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Multi Stage Centrifugal Demonstration Unit

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1610002 - (Multi Stage Centrifugal Demonstration Unit)

The unit consists of a small multi stage air compressor with a motor on a steel base, inlet and outlet ducts, sensors and software. Speed control is by a variac. Multi Stage Centrifugal Demonstration Unit is a bench top unit for studying the multi stage centrifugal air compressor characteristics with data analysis by computer.

Effect of speed on compressor performance.
Flow rate vs pressure.
Compressor input, output, and overall efficiency.



Two Component Balance

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1620002 - (Two Component Balance)

Adjustable balance weights allow easy initial setup and zeroing of the system. Two component balance features a simple unique lever system employing vertical and horizontal balance beams to provide independent measurement of lift and drag forces using precision spring balances. 

Experimental Capability:
Lift and Drag coefficients and Lift Drag ratio
Lift and Drag Force by direct measurement  

Accurate force measurement provided by two precision spring balances  
Adjustable balance weights for initial set-up  
Independent measurement of lift and drag by unique vertical and horizontal balance beams  
Optional analogue load cells providing 0 to 10 Volt output.



Pressure and Temperature Vessel Bench

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1630002 - (Pressure and Temperature Vessel Bench)

The steam bench includes a 2- pen chart recorder to provide a continuous recording of the process variables, namely temperature and pressure and gives students the opportunity to become familiar with the presentation of such data on a typical process recorder used in industry. Pressure and Temperature Steam Bench consists of a sturdy framework and panels of all steel construction, fitted with a student work surface, interconnecting back panel and adjustable feet.

Experimental Capability:
To compare the experimental observations with published data such as in steam tables.
To investigate the relationship between the temperature and pressure of saturated steam.



Energy Balance Apparatus

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1650002 - (Energy Balance Apparatus)

Compressor driven by an electric motor
Air pressure out of compressor
Single Stage Compressor
Adjustment of air pressures via valves
Airflow rate read by airflow flowmeter.
Motor spring balance
Wattmeter on the front panel for power measurement.



Bomb Calorimeter Apparatus

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1660002 - (Bomb Calorimeter Apparatus)

It comprises the calorimeter, a calorimeter vessel, an outer double walled water vessel, electric stirrer gear, combined motor control gear and ignition unit, a Beckman type thermometer, and a charging unit with pressure gauges to facilitate the charging of the calorimeter with oxygen. The equipment is self-contained with the control unit housed in an instrument case that forms the base. A Briquetting Press is available as an optional extra and an additional calorimeter can also be supplied. No spanners are required and in use the rubber joint is protected by water so it may be used over and over again. The particular features of the calorimeter are the method of sealing and the method of ensuring ignition. The body of the calorimeter is screwed into the base and a seal is made with a special rubber joint when the two parts are finger-tight only. In order to make ignition 100% sure, great care has been devoted to the method of anchoring the ignition wire and maintaining electrical contact and to the support of the crucible. All these parts are made to a high degree of precision and the results are very satisfactory.



Multi Cylinder Engine Test Bed With Remote Control

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1680002 - (Multi Cylinder Engine Test Bed With Remote Control)

A comprehensive instrumentation package, data acquisition and computer control of facilities allows experimental analysis of engine performance parameters such as power, torque, speed and efficiency under various operating conditions, controlled and measured by a dynamometer and ancillary instrumentation. Multi-Cylinder Automotive Engine Test Bed has been developed to provide a facility for the practical demonstration of internal combustion engine technology. Display of all test parameters is via a remote PC screen, coolant & lubricant temperature is closed loop controlled to temperatures entered on the PC. Coded engine connections ensure correct connection of services & instrumentation when the engine is changed. A remote control console is provided to start/stop the engine with 10 turn potentiometers to control engine load & speed. Cussons offers two engine options that are sub-frame mounted to allow rapid engine changes.



