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Air Compressor

Product Code: LBNY-0004-820064 - (Air Compressor)

Air Compressor



Gear Assembly Unit Simple Drives

Product Code: LBNY-0005-10100064 - (Gear Assembly Unit Simple Drives)

The programme of exercises enables familiarisation with six different drive implementation and analysis methods: understanding the brief and the drawing, assembly, setting, adjusting, testing, and making calculations. This laboratory system is used to introduce the basics of gearing and the correct method of assembling drive elements. A robust tubular steel frame with a square profile and bearing elements provide the accuracy for the setting of precise gearing. All the system components are kept ready to hand and well protected in a housing system. Offers three assembly kits in this product series, each focussing on different aspects. Each kit is used entirely independently of the other kits within the series. The flexibility of the set-up and the modularity of the components simplifies experimentation and implementation of the students' own ideas.



Gay Lussacs Law

Product Code: LBNY-0005-11200064 - (Gay Lussacs Law)

The equipment uses normal clean dry air, as it behaves as an ideal gas over the range of pressures used in this equipment. A thermocouple measures the temperature of the heater surface for the controller. Two thermocouples measure the temperature of the air in the vessel. A pressure transducer measures the pressure of the heated air in the vessel. A hand-operated valve at the bottom of the vessel allows students to normalize the air in the vessel to ambient conditions. A digital display shows the absolute pressure, both temperatures and their average value. The bench-mounting equipment includes a back plate that holds a low-pressure vessel. The vessel holds a fixed volume of air surrounded by an insulated heater, controlled by an electronic temperature controller. They then record the changes in pressure as the temperature increases and plot the results to prove Gay-Lussacs Law. Students set the controller for the range of temperatures needed during the experiment. 

The principle of a vapour pressure thermometer.
Demonstrates change of pressure of a fixed volume of gas during heating.
Proving Gay-Lussacs Law by experiment.



Piping Loss Apparatus Large

Product Code: LBNY-0005-10300065 - (Piping Loss Apparatus Large)

The Piping Loss Apparatus Large is intended to be used with a Hydraulic Bench or an outside water supply. Friction loss is measured by a pressure drop and coefficient of discharge is determined from a pressure drop and a flow rate. Piping Loss Apparatus Large is a comprehensive unit for studying the friction losses in pipes, pipe fittings, and valves and to determine coefficients of discharge for primary flow measuring devices at various flow rates. The pressure drop is measured by differential pressure using manometers. Pressure tapping in by valves with quick connection. All pressure taps are connected by flexible hoses to a set of specially arranged manifolds such that differential pressure across any component can be measured simply by opening valves without removing the hoses. All friction loss components and the flow measuring devices are arranged on a water proof panel which is attached to a floor standing steel frame. Flow rate is obtained from a water meter and a stop watch.



Diesel Engine With Transmission

Product Code: LBNY-0005-12000065 - (Diesel Engine With Transmission)

The engine with all units is drivenslowly by means of an electric motor and a battery. The cutaway, an original engine of a VW Golf with clutch and transmission, is fixed on a mobile rack. 

The starter can be engaged and disengaged by means of anignition lock
The clutch can be actuated
The transmission can be shif.
The transmission can be shifted into any gear
By stopping one drive shaft, it can be shown how thedifferential works.
Parts Cut In This Model:
The four cylinders, one piston, four valves with buckettappets and valve gear, oil pump, clutch, generator, transmission and differential gear, water pump with thermostat, distributor injection pump, starter, injection nozzle. 



Slotted Masses

Product Code: LBNY-0003-1010066 - (Slotted Masses)

Slotted Masses



Brushless DC Motor Trainer

Product Code: LBNY-0005-12600066 - (Brushless DC Motor Trainer)

It has been developed as an open system; allowing the study of each system in autonomous way, each hardware component is independent from the other ones, connecting other existing equipment of the laboratory. Brushless DC Motor Trainer is a complete system for the study of 3 disciplines (DC brushless motor, PLC and Human Machine Interface HMI), important in both industrial and civil sectors.




Product Code: LBNY-0021-2200066 - (Compress,gauze,10x10cm,n/ster/PAC-100)

Non sterile gauze compress, folded edges, pack of 100 units.
Material: Absorbent gauze, 100 % cotton.
Non-detectable by X-ray.
Components: Bleached, purified textile, plain weave.
Type of gauze: 17 threads/cm2 (grammage 23g/m2).
Number of folds (thickness): 12 ply
Single use
Size selected: Compress gauze folded.
Length: 10cm.
Width: 10cm.
Thread count:
Weft: 66 to 74 threads/dm.
Warp: 95 to 105 threads/dm.
Weight: +/- 23g/m2.



Slotted Masses 10g

Product Code: LBNY-0003-1010067 - (Slotted Masses 10g)

Slotted Masses 10g



Screw Compressor With Charge Air Cooling

Product Code: LBNY-0005-12000067 - (Screw Compressor With Charge Air Cooling)

MG Screw compressor with charge-air cooling
Easily visible:
Two screw spindles, driven via a magnetic clutch and gear wheels.
At the bottom of the charger, is the cutaway charge-aircooler with water channels.
The charger runs at 12,000 RPM.



