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Communication Modbus

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1690001 - (Communication Modbus)

HUB that allows communication and control via PC of the measurement modules and brushless motors.



Laminar Flow Meter Range Instrument

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1700001 - (Laminar Flow Meter Range Instrument)

Experimental Ability:
Single or multi-cylinder engines
Naturally aspirated or supercharged engines
Measure the air flow of the engine, hose, or leads
Air Compressors
Research and development.



Exhaust Gas Calorimeter Range Apparatus

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1710001 - (Exhaust Gas Calorimeter Range Apparatus)

The cooling water circuit is fitted with a flowmeter on the inlet and a flow control valve on the outlet side. Note that the unit must be arranged for contra flow - that is the exhaust gas and cooling water must flow through the heat exchanger in opposite directions. Exhaust Calorimeter comprises a multi-tube exhaust gas heat exchanger in which the exhaust gases pass through the tubes and the cooling water flows outside the tubes. An exhaust gas sampling point with shut off cock is provided. The instrumentation is sufficient to enable the heat content of the exhaust gases to be accurately determined. Temperature measuring points are provided for exhaust gas inlet and outlet, and cooling water inlet and outlet.

Can be utilised with a wide range of engines
Fully instrumented.



Mini Hydro Power Plant

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1720001 - (Mini Hydro Power Plant)

The unit consist of a storage tank and a pump to simulate a dam reservoir, a cross flow hydraulic turbine, a generator which is connected to the turbine by a V belt, a lamp load bank, a dynamometer, and measuring instrument. Mini Hydro Power Plant is a self contained bench top unit for studying the power generation by a hydraulic turbine.



Solar Distillation Apparatus

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1730001 - (Solar Distillation Apparatus)

This contains the brine liquid to be studied and is covered by a sheet of flat plate glass, set at an angle of 12º to the horizontal, so that water condensing on it readily runs down to the lower edge. Water evaporating from the tray condenses on the inside surface of the glass cover, runs down to the lower edge and collects in a channel alongside the evaporating basin, from whence it drains to a volumetric measuring vessel. Solar Still Basin Type:  This includes a shallow square evaporating tray, the base of which is fitted with removable heat insulating material which assists in the evaporation process. Temperature measurement by multi-point thermocouple instrument is provided at the following points: - feed, brine (output), ambient, glass (outside), glass (inside), the vapour space, centre of tray (under mat), mat (top side). The whole top section of the still may be turned horizontally through 180, so making it possible to alter the angle of incidence of sunlight on the absorbing pad. An optional pen recorder is available to continuously record these temperatures. 

Horizontal rotation of basin through 180º
Non corrosive materials used in all critical areas
Temperature measurement at eight points
Pen recorder to continuously record temperatures
Variable angle of incidence of sunlight on the absorbing pad  Variable thermal insulation material mounted horizontally on a rigid steel stand  
Ability to tilt base continuously by +5º and -5º to the horizontal  
Removable solar radiation mat
Extendable tray angles and hence flow rates.



Batch Enzyme Reactor Apparatus

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1740001 - (Batch Enzyme Reactor Apparatus)

The reactors use the saponification reaction between ethyl acetate and sodium hydroxide. This provides a well understood and safe reaction for the students to investigate the different reactor types.
This is a reactor system specially designed to perform batch enzyme reaction utilizing the glucose isomerisation reaction catalyze by glucose isomerase. The unit is used to demonstrate batch enzyme kinetics and enzyme characteristics.
The fourth reactor - stirred tank reactor in series - is mounted on a dedicated unit.
Developed a set of algorithms which link the degree of conversions of the reactants to the electrical conductivity of the product. In this way the progress of the reaction can be monitored in real time, without the inconvenience and innaccuracy of titration methods.

Real time reaction monitoring
Small bench top equipment
Safe and student friendly
Four different types of reactor
Data logging facility available
Cost effective - 3 reactors share same service unit.



