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Product Code: LBNY-0018-220001 - (Sterilizer,steam,20L,electric,w/access)

Steam sterilization kills microbes effectively and is often viewed as the gold standard of healthcare sterilization methods. For sterilization of full solid, porous, hollow A and B, plastics, rubber, unwrapped, bagged, single or double wrapped. Not designed for sterilization of liquids, food stuffs or waste. Steam sterilizers use pressurized steam to generate moist heat to eliminate viable microbes from non-heat-sensitive medical devices, including heat-tolerant products used for surgical and general patient care. 




Product Code: LBNY-0017-220002 - (Monitor,patient,portable,w/access)

Vital signs monitors are used to measure basic physiologic parameters and track the status of low-acuity patients (patients found in medical-surgical areas, emergency departments, and ambulatory care centres) so that clinicians can be informed of changes in a patient's condition.
Patient vital signs monitor, 6 parameters, suitable for adults, paediatric/infants and newborn patients.




Product Code: LBNY-0018-220002 - (Sterilizer,steam,40L,electric,w/access)

Steam sterilization kills microbes effectively and is often viewed as the gold standard of healthcare sterilization methods. For sterilization of full solid, porous, hollow A and B, plastics, rubber, unwrapped, bagged, single or double wrapped. Not designed for sterilization of liquids, food stuffs or waste. Steam sterilizers use pressurized steam to generate moist heat to eliminate viable microbes from non-heat-sensitive medical devices, including heat-tolerant products used for surgical and general patient care. 
The sterilizer is suitable for wrapped, unwrapped, solid and hollow items as well as porous loads such as drapes and gowns.
The unit fitted with a front-loading door.
The unit is provided with a minimum of three (3) internal shelves.
The unit has a standard program at 2.2 bar at a temperature of 134°C.
The unit has a standard program between 1.0 and 1.1 bar with a temperature between 118 – 121°C.
The internal chamber made from stainless steel 316Litre.
The internal chamber has a volume of 40 Litres or more.
Vacuum relief line should be filtered with ≤0.3 µm pore size to allow sterile air into chamber.
The unit is fitted with a safety lock on the front door, preventing the door to be opened when the unit is under pressure.
The unit provided with an internal water tank with a capacity of 4.2 litre or more.
The unit is designed and constructed in such a manner that it is able to withstand frequent disinfection with hospital-grade products.
The unit is able to function on a single-phased power grid.
The unit equipped with a steam generator.
The unit is designed in such a way that outer surfaces remain at safe temperatures when the unit is in operation.
Power requirements: 240 Volts - 50/60 Hz (A 110 Volt unit is not available).

The unit is fitted with a front panel providing information on the unit.
The display indicates:
The current internal temperature.
The current internal pressure.
The time until the programme is finished.
Any alerts or alarms.
The ongoing cycle.

Alarms are audible as well as visual.
Alarms are available for/when:
Low water.
Door not closed.
Temperatures are about to reach limits of the equipment.
Pressures are about to reaching limits of the equipment.
Exceeding high temperature limit.
Failed cycles.
Power failure
The unit is provided with an over-pressure safety valve and an over-temperature safety system.
A notification that the end of sterilization cycle has been reached.



Centrifuge, complete w/accessories

Product Code: LBNY-0001-2160003 - (Centrifuge, complete w/accessories)

Suitable for use in resource-limited settings. For the separation of heterogeneous mixtures or samples in clinical laboratory applications.



Photo therapy unit,w/access

Product Code: LBNY-0017-220003 - (Photo therapy unit,w/access)

Mobile LED phototherapy unit AC powered including accessories. Jaundice, a yellowish discoloration of the skin, eyes, and mucous membranes, is a major symptom observed when bilirubin levels in blood rise above 5 mg/dL. Phototherapy units are used to treat hyperbilirubinemia, a condition characterized by high bilirubin concentrations in the blood. Bilirubin, a product of haemoglobin breakdown, remains in the body until the liver can convert it to a form that can be excreted. 




Product Code: LBNY-0014-220005 - (Scanner,ultrasound,mobile,w/access)

Portable ultrasonic scanning systems are used in physician offices, radiology departments, cardiology departments, emergency departments, critical care units and by mobile imaging service providers. The main benefit of point of care ultrasounds units is that it allows physicians to quickly determine whether an abnormality is present so they can make appropriate patient management decisions. They can also have important applications in disaster triage and mass casualty incidents. 




Product Code: LBNY-0017-220005 - (Table,resusc,newborn,w/access)

Newborn resuscitation and support of transition of infants at birth. Additionally, used to provide thermal support for newborns in the delivery suite and for critically ill infants who require constant nursing intervention. Mobile resuscitation table for neonatal patients equipped with a radiant warmer and supplied with accessories.