Two Stage Piston Compressor

Product Code: LBNY-0005-12700067 - (Two Stage Piston Compressor)

Pressure vessel after the second stage with safety valve, blow-off valve and silencer as well as an Additional manometer and a pressure switch
Intake vessel with nozzle to measure the intake volumetric flow rate, pressure sensor and additional manometer
Recording the characteristic of a two-stage compressor
Digital displays for temperatures, pressures, differential pressures and electric power output
Piston compressor with 2 cylinders in V-arrangement
Pressure vessel after the first stage as intercooler
Sensors for pressures, temperatures and electric power output.



Lever Press Assembly Kit

Product Code: LBNY-0005-10100068 - (Lever Press Assembly Kit)

The parts are clearly laid out on a base plate. All parts are precision-manufactured on CNC machines and feature standard engineering tolerances and surface finishes. The surfaces of the parts have a gunmetal finish to prevent corrosion. The kit contains all the parts required to assemble a functional lever press. Multiple trays are stackable, providing for space-saving storage. The kit is ideally deployed for student exercises during teaching, with two/three students able to work with each kit. As well as the primary technical drawing focus of the teaching, other topics that can be covered include machine elements, assembly processes, and manufacturing technology. The comprehensive and clearly structured instructional material is laid-out in line with modern principles, and is of great help with lesson preparation. The lever press model can be considered as a project enabling interdisciplinary, action-oriented teaching. 




Product Code: LBNY-0021-2200068 - (Compress,paraffin,10x10cm,ster/BOX-10)

Non-detectable by X-ray.
Netting material: absorbent gauze, 100% cotton.
Paraffin substance: mixture of balsam of Peru (approximately 1g) and soft paraffin Q. Suff. (approximately 100g).
Elastic-netting material with large mesh, impregnated with soft paraffin based material.
Initial sterilisation method:
Ethylene oxide gas or ionising radiation.
Size selected: Compress, gauze, paraffin.
Width: approximately 10cm.
Length: approximately 10cm.



Wireless Force and Acceleration Sensor

Product Code: LBNY-0004-780069 - (Wireless Force and Acceleration Sensor)

Wireless Force and Acceleration Sensor



Fluid Pressure Apparatus Spouting Cylinder

Product Code: LBNY-0003-1010069 - (Fluid Pressure Apparatus Spouting Cylinder)

Fluid Pressure Apparatus Spouting Cylinder



Hydrostatic Pressure On Submerged Surfaces

Product Code: LBNY-0005-10300069 - (Hydrostatic Pressure On Submerged Surfaces)

The Hydrostatic Pressure On Submerged Surfaces system is designed to study and calculate of the pressure force acting on a submerged surface Hydrostatic Pressure On Submerged Surfaces is a simple and completely autonomous equipment that can be easily located in a laboratory without any installation.
It is possible to use liquids of different densities to determine the different exerted forces between them.

With this equipment it is possible to perform the following experiments:
Obtaining and verifying the momentum created by pressure force acting on a submerged curved surface.
Measure and verify the momentum created by the pressing force acting on a submerged flat vertical surface. For that it is necessary to determine both the magnitude of the force and its pressure center. It is possible to distinguish two different cases:
Partially submerged surface.
Complete submerged surface.



Stress And Strain Analysis On A Thin Walled Cylinder

Product Code: LBNY-0005-12700069 - (Stress And Strain Analysis On A Thin Walled Cylinder)

Hydraulic cylinder with hydraulic pump to generate pressure
Hermetically sealed hydraulic system, maintenance-free
Investigation of the stresses and strains in a thin-walled cylinder under internal pressure
Strain gauge application on cylinder surface at various angles
Cylinder usable as open pipe or as closed tank




Product Code: LBNY-0021-2200069 - (Compress,gauze,10x10cm,ster/PAC-5)

Gauze compress, surgical folding, i.e. so that there are no free threads apparent after folding or when the first outside fold is opened. Non-detectable by X-ray.
Thread count warp 95 to 105 threads/dm;
Material: Absorbent gauze, 100% cotton.
Type of gauze: 17 threads/cm2 (grammage 23g/m2).
Components: Bleached, purified textile, plain weave.
Number of folds (thickness): 12.
Initial sterilisation method: Ethylene oxide gas or ionising radiation.
Size selected: Compress, gauze, folded.
Width: approximately 10cm.
Length: approximately 10cm
Weft 66 to 74 threads/dm
Weight: Approximately 23g/m2.




Product Code: LBNY-0006-10100069 - (Hourglass)

The maximum circular arc diameter of the vessel is 55mm; the protective cover is provided with an anti shock pad block. It consists of container, sand, a set of protection, etc.



Hydraullic Press

Product Code: LBNY-0003-1010070 - (Hydraullic Press)

Hydraullic Press

