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Sediment Transport Apparatus

Product Code: LBNY-0005-16000024 - (Sediment Transport Apparatus)

The channel sides are transparent in order that bed profile changes can be readily observed, and a section of one side is provided with graphical grid markings to permit quantitative assessments to be made of bedform dynamics. The unit consists of an inclinable channel mounted on a base plate, together with a discharge tank and recirculating pump. To commence a demonstration, sand is placed evenly along the channel bed, between the inlet tank and the overfill discharge weir. The channel slope is adjusted by means of a fine screw jack to which is attached an accurate slope indicator. Water is circulated around the system at one of the three selectable flow rates. 

Experimental Capability:
Mechanics of sediment transport
Depositionary features and facies
Fixed, smooth bed flow
Flow over a fixed, gravel bed
Flow over a mobile sand-bed
Bed form hysteresis
Computational work
Local scour
Flow structures



Compression Of Springs Apparatus

Product Code: LBNY-0005-17600024 - (Compression Of Springs Apparatus)

The deflection of a spring depends on the load applied to it, an observation enshrined in Hooke's Law Applications of springs are found in spring balances which indicate loads by measuring spring deflections and in car suspensions where they absorb energy caused by wheel vertical movement due to potholes and bumps. Compression of Springs Apparatus are used in engineering to store energy or to provide restoring forces. Both compression and tension springs may be encountered.

Experimental Capabilitis:
Using the optionally available compressive spring set the dependence of spring stiffness on the wire diameter, spring diameter, length, number of turns and material can be observed and calculated
To determine spring stiffness using measured experimental results and formulae provided
To test the relationship between the load applied and the change in compressive length of a spring
Load versus compression graphs
Action of springs.




Product Code: LBNY-0028-2200024 - (Soap,toilet,bar,approx.100-110g,wrapped)

Enriched with natural humectants and natural moisturizing ingredients.
100% biodegradable.
Hand soap for personal hygiene, suitable for all skin types even the most dry and sensitive.
Weight: 100 g.



Radiation and Convection Apparatus

Product Code: LBNY-0005-10200025 - (Radiation and Convection Apparatus)

The heating element contained within the test vessel is an electrical resistance element whose input power is controlled by a potentiometer. The self-contained vacuum pump fitted to the equipment caters for vacuum conditions down to less than 0.1 mbar, and there is provision for an external pressure source input to be used to allow investigations up to 2 bar absolute. A Bourdon tube gauge mounted on the unit measures pressure from +1 bar to -1 bar and to cater for the high vacuum conditions a McLeod gauge, also panel mounted, covers the range 0 to 200 mbar absolute. A temperature indicator monitors the temperature at each thermocouple, one measuring ambient and one on the heating element.

Experimental Capability:
A determination of the natural convection heat transfer coefficient at different pressures.  
An investigation of the effects of orientation of the heat source on the convection heat transfer coefficient.
Demonstration of the Stefan Boltzman law of radiation and determination of the constant for differing ambient conditions.  
An investigation of natural convection for different gases, introducing the Prandtl, Grashof and Nusselt dimensionless groups.  
A study of the concept and parameters of emissivity.



Winch Apparatus

Product Code: LBNY-0005-14000025 - (Winch Apparatus)

Winch Apparatus pulley has a high strength cord wrapped around its periphery and terminates in a load hanger. The substantial wall bracket is to be mounted to a sturdy vertical support. A horizontal shaft running through the heart of the unit has an 'EFFORT' pulley attached to its end. This industrial Winch Apparatus has been adapted for experimental work.
The winch has a maximum working load of 300 kg and is equipped with a safety pawl and ratchet.
The student applies a set of calibrated weights to the 'LOAD' hanger and adds appropriate calibrated weights to the 'EFFORT' hanger to raise 'LOAD'.
This cord again terminates with a load hanger. Winch Apparatus cord and hanger is termed the 'LOAD'. At the centre of the winch is a drum that also has a high strength cord wrapped around its periphery. 

Experimental Capabilities:
To study the behaviour of a real Winch, especially noting the characteristics of the machine with increasing load
To determine the efficiency of the Winch
To examine the safety features of the Winch
To estimate the velocity ratio.