Beaker Low Form

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1750001 - (Beaker Low Form)

Capacity (ml) D. (mm) H. (mm)
5 22 30
10 26 35
25 34 50
50 42 60
100 50 70
100 60 80
250 70 95
400 80 110
600 90 125
1000 105 145
2000 132 185



Critical Condition Of Struts Apparatus

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1760001 - (Critical Condition Of Struts Apparatus)

Critical condition of Struts Apparatus apparatus comprises a sheet metal frame which supports four slender spring steel struts having loading platforms at their top ends.
Critical condition of Struts Apparatus apparatus shows how the buckling mechanism occurs, and the influence of the end restraint. A piece of material in compression is called a strut. If it is short and stubby it will fail by compressive stress, but if it is slender the failure mode is that of buckling. The load at which the strut buckles depends on the way in which the ends are restrained. Built-in ends resist buckling more than ends which are free to move. 

Experimental Capablities:
To compare the result with theoretical predictions, such as Euler's formula.
To observe the behaviour of four struts of the same length but with different end constraints when subjected to buckling loads.



Linear Motion Test Apparatus

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1770001 - (Linear Motion Test Apparatus)

Bench top for investigations on motion, plastic and elastic impact, momentum, spring-mass oscillation and on friction System to consist of:
Inclinable track with stoppers at both sides
Friction block
Plunger carriage
Device for actuation of carriages and friction block
3 tension springs
Rolling carriage
3 sets of weights
Deflection pulley
Moveable stopper for track
3 buffers with rubber buffer heads for covering of permanent magnets
Additional weights for carriages including measuring tape: length: 2000mm, resolution: 1mm.



Educational Towing Carriages

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1780001 - (Educational Towing Carriages)

They are suitable for a range of hydrodynamic research functions, from current meter calibrating to large ship model testing at speeds of up to 20m/s. All carriages are designed such as to cope with steady state and dynamic model testing, whilst ensuring smooth running at constant speeds. Our range of Carriages often incorporate four quadrant systems for smooth acceleration and retardation. Towing Carriages are manufactured from modern high-grade materials offering rigidity and strength, but where necessary manufactured in suitable lightweight materials for high-speed applications. Drive trains, electrical systems, control equipment and other important key components are selected in order to reduce overall maintenance costs and down time during routine maintenance. Software control maximises test duration in calm water and with links to wavemakers can maximise test duration in waves.



Educational Cavitation Tunnel

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1790001 - (Educational Cavitation Tunnel)

The main data of the Cavitation Tunnel is as follows:
Pressure regulation from relatively high vacuum to above atmospheric pressure measured at the pressure regulation container  1 bar Approx
Cavitation number adjustable in wide range down to belows = 0.2
Total length including stiffening girder not including the length required for the impeller drive  20.4 m Approx.
Measuring section  850 mm x 850 mm
Length of measuring section  4000 mm
Contraction ratio of the nozzle 4.99:1 Approx.
Maximum velocity of the water in the measuring section  12 m/s
Total height from the floor at which the tunnel foundations are supported to the highest part of the cavitation tunnel, inclusive stiffening girders, not including additional height for the separate pressure regulation container and not including the height for setting in propeller dynamometers or other test equipment  12.9 m.



Brake Drum Friction Apparatus

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1800001 - (Brake Drum Friction Apparatus)

Brake Drum Friction Apparatus, Brake Drum Friction Apparatus Equipments, Brake Drum Friction Apparatus Tools, Brake Drum Friction Apparatus Tool Kits, Brake Drum Friction Apparatus Manufacturers, Brake Drum Friction Apparatus Suppliers from India, China, Kenya

Lab Tender Suppliers Africa and Lab Equipment Africa Kenya, Tunisia, Uganda, Sudan, Algeria, Morocco, Angola, Ghana, Gabon, Lesotho, Zambia, Chad, Somalia, Senegal, Zimbabwe, Guinea, Rwanda, Benin, Burundi, Guinea Bissau, Equatorial Guinea, Mauritius, Eswatini, Djibouti, Reunion, Comoros, Cape Verde, Western Sahara, Tanzania, Togo, Sierra Leone, Libya, Congo, Central African Republic, Liberia, Mozambique, Madagascar, South Africa, Ivory Coast, Cameroon, Niger, Burkina Faso, Mayotte, Sao Tome, Seychelles, South Sudan, Mali, Malawi, Nigeria, Ethiopia, Egypt, DR Congo, Mauritania, Eritrea, Gambia, Botswana, Namibia