Impulse Swirl Meter Range Instrument

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1700002 - (Impulse Swirl Meter Range Instrument)

The unit is designed for blow or suction induced flow and can be assembled for operation in either the upward or downward mode, whichever is most convenient. The Aeroweb honeycomb matrix is suspended within a cylindrical, aluminum housing with the skirt of the matrix immersed in an annular oil reservoir in the base which serves both as an air seal and a viscous damper. A set of weights is provided with the instrument to facilitate static calibration of the strain gauge with an accuracy of 2%. The matrix is mounted on an axle in the frame and supported by precision ball bearings while the torque arm connected to the axle acts on a Wheatstone Bridge strain gauge transducer. Cussons Display Unit, used in conjunction with the swirl meter, is a mains operated instrument complete with power supplies, which converts the strain gauge measurement into a four element, LED digital readout.

In automotive and truck size engines for instance, a pressure drop of 254 mm water gauge is normally used. The illustration shows a typical test rig layout arranged for downward air flow, in which the clients manometer registers a constant pressure drop across the model which must always be high enough to ensure fully turbulent flow in order that the results can be applied to his own particular engine configuration.



Exhaust Gas Analyser

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1710002 - (Exhaust Gas Analyser)

Warm up time 30 seconds  
Bluetooth, wireless connection for PC/Notebook or handheld as an option  
Internal OBD-scantool as an option
Small, robust and compact gas analyser designed for workshop environments or mobile use  
Available with an easy to use handset or PC based program  Easy to use, low user maintenance



Solar Energy Demonstration Apparatus

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1730002 - (Solar Energy Demonstration Apparatus)

A heat exchanger coil is built into the reservoir such that the water temperature within the reservoir can be controlled by allowing cooler mains water to flow through the heat exchanger coil. This experiment includes a shallow heat collection tray approximately 1.2 m by 1m, the base of which is fitted with removable heat capture material. Water is pumped through the heat transfer plate, on the tray, and is returned to an insulated reservoir mounted on the base of the unit The water is continuously re-circulated through the transfer plate so that the temperature in the reservoir gradually builds up. An inclinometer to indicate the degree of tilt is available as an optional extra. This material assists in the heat transfer process. The heat capture and transfer plate is itself covered by a sheet of flat plate glass, which captures the radiation and reflects light back to the heat.

Temperature measurement at eight points
Removable solar radiation mat
Extendable tray angles and hence flow rates
USB data logger and PC
Ability to tilt base continuously by +10º and -10º to the horizontal  
Horizontal rotation of basin through 180º
Variable angle of incidence of sunlight on the absorbing pad  
Non corrosive materials used in all critical areas
Variable thermal insulation material mounted horizontally on a rigid steel stand.



Erlenmeyer Flasks

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1750002 - (Erlenmeyer Flasks)

Erlenmeyer Flasks, Narrow Neck with graduation
Capacity (ml)



Technical Educational Instruments

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1770002 - (Technical Educational Instruments)

The entire range of products is manufactured by employing latest technology and advanced machinery, under the supervision of our team of experts. Our organization is instrumental in offering genuine quality Kaplan Wheel Turbine Test Rig in the market.

Hassle free functioning High speed rotating of turbine Higher capacity Requires less maintenance Extremely precised readings of the tests performed.



Dynamometers For Educational Towing Carriages

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1780002 - (Dynamometers For Educational Towing Carriages)

A variety of dynamometers can be supplied for use with the educational carriages, these are interfaced with he support frame for connection to ship models or fitting of propeller models. These include:
Educational Multi Component Ship / Yacht Model Balance
Educational Ship Stability Dynamometer
Educational Self Propulsion
Traditional Self-Propulsion Dynamometer for educational scaled models
Educational Resistance Dynamometer
Educational Open Water Propeller / Turbine Dynamometer.



Research Cavitation Tunnel

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1790002 - (Research Cavitation Tunnel)

The cavitation tunnel installed at the Laboratory for Hydraulic Machines provides high speed visualization of various types of cavitation phenomena, including leading edge cavitation, wake cavitation, and tip vortex :
Cavitation nuclei control
Pressure transducers
High speed visualization
5 components load cell
Optical instrumentation: particle image velocimetry, Laser Doppler velocimetry.