Combined Bending And Torsion Apparatus

Product Code: LBNY-0005-17600025 - (Combined Bending And Torsion Apparatus)

Combined Bending And Torsion uses specially machined necked specimens which are clamped at one end to the base plate and at the other end to a counterbalanced circular loading plate. Regular interval graduations on the loading plate allow a special hanger to locate. The object of this experiment is to determine what levels of Combined Bending And Torsion cause elastic failure in different materials, and to compare them with various theories of failure. The specimen deflection is measured by a dial gauge mounted diametrically opposite the load point. A set of calibrated weights is supplied along with a set of test specimens. Further test specimens are available separately. The special hanger enables pure bending, pure torque or a combination of both to be applied depending on the position of the hanger.

Experimental Capabilities:
To compare the results with the established theories of failure.
To determine elastic failure of a specimen subjected to several ratios of bending and torsion simultaneously.



Boiling Heat Transfer Apparatus

Product Code: LBNY-0005-10200026 - (Boiling Heat Transfer Apparatus)

A small oscilloscope necessary to balance the bridge is NOT included in the supply. The filament heating circuit voltage does not exceed 12V and the system has an isolated mains transformer. It is self contained and built into a high quality instrument case designed for bench mounting with the experiment easily visible. A second vessel with cooling system accommodates the second arm of the bridge, a variable voltage supply for filament heating, the AC bridge circuit, a panel mounted ammeter and voltmeter, switch gear, electrical stirring system and a 0-105ºC thermometer. It consists of the heat proof glass observation vessel containing the liquid and housing the nickel filament whose length and diameter can be measured, together with an additional low voltage heating element for rapid warm up.



Simple Flywheel Apparatus

Product Code: LBNY-0005-14000026 - (Simple Flywheel Apparatus)

A mark on the Simple Flywheel Apparatus and a pointer on the bracket enables the revolutions to be counted and timed with the stop watch supplied. From the timings of a known number of revolutions, students can then verify the expeirmental capabilities of the apparatus. A steel disc Ø250mm diameter and 30mm thick is mounted on a shaft running in precision bearings housed in a substantial wall bracket. A cord, load hanger and set of weights are provided to start the flywheel rotating.

Experimental Capabilities:
To compare experimental and calculated moments of inertia of a disc
To study the energy transformations and to demonstrate that a flywheel can be used to store energy
To verify the second law of motion applied to a flywheel, ie the relationship between torque and angular acceleration



Permeability Apparatus

Product Code: LBNY-0005-16000026 - (Permeability Apparatus)

A dye injection system allows four dye lines to be generated which highlights visualisation of flow lines and allows flow nets to be drawn for seepage analysis. Scales on the front panel assist in the preparation of models. Permeability Apparatus consists of a framed glass tank, of internal dimensions 1900 mm long by 530 mm high and 130 mm front to back. The base of the tank incorporates fourteen pressure tappings at 100 mm pitch, the tappings are specially designed to prevent the ingress of sand particles. Flexible tubes connect the tappings to two multitube manometer banks scaled 0 to 500 mm, for measure-ment of the water table height along the tank. The tank is mounted on a fabricated steel frame fitted with castors and levelling feet. The front, back and ends of the tank are of clear toughened glass giving scratch free visibility without the risk of abrasion of the inner surfaces by the permeable medium. Scales on the front panel assist in the preparation of models and in the prepara-tion and recording of flow nets. Washed silica sand graded 0.2 mm to 1.0 mm should be used as the permeable medium which must either be ordered separately from supplied by the end user. Coarser material may also be used. An activated carbon decolourising filter is provided in the sump tank to prevent the progressive dis-colouration of the water by prolonged use of dye.



Extension Of Springs Apparatus

Product Code: LBNY-0005-17600026 - (Extension Of Springs Apparatus)

The Extension of Springs Apparatus is designed to be mounted to a rigid vertical support approximately 1.5metres above floor level. It is used to test tension springs up to 200mm in length. The maximum spring diameter is 38mm. Applications of Extension of Springs Apparatus are found in spring balances which indicate loads by measuring spring deflections and in car suspensions where they absorb energy caused by wheel vertical movement due to potholes and bumps. 

Experimental Capabilities:
Using the optionally available spring set Extension of Springs Apparatus the dependence of spring stiffness on the wire diameter, spring diameter, length, number of turns and material can be calculated
To test the relationship between the load applied and the change in length of a spring
To determine spring stiffness using measured spring data and load versus extension graphs.
Creating load versus extension graphs and extracting key elements.
Comparison with theoretical estimates and manufacturers data.
Working with springs.