Doppler,FHR detector,w/access

Product Code: LBNY-0014-220006 - (Doppler,FHR detector,w/access)

Ultrasonic fetal heart detectors are low-cost devices used in a variety of healthcare settings to provide audible and visual information about the fetus. The primary purpose of the fetal heart detector is to provide quick reassurance of fetal well-being to both the mother and the healthcare worker. Certain conditions, such as vaginal bleeding or lack of fetal movement, can cause anxiety in the mother, making her question the health of her unborn baby. Ultrasonic fetal heart detectors can easily detect fetal heart motion throughout the pregnancy, starting as early as 8 weeks. The fetal heartbeat cannot be heard with an obstetric stethoscope until 24 weeks after conception. 



Anaesthesia machine,closed circuit,w/acc

Product Code: LBNY-0017-220006 - (Anaesthesia machine,closed circuit,w/acc)

Anaesthesia units are highly complex devices requiring specific infrastructure provision to be able to operate. They need a scavenging system, pipped medical air supply, and oxygen and nitrous oxide sources which can be piped or from cylinders. In addition, these machines require trained operators and technicians to carry out preventative maintenance so the units can operate safely.
The patient is anesthetized by inspiring a mixture of O?, the vapor of a volatile liquid halogenated hydrocarbon anaesthetic, and, if necessary, N?O and other gases. Because normal breathing is routinely depressed by anaesthetic agents and by muscle relaxants administered in conjunction with them, respiratory assistance is also provided via either an automatic ventilator or by manual compression of the reservoir bag.
Anaesthesia units dispense a mixture of gases and vapours and vary the proportions to control a patient's level of consciousness and/or analgesia during surgical procedures. Anaesthesia units primarily perform the following four functions:
- Blend gas mixtures, in addition to O?, that include air or nitrous oxide (N?O) along with an anaesthetic vapor.
- Facilitate spontaneous, controlled, or assisted ventilation while using these gas mixtures.
- Provide oxygen (O?) to the patient
- Reduce, if not eliminate, anaesthesia-related risks to the patient and clinical staff.



ECG recorder,portable,w/access

Product Code: LBNY-0014-220007 - (ECG recorder,portable,w/access)

Electrocardiographs are used to diagnose cardiac abnormalities, determine a patient's response to drug therapy, and reveal trends or changes in heart function. Multichannel electrocardiographs record and display signals from two or more leads simultaneously. Electrocardiographs differ from ECG monitors, which provide a continuous real-time display of the ECG waveform and other physiologic measurements on a screen and warn of potentially life-threatening or precursor rhythms. 
Electrocardiographs detect the electrical signals associated with cardiac activity and produce an ECG, a graphic record of the voltage versus time. They are used to diagnose and assist in treating some types of heart disease and arrhythmias. 




Product Code: LBNY-0017-220008 - (Defibrillator,AED,w/access)

Fully automated external defibrillators (AEDs) deliver a high-voltage electrical impulse to the heart in order to restore normal rhythm and contractile function in patients who are experiencing ventricular fibrillation (VF) or ventricular tachycardia (VT) that is not accompanied by a palpable pulse. AEDs are designed for use primarily by first responders to cardiac emergencies, who may not be fully trained in advanced cardiac life support (ACLS). In the prehospital setting, these emergency personnel can include EMTs, firefighters, and law enforcement officers. Flight attendants, security guards, and others −sometimes called targeted responders may be expected to use PAD units. AEDs differ from conventional manual defibrillators in that AEDs can analyse the ECG rhythm to determine whether defibrillation is necessary; this eliminates the need for the user to interpret the cardiac rhythm before delivering a shock. AEDs can also be used in areas of the hospital where advanced life support personnel are not readily available.




Product Code: LBNY-0017-220009 - (Defibrillator,basic,w/access)

An ECG monitor included with the unit is used to verify the presence of a shockable rhythm and the effectiveness of treatment. Defibrillators deliver a high-voltage electrical impulse to the heart in order to restore normal rhythm and contractile function in patients who are experiencing ventricular fibrillation (VF), ventricular tachycardia (VT), or another shockable rhythm.




Product Code: LBNY-0017-2200011 - (Incubator,automatic,basic,w/access)

An infant incubator provides a closed, controlled environment that warms an infant by circulating heated air over the skin. Incubators feature better temperature control than radiant warmers (overhead heating units), which can overheat or underheat the infant. However, an infant in an incubator is less accessible to the caregiver. The heat is then absorbed into the body by tissue conduction and blood convection. Ideally, both the skin and core temperatures should be maintained with only minor variations.



Warmer system,newborn,radiant,w/access

Product Code: LBNY-0017-2200012 - (Warmer system,newborn,radiant,w/access)

Infant radiant warmers are commonly used to provide thermal support for newborns in the delivery suite, for critically ill infants who require constant nursing intervention, and for infants undergoing treatment that prolongs exposure to a cool environment.
Radiant warmer, newborn, with accessories.