Circulating Water Tunnel

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1810001 - (Circulating Water Tunnel)

Circulating Water Tunnel, Circulating Water Tunnel Equipments, Circulating Water Tunnel Tools, Circulating Water Tunnel Tool Kits, Circulating Water Tunnel Manufacturers, Circulating Water Tunnel Suppliers from India, China, Kenya

Lab Tender Suppliers Africa and Lab Equipment Africa Kenya, Tunisia, Uganda, Sudan, Algeria, Morocco, Angola, Ghana, Gabon, Lesotho, Zambia, Chad, Somalia, Senegal, Zimbabwe, Guinea, Rwanda, Benin, Burundi, Guinea Bissau, Equatorial Guinea, Mauritius, Eswatini, Djibouti, Reunion, Comoros, Cape Verde, Western Sahara, Tanzania, Togo, Sierra Leone, Libya, Congo, Central African Republic, Liberia, Mozambique, Madagascar, South Africa, Ivory Coast, Cameroon, Niger, Burkina Faso, Mayotte, Sao Tome, Seychelles, South Sudan, Mali, Malawi, Nigeria, Ethiopia, Egypt, DR Congo, Mauritania, Eritrea, Gambia, Botswana, Namibia



Magnus Frame

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1820001 - (Magnus Frame)

Magnus Frame, Magnus Frame Equipments, Magnus Frame Tools, Magnus Frame Tool Kits, Magnus Frame Manufacturers, Magnus Frame Suppliers from India, China, Kenya

Lab Tender Suppliers Africa and Lab Equipment Africa Kenya, Tunisia, Uganda, Sudan, Algeria, Morocco, Angola, Ghana, Gabon, Lesotho, Zambia, Chad, Somalia, Senegal, Zimbabwe, Guinea, Rwanda, Benin, Burundi, Guinea Bissau, Equatorial Guinea, Mauritius, Eswatini, Djibouti, Reunion, Comoros, Cape Verde, Western Sahara, Tanzania, Togo, Sierra Leone, Libya, Congo, Central African Republic, Liberia, Mozambique, Madagascar, South Africa, Ivory Coast, Cameroon, Niger, Burkina Faso, Mayotte, Sao Tome, Seychelles, South Sudan, Mali, Malawi, Nigeria, Ethiopia, Egypt, DR Congo, Mauritania, Eritrea, Gambia, Botswana, Namibia



Jet Propulsion Test Stand

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1830001 - (Jet Propulsion Test Stand)

Jet Propulsion Test Stand, Jet Propulsion Test Stand Equipments, Jet Propulsion Test Stand Tools, Jet Propulsion Test Stand Tool Kits, Jet Propulsion Test Stand Manufacturers, Jet Propulsion Test Stand Suppliers from India, China, Kenya

Lab Tender Suppliers Africa and Lab Equipment Africa Kenya, Tunisia, Uganda, Sudan, Algeria, Morocco, Angola, Ghana, Gabon, Lesotho, Zambia, Chad, Somalia, Senegal, Zimbabwe, Guinea, Rwanda, Benin, Burundi, Guinea Bissau, Equatorial Guinea, Mauritius, Eswatini, Djibouti, Reunion, Comoros, Cape Verde, Western Sahara, Tanzania, Togo, Sierra Leone, Libya, Congo, Central African Republic, Liberia, Mozambique, Madagascar, South Africa, Ivory Coast, Cameroon, Niger, Burkina Faso, Mayotte, Sao Tome, Seychelles, South Sudan, Mali, Malawi, Nigeria, Ethiopia, Egypt, DR Congo, Mauritania, Eritrea, Gambia, Botswana, Namibia