Conductivity Of Liquids And Gases Apparatus

Product Code: LBNY-0005-10200027 - (Conductivity Of Liquids And Gases Apparatus)

The core and the sleeve are arranged so that a uniform narrow annular gap is created between the two parts, which is filled by the liquid or gas to be analysed. The unit comprises a cylindrical, electrically heated, nickel-plated aluminium core surrounded by a nickel-plated aluminium sleeve.
The temperature on each side of the fluid is measured by thermocouples in the surface of the core and the sleeve. Both versions incorporate an insulated jacket to minimise heat exchange from and to the atmosphere. Adds an electronic proportioning valve and flow meter to vary and measure the flow using.
Measurement of the temperature difference between the heated and cooled surfaces together with the power supplied to the heater (measurement of DC voltage and current) using allows the conductivity of the fluid to be calculated. The fluid to be tested is injected into the annular gap between the heated core and the cooled jacket using a hypodermic syringe. The surface area and thickness of the fluid sample remain constant during all tests.

Concentricity of the heated and cooled surfaces is accurately maintained using a spiral insulator
Thickness of the fluid sample is restricted to 0.5mm to minimise convection in the fluid sample
ArmSoft software is supplied, with separate exercises for determining the thermal conductivity of liquids and gases
Trapped bubbles of the previous liquid or gas sample are prevented by the spiral flow path when injecting a different liquid or gas.



Stepping Motor Control Module

Product Code: LBNY-0005-12600027 - (Stepping Motor Control Module)

Stepping motor, 200 step/rev, max torque = 60 N· cm
No. 2 limit micro switches
Graduated disc, 0  360
Encoder (200 pulse/rev)
Gear motor 90/1 rev.
Electric supply box consisting of:
a) Ammeter for measuring the motor absorbing current
b) Diagram on front panel showing the circuit working
c) Bushings for measuring relevant signals
d) Piloting card for stepping motor with USB interface



Curved Bars Apparatus

Product Code: LBNY-0005-17600027 - (Curved Bars Apparatus)

A bench mounted base supports a variety of Curved Bars Apparatus in the form of a ring, semi-circle or quadrant/davit. Loads are applied by specially designed weight hangers so that the specimen bends. The theoretical deflections of curved shapes are most easily found by applying strain energy ideas, such as Castigliano's first theorem. The shapes chosen in Curved Bars Apparatus provide a relatively easy introduction to the use of such techniques. Horizontal and vertical deflections are measured by dial gauges rigidly attached to the base and surrounding pillars. All specimens, weight hangers and a set of calibrated weights are supplied. The Curved Bars Apparatus can be readily changed and the position of the dial gauges relocated to measure the deflections of the new configuration.

Experimental Capabilities:
To compare with theoretical estimates using strain energy theories such as Castigliano's first theorem.
To experimentally determine the vertical and horizontal deflections of various Curved Bars whose cross sectional dimensions are small compared with the bar radius.



Tube, vacuum, EDTA, gel,PPT,6ml, BOX-100

Product Code: LBNY-0001-21700027 - (Tube, vacuum, EDTA, gel,PPT,6ml, BOX-100)

Plasma collection for clinical laboratory tests. Intended for the purposes of molecular diagnostic testing.
Material: clear nonfragile PET plastic and leak-proof rubber cap
Plastic shielded rubber cap to protect personnel from direct contact with blood.
Blood collection vacuum tube.
Volume 6m,
Standard color-coded cap.
Pen/Marker writable label space.
Capped, with needle-pierceable vacuum seal cap.
Additive; Inert plasma separation gel & K2 EDTA anticoagulant.



Closed Cycle Hot Air Engine Apparatus

Product Code: LBNY-0005-10200028 - (Closed Cycle Hot Air Engine Apparatus)

The engine consists of a water cooled power cylinder and a transfer cylinder connected via a common duct. A single acting power piston and double acting displacer piston are connected to a flywheel.
Heat to expand the captive gas charge and drive the power piston is provided by an electrical element controlled from the standard instrumentation console.
A bench top accessory designed to allow students to experimentally investigate one of the methods available to convert heat energy directly into work.
The cycle of the engine consists of two isothermal processes and two constant volume processes.