Single Hydraulic Ram System

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1820002 - (Single Hydraulic Ram System)

Single Hydraulic Ram System



Principles Of Solar Thermal Energy

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1840002 - (Principles Of Solar Thermal Energy)

A lighting unit simulates natural solar radiation and allows a range of experiments to be carried out in the laboratory. The light is converted into heat in an absorber and transferred to a heat transfer fluid. Solar thermal systems convert solar energy into usable thermal energy. It allows you to demonstrate solar thermal heating of domestic water in an illustrative manner. The heat is released to the water by an integrated heat exchanger in the tank. A pump conveys the heat transfer fluid through a hot water tank.

Learning Objectives/Experiments:
Design and operation of a simple solar thermal system
Influence of illuminance, angle of incidence and flow rate
Influence of various absorbing surfaces
Determining efficiency curves
Determining the net power
Energy balance on the solar collector.



Coupled Tanks Apparatus

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1850002 - (Coupled Tanks Apparatus)

Design and operation of analogue proportional, proportional + integral, or proportional + integral + differential control controllers
System dynamics in process systems
Steady-state errors and closed-loop transient responses
Ziegler/Nichols controllers tuning rules
Calibration of transducer and actuator circuits
Multivariable control
Flow control
Step-change tuning  
State feedback
The flexible design of the equipment allows the user to develop many other analysis and control exercises to suit their needs. It is good for extended or advanced control experiments, and is ideal for student project work.



Reversible Pendulum Apparatus

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1870002 - (Reversible Pendulum Apparatus)

Reversible Pendulum Apparatus can be suspended from either pivot and swung. The two pivots are adjustable on the rigid metal bar and this allows the periods of swing to be adjustable. The Reversible Pendulum Apparatus consists of a rigid metal bar with two pivot points, one near each end of the bar.
The movable pivot is adjusted until the two periods are equal. From the period and the measured distance between the pivots, the acceleration of gravity can be calculated with great precision. In use, it is swung from one pivot, and the period timed, and then turned upside down and swung from the other pivot, and the period timed. At this point the period is equal to the period of an ideal simple pendulum of length equal to the distance between the pivots.

Experimental Capabilities:
To find the acceleration due to gravity 'g'
Investigate the effect of fulcrum position.



Solar Wind Hybrid Trainer

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1890002 - (Solar Wind Hybrid Trainer)

The instrument panel interface allows students to measure the outputs and determine efficiency. The system is mounted on a sturdy mobile 2x2 welded powder coated steel frame and has a student workbench. Solar Wind Hybrid Trainer has combined two of the most viable "green" electrical generation systems from carbon-free energy sources in the Using standard solar PV panels and circuit controls to safely charge the batteries, both the wind and solar photovoltaic concepts are presented so students learn how these systems work. The instrument module provides accurate power output readings. Also, an inverter is included for the power to be converted back to AC use in appliances. The energy can be stored in a battery protected by a charge controller.



Digital Modulation Demodulation

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1900002 - (Digital Modulation Demodulation)

With this board the students can study the operating principle of the digital communications using the most common techniques such as PCM modulation, PFM modulation, PAM modulation, PWM and PPM modulations and finally the DM modulation with the aid also of a signal of noise, of analog filters and output amplifiers. The design and construction of electronic circuits to solve practical problems is an essential technique in the fields of electronic engineering and computer engineering. 



Two Phase Flow Demonstrator

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1910002 - (Two Phase Flow Demonstrator)

Two Phase Flow occurs when a gas is flowing in a confined space with a liquid. The flow profile and geometry in this instance varies widely as a function of the liquid and gas material properties as well as the flow rates through the pipeline. The Two Phase Flow Demonstrator apparatus is a small scale flow loop that can demonstrate Two Phase Flow phenomena in pipes at a variety of liquid and gas flow rates. It is important that the process operator understand the basics of Two Phase Flow Demonstrator in pipelines, especially as it pertains to the formation of the destructive slug flow regime. Certain flow regimes can be destructive to facility piping, and should be avoided where possible. The destructive effects of these flow regimes can be managed through the use of various piping geometries. 
The air and water flow rates are continuously variable over a wide range of flow rates. This allows the operator to observe a wide range of two-phase flow regimes using this demonstrator. The Two Phase Flow Demonstrator is mounted on a movable cart for ease of movement and storage. Two Phase Flow Demonstrator uses air and water to create different flow regimes in the process piping. Air is supplied to the system by a low pressure blower, and water is supplied through a centrifugal pump.