Energy Efficiency Air Compressor Trainer

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1840001 - (Energy Efficiency Air Compressor Trainer)

A workbench, complete with loads, motors and data acquisition systems. Approximate dimensions: 2000 mm x 800 mm x1700 mm (h).
An auxiliary table for PC, bench top instruments and equipment like oscilloscopes, multi meters, etc.
Measurement system for complete power parameters.
Mechanical and electrical data acquisition instruments.
Programmable Logic Controller(PLC).
2 Motors (conventional and high efficiency, 1.5 HP).
A control panel, with all the electric and electronic components arranged in an ergonomic way.
Load module
Motors driving systems: frequency inverter,soft starter, contactor.
Driving system and protection elements such as: circuit breakers, regulators, switches, keys, lights.



Thermal Control Process Apparatus

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1850001 - (Thermal Control Process Apparatus)

Heat transfer
Multi-variable control up to three variables can be monitored and individually controlled
ON/OFF control  experiment includes investigation of over shoot and undershoot, Frequency response of model process
Thermal inertia and variable-time constants
The flexible design of the equipment allows the user to develop many other analysis and control exercises to suit their needs. It is good for extended or advanced control experiments, and is ideal for student project work.
ON and OFF time ratio, rates of heating and cooling, offset and hysteresis
Proportional, proportional + integral, or proportional + integral + differential control.



Fuel Cell Tutorial Teacher Set

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1860001 - (Fuel Cell Tutorial Teacher Set)

Solar cells, fuel cells, gas storage tanks and fan each have a magnetic base and can be combined for numerous experiments such as solar car, hydrogen production in a solar-hydrogen gas station, air breathing fuel cell car, solar hydrogen system, reversible fuel cell system, dismantle fuel cell and methanol system. Comprehensive in structional materials included. Fuel Cell Tutorial Teacher Set Complete solar hydrogen system in a carrying case. Consist of Solar Module Tutorial, reversible fuel cell /Air for production of hydrogen and oxygen, Electrolyser Cell5 for hydrogen and oxygen production, PEM fuel cell for hydrogen/ oxygen or hydrogen/air operation, Direct Methanol Fuel Cell with built-in methanol tank (runs on 3% methanol-in-distilled-water solution), kit that can be completely disassembled, two hydrogen/oxygen storage tanks for electrolyser and reversible systems, Fan Tutorial and car applications as electric loads, baseplate, Power Supply, Battery Box, connector cables, silicone tubing and 250m1 distilled water.



Simple Pendulum Apparatus

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1870001 - (Simple Pendulum Apparatus)

The Simple Pendulum oscillates on a knife-edge bracket attached to the wall at a convenient height.
The Simple Pendulum mass can be adjusted to any position along the pendulum cord length, quickly and easily. Set-up time is minimal for excellent results.
A Simple Pendulum consisting of a cord with a ring at the top end and a sliding pendulum mass.
A stopwatch and ruler are supplied to time the swing of the pendulum and to measure its length.

Experimental Capabilities:
To show that the periodic time of swing is proportional to the square root of the pendulum length
To determine the gravitational acceleration 'g'.



Advanced Training Unit For Fault Location

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1880001 - (Advanced Training Unit For Fault Location)

Advanced Training Unit for Fault Location is mounted on a wheeled steel frame with stainless steel base and back panels and incorporates:- A Semi-Hermetic compressor 0.37 kW nominal duty, Air cooled Condenser with aluminium finned, copper coil; two display-case evaporators. Aluminium finned, copper coils with hot gas defrosting; a liquid receiver; 2 thermostatic expansion valves; Low and high-pressure control, evaporator pressure control, capacity control, thermostatic control, condensing pressure control and crankcase pressure control, low pressure switch, high pressure switch.
For student practice up to 25 refrigeration and electrical faults may be introduced into the system. Advanced Training Unit for Fault Location is constructed entirely from standard commercial components, including all of the necessary primary and safety controls and will give students valuable experience of system adjustment and fault finding on a multi-evaporator three phase refrigeration system.