Gear Tooth Form Apparatus

Product Code: LBNY-0005-14000028 - (Gear Tooth Form Apparatus)

The Gear Tooth Form Apparatus also explains the form of an involute curve and how this is used to create a gear tooth profile. To help describe what an involute curve is, paper can be placed into the apparatus and an involute curve drawn. Gear Tooth Form Apparatus a bench top base plate contains all elements for this experiment. Three gears are located onto the base plate. A third gear is removable to allow students to review its tooth form, pitch circle diameter (PCD) and other key geometry of a tooth form. A large gear and small gear mesh together and can be rotated to produce analysis of ratios.
A set of vernier calipers is provided to allow the removable gear to be measured to help give a practival analysis of the Gear Tooth Form Apparatus.

Experimental Capabilities:
Explanation of Gear Ratios
Explanation of Gear Modules
Explanation of Gear Form
Explanation of Gear Trains and Rotational Direction
Experimental determination of shape and construction of an involute curve. 



Network of Pipes Apparatus

Product Code: LBNY-0005-16000028 - (Network of Pipes Apparatus)

The manifolds incorporate pressure tappings which allow the pressure drop across each pipe element to be measured using the four 500-0-500 mm water differential manometer bank. The manifolds also incorporate valved discharge points which allow the network to be configured to represent various distribution systems including a ring main and a long distribution system. The apparatus consists of a network of four coiled pipe elements and a differential manometer bank. The four pipe elements are located between a pair of large bore four branch valved manifolds which allow a number of series, parallel and series/parallel network configurations to be achieved. The Network of Pipes Apparatus has been designed as an additional experiment for use with Hydraulics Bench, which provides the basic service module for the pumping and volumetric measurement of the water supply.

Experimental Networks:
Single pipe
Series parallel network with 3 or 4 elements
Four pipes in series
Four pipes in parallel
Two pipes in series
Two pipes in parallel
A long distribution system with 1, 2, 3 or 4 discharge points  
A 3 pipe series network with a parallel bypass
A distribution system with 2, 3, or 4 branches from a common manifold  
A ring main distribution system with 1, 2, 3 or 4 discharge points



Torsion Testing Apparatus

Product Code: LBNY-0005-17600028 - (Torsion Testing Apparatus)

The torsion head is supported in ball bearings and torque is applied by a mass hanger and masses. Angular displacement is measured by a dial and pointer which can slide along the base to enable readings to be taken at any point. Torsion Apparatus is a most useful piece of bench mounted equipment and consists of a horizontal unit to take specimens up to 6 mm diameter by 450 mm long (0.25 inches x 18 inches). Supplied complete with a stainless steel specimen of 6 mm dia and one pointer.

Determination of modulus of rigidity of different materials
Demonstration of torsion characteristics of small diameter rods of different materials.

Simple operation, with accurate repeatable results
Compact bench top unit.



Cam Analysis Apparatus

Product Code: LBNY-0005-14000029 - (Cam Analysis Apparatus)

The angular position of the cam is shown on a protractor and a pointer, this assembly allows the cams position through rotation to be recorded. A vertical pillar contains the main spindle for each Cam Analysis Apparatus to be rotated, whilst a dial gauge has its anvil resting on the top edge of the cam. The rise and fall displacement of the Cam Analysis Apparatus, as it rotates through 360°, is measured using a dial gauge. Cams and followers are easily changed and graphs for the variety of cams can be created to compare the linear change with the rise and fall of the follower. Each cam is mounted on a central shaft and is free to rotate about this shaft. The cams are rotated by hand.

Experimental Capabilities:
To derive the velocity and acceleration diagrams, and determine the maximum acceleration of the follower
To compare experimental and calculated results
To determine a graph of follower displacement against angular rotation of the cam
To assess the effect of different cams and followers.



Extension And Compression Of Springs Apparatus

Product Code: LBNY-0005-17600029 - (Extension And Compression Of Springs Apparatus)

Wall mounted apparatus (for loading spiral springs in either tension or compression with direct gravitational loads) with accurately divided scale and vernier.
Supplied complete with four compression and four extension springs each approximately 18 cm long (7") long. Mass Hanger and Masses for (Hanger 1, Masses 13 x 1 kg)

Experimental Capability:
Modulus of rigidity for spring material.  
Introduction to Spring Rate
Determines load and deflection relationships for close coiled springs. 