Product Code: LBNY-0018-2200013 - (Sterilizer,steam,large,electric,w/access)

Large steam sterilizers are used for bulk sterilization processing and are typically found in the hospital's central supply department. Most operating suites and labour and delivery areas are equipped with smaller units for their own routine needs; however, areas that perform a great deal of sterilization may require large sterilizers.
Large steam sterilizer (autoclave) designed as tabletop model with a capacity of 80 litre featuring a front-loading door, suitable for bulk sterilization of wrapped, unwrapped, solid and hollow items as well as porous loads such as drapes and gowns. Electrically powered, requires a single-phase power grid supplying 230 volt, 50/60Hz, 7.4 kW.
Steam sterilization kills microbes effectively and is often viewed as the gold standard of healthcare sterilization methods. Typical items to be sterilized include surgical instrument packs, surgical implants, irrigation fluids, devices intended for and used by patients in isolation, and obstetric and dental instruments. Steam sterilizers use pressurized steam to generate moist heat to eliminate viable microbes from non-heat-sensitive medical devices, including heat-tolerant products used for surgical and general patient care.




Product Code: LBNY-0017-2200018 - (Ventilator,medical,adult-child,w/access)

Oxygen concentrators are not suitable to be used as an oxygen source to other medical equipment providing respiratory support, such as ventilators, CPAP devices, High Flow Nasal Oxygen, etc.
Ventilator, Intensive Care, for adult, paediatric and neonatal patients, AC and battery powered, with accessories.
Mechanical ventilators are life support devices that move gas (e.g., air and/or oxygen) to and from a patient's lungs. In most cases, mechanical ventilators are used for a short period of time (a few days to a few weeks) to deliver pressurized medical gases to the patient's lungs to support gas exchange and rest ventilatory muscles until the patient is able to breathe without mechanical assistance. Some patients, however, require permanent ventilatory support. These devices may provide temporary or permanent respiration for patients who cannot breathe on their own, or who require assistance maintaining adequate ventilation because of illness, trauma, congenital defects, or the effects of drugs (e.g., anaesthetics). 




Product Code: LBNY-0017-2200023 - (Pulseoximeter,spot-check,w/accessories)

Suitable for professional clinical use, all patient categories neonate, infant, adult
Robust shock resistant design allow use in demanding environments
Ultra-compact pulse oximeter integrated into finger/toe clip
Measuring ranges:
SpO2 resolution: 1% or less
SpO2 accuracy within: +/-3%
SpO2 detection within the range of: 70 to 99%
Pulse rate accuracy: within: +/-3%
Pulse rate detection: 30 to 240 bpm
Pulse rate resolution: 1 bpm)
Enclosure protection IPX2 or better
Suitable for cleaning and disinfection with hospital-grade cleaning products.
Display shows SpO2, pulse rate, signal strength, sensor error or disconnect and low battery.
Power requirements two 1.5V AAA batteries
Accommodates finger/toe thicknesses 8 to 25mm directly or through the use of a separate sensor which can be connected to the device.
Spot-check of arterial blood oxygen saturation (SpO2) and heart rate(HR)
Batteries must allow at least 2500 spot-checks, calculated at 30 seconds per spot-check, or at least 21 hours of operation.
The unit is equipped with an automatic power off feature.



Pulse oximeter,portable,w/access

Product Code: LBNY-0017-2200025 - (Pulse oximeter,portable,w/access)

Handheld, portable, battery powered pulse oximeter, continuously displaying patient oxygen saturation (SpO2) and pulse rate in real time using an external probe on the skin.

Display with main parameters: SpO2, pulse rate, plethysmographic waveform, signal quality, alarm messages, battery state indication.
Data update period for valid data displayed ≤ 15s.

Audible and visual alarms for low/high saturation and pulse rate.
Audible and visual alarms for sensor error or disconnected, system errors, low battery.
Suitable for cleaning and disinfection with hospital-grade cleaning products.
Alarm override and temporary silencing function.
Capable of working with adult, paediatric and neonatal reusable probes.
Enclosure protection IPX1 or better.
Device and probe weight < 200 g.

SpO2 and pulse rate monitor, with plethysmography waveform, for adults, children and neonates.
SpO2 resolution 1 %.
SpO2 accuracy (in the range 70 - 100%) within ± 3%, for all patients and perfusion / movement conditions.
SpO2 detection includes the range 70 - 100 %. Also capable of measuring lower saturations.

Pulse Rate detection includes the range 30 - 240 bpm.
Pulse Rate accuracy within ± 2 bpm or ± 2%.
Pulse Rate resolution 1 bpm.

