)

The experiment hardware fits onto a Structures Test Frame. Students attach one of the structures in front of the hardware module, directly onto the test frame. They then apply loads to the structure using masses on hangers. Included are four different structures.
The digital deflection indicators are on a magnetic base so students can move them to anywhere on the backboard. Two digital deflection indicators, set at 90 degrees to each other on the backboard, contact the structure and so measure horizontal and vertical deflection.



Apparatus For The Determination Of Pressure Losses In Pipes

Product Code: LBNY-0005-16000022 - (Apparatus For The Determination Of Pressure Losses In Pipes)

Hydraulic feed is obtained through an adjustable height reservoir at constant hydraulic head. Pressure losses are measured by means of two U manometers, one water type (800 mm) and the other mercury type (400mm). The Apparatus For The Determination Of Pressure Losses In Pipes has been designed to determine the pressure loss in a pipe in which water is made to flow.

Measurement of pressure loss in a pipe as a function of flow-rate.
Change from lamnar to turbulent flow.
Verification of Reynolds number.



Rotating Fatigue Machine Apparatus

Product Code: LBNY-0005-17600022 - (Rotating Fatigue Machine Apparatus)

The Rotating Fatigue Machine Apparatus is mounted on a heavy base plate and is designed to overhang the bench. Specially machined necked test specimens are provided. This Rotating Fatigue Machine Apparatus has been designed to introduce students to the effects of fatigue. The loading system cancels its own self-weight enabling any desired value of bending stress to be applied. Loads are applied to the test specimen using a load hanger and a set of calibrated weights. When failure occurs, a micro switch stops the motor and the cycles to failure are registered on a revolution counter. A motor rotates a specimen through a gear and pulley arrangement which can be adjusted. During the rotation the specimen is subject to sinusoidal variation of bending stress. A safety guard shields all rotating parts. 

Experimental Capabilities:
Introducing students to S-N curvesVarying materials on fatigue limits
Specimen geometry
To make an introductory study of fatigue using a Wohler rotating fatigue apparatus, including the time to failure caused by various stress levels and materials.



Nozzle Flow Apparatus

Product Code: LBNY-0005-13700023 - (Nozzle Flow Apparatus)

The pressure profile in convergent/divergent nozzles at various pressure ratios
Investigation of expansion with friction in a parallel passage at high subsonic velocities
The phenomenon of choked flow corresponding to sonic velocity at a nozzle throat
The relationship between pressure ratio and flow for convergent and convergent/divergent Laval nozzles
Boundary layer growth under subsonic and supersonic conditions.



Hydrology Apparatus

Product Code: LBNY-0005-16000023 - (Hydrology Apparatus)

The apparatus consists of a shallow water tight rectangular tank, approximately 2000 mm by 750 mm by 250 mm deep, which can be filled with a fine granular medium to form the experimental terrain. Valves control the number of spray nozzles in operation, enabling a moving storm to be simulated. Profile gauges and impermeable elements are supplied to allow the easy construction of sheet piling, walls, structures, foundations, reservoirs, bridge pier and dams, etc. Above the tank is a frame supporting an array of eight spray nozzles which are used to simulate rainfall. Washed silica sand graded 0.2 mm to 1.0 mm should be used as the permeable medium which must either be ordered separately from or supplied by the end user. Coarser material may be used. The tank is supported on a fabricated steel frame with mountings which allow adjustment of the inclination of the tank.

Experimental Capability: 
Study of ground water abstraction through one or two  wells  
Simulated effects of civil constructions such as bridges and dams  
Study of basin hydrological cycles
Permeability analysis
Study of flood and runoff hydrographs
Effects of surface storage on hydraulics
Fluvial process studies including:
Erosion by water on hillsides
Erosion in meandering rivers
Sediment transportation.



Torsion Of A Spiral Spring Apparatus

Product Code: LBNY-0005-17600023 - (Torsion Of A Spiral Spring Apparatus)

The stiffness of a spiral spring depends on its physical dimensions and the rigidity of the steel strip from which it is formed. With the Torsion of Spiral Spring Apparatus student can easily calculate the theoretical stiffness of the spring, and compare the value with simple experimental results. Spiral springs are used to provide a resisting or restoring torque to a shaft when it is rotated through an angular displacement. One end of the spring is attached to a shaft mounted in ball bearings. A load hanger and calibrated weights is used to incrementally load the spring. They exhibit similar stiffness characteristics to linear springs, except that the effect is one of torque rather than force. The wall mounted unit consists of a spiral spring coiled from a length of steel strip. Spring deflection is measured with an attached scale.



Large Base For Rod With Possibility To Support 2 Rods At The Same Time

Product Code: LBNY-0004-780024 - (Large Base For Rod With Possibility To Support 2 Rods At The Same Time)

Large Base For Rod With Possibility To Support 2 Rods At The Same Time



Thermal Conductivity Apparatus

Product Code: LBNY-0005-10200024 - (Thermal Conductivity Apparatus)

The apparatus consists of a vertical stack of specimens clamped between an electrically heated source at the top and a water cooled base, all contained within a Dewar vessel and furnished with a radiation shield and anti convection baffle. The heating current is supplied from a variable voltage power pack and displayed on a digital ammeter. The specimens are fitted with very small thermocouples at known distances apart and connected via a selector switch to a digital temperature readout. Cooling water is supplied from the constant head water tank mounted above the Dewar vessel. The water cooled base is designed as a calorimeter to measure the heat flow and fitted with very accurate thermometers in the water circuit.

