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Flame Spread Apparatus

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1350002 - (Flame Spread Apparatus)

Ignition source with fine-adjustment valve
Stainless steel combustion chamber
Specimen holder
Gas controls and safety flashback device.



Air Bearing Apparatus

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1400002 - (Air Bearing Apparatus)

A self-contained product that shows how a self-acting gas lubricated journal bearing works. It also shows the onset of whirl. A hand operated load control and load cell allow the user to apply and measure the load on the bearing bush. The bush has pressure tappings equally spaced around its circumference. 
The shaft has a high-quality surface finish and spins inside a vertically loaded bush. The main part has a variable speed motor that turns a belt drive. The belt drive turns a precision bearing shaft. The tappings connect to a multi channel digital pressure display unit.

Demonstrate how bearing speed and therefore compressibility number affects the pressure distribution in the bearing, and how this compares with theory.
Demonstrate how a vertical load affects the pressure distribution around an air-lubricated journal bearing.
Demonstrate the onset of whirl.



Energy Balance Apparatus

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1650002 - (Energy Balance Apparatus)

Compressor driven by an electric motor
Air pressure out of compressor
Single Stage Compressor
Adjustment of air pressures via valves
Airflow rate read by airflow flowmeter.
Motor spring balance
Wattmeter on the front panel for power measurement.



Bomb Calorimeter Apparatus

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1660002 - (Bomb Calorimeter Apparatus)

It comprises the calorimeter, a calorimeter vessel, an outer double walled water vessel, electric stirrer gear, combined motor control gear and ignition unit, a Beckman type thermometer, and a charging unit with pressure gauges to facilitate the charging of the calorimeter with oxygen. The equipment is self-contained with the control unit housed in an instrument case that forms the base. A Briquetting Press is available as an optional extra and an additional calorimeter can also be supplied. No spanners are required and in use the rubber joint is protected by water so it may be used over and over again. The particular features of the calorimeter are the method of sealing and the method of ensuring ignition. The body of the calorimeter is screwed into the base and a seal is made with a special rubber joint when the two parts are finger-tight only. In order to make ignition 100% sure, great care has been devoted to the method of anchoring the ignition wire and maintaining electrical contact and to the support of the crucible. All these parts are made to a high degree of precision and the results are very satisfactory.



Solar Energy Demonstration Apparatus

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1730002 - (Solar Energy Demonstration Apparatus)

A heat exchanger coil is built into the reservoir such that the water temperature within the reservoir can be controlled by allowing cooler mains water to flow through the heat exchanger coil. This experiment includes a shallow heat collection tray approximately 1.2 m by 1m, the base of which is fitted with removable heat capture material. Water is pumped through the heat transfer plate, on the tray, and is returned to an insulated reservoir mounted on the base of the unit The water is continuously re-circulated through the transfer plate so that the temperature in the reservoir gradually builds up. An inclinometer to indicate the degree of tilt is available as an optional extra. This material assists in the heat transfer process. The heat capture and transfer plate is itself covered by a sheet of flat plate glass, which captures the radiation and reflects light back to the heat.

Temperature measurement at eight points
Removable solar radiation mat
Extendable tray angles and hence flow rates
USB data logger and PC
Ability to tilt base continuously by +10º and -10º to the horizontal  
Horizontal rotation of basin through 180º
Variable angle of incidence of sunlight on the absorbing pad  
Non corrosive materials used in all critical areas
Variable thermal insulation material mounted horizontally on a rigid steel stand.



Anaerobic Reactors Apparatus

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1740002 - (Anaerobic Reactors Apparatus)

Simple change of reactor configurations
Provision for sampling of liquids and gases
Automatic pH control with two dosing pumps
The reactors are made of glass so the contents are fully visible
Provision for fitting user supplied instrumentation
Very low back pressure on reactor from gas collector
Accurate control of temperature to suit the bacteria
Accurate and highly visual measurement of gas produced
Optional settling tank 
Data logging system with software.



Coupled Tanks Apparatus

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1850002 - (Coupled Tanks Apparatus)

Design and operation of analogue proportional, proportional + integral, or proportional + integral + differential control controllers
System dynamics in process systems
Steady-state errors and closed-loop transient responses
Ziegler/Nichols controllers tuning rules
Calibration of transducer and actuator circuits
Multivariable control
Flow control
Step-change tuning  
State feedback
The flexible design of the equipment allows the user to develop many other analysis and control exercises to suit their needs. It is good for extended or advanced control experiments, and is ideal for student project work.



Reversible Pendulum Apparatus

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1870002 - (Reversible Pendulum Apparatus)

Reversible Pendulum Apparatus can be suspended from either pivot and swung. The two pivots are adjustable on the rigid metal bar and this allows the periods of swing to be adjustable. The Reversible Pendulum Apparatus consists of a rigid metal bar with two pivot points, one near each end of the bar.
The movable pivot is adjusted until the two periods are equal. From the period and the measured distance between the pivots, the acceleration of gravity can be calculated with great precision. In use, it is swung from one pivot, and the period timed, and then turned upside down and swung from the other pivot, and the period timed. At this point the period is equal to the period of an ideal simple pendulum of length equal to the distance between the pivots.

Experimental Capabilities:
To find the acceleration due to gravity 'g'
Investigate the effect of fulcrum position.



Drilling And Tapping Centre

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1920002 - (Drilling And Tapping Centre)

Drilling And Tapping Centre



Consolidation Apparatus

Product Code: LBNY-0005-2020002 - (Consolidation Apparatus)

The load bridge group is supported in high accuracy self-aligning seat balls. Rigidly manufactured from aluminous alloy casting to provide a high degree of accuracy with any frame distortions under load. 




Product Code: LBNY-0032-220002 - (TOP CUTTER / END NIPPER)

Fully Hardened and Tempered.
Selected Steel.
With Dip Sleeve.



Automatic Rain Gauge Tipping Bucket Precipitation

Product Code: LBNY-0002-840003 - (Automatic Rain Gauge Tipping Bucket Precipitation)

Automatic Rain Gauge Tipping Bucket Precipitation



App Smart Phone Software Component

Product Code: LBNY-0002-850003 - (App Smart Phone Software Component)

App Smart Phone Software Component



Basic Electrical and Electronic Appliances EX Board B

Product Code: LBNY-0001-960003 - (Basic Electrical and Electronic Appliances EX Board B)

Basic Electrical and Electronic Appliances EX Board B



Carbonator Filler Or Capper

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1070003 - (Carbonator Filler Or Capper)

The totally new design including a large number of improvements andenhancements. In particular, special attention has been given to the ease ofuse, enhanced flexibility, reliability and improved Clean In Place (CIP).
The  miniature-scale carbonatorprovides the ability to establish precise and repeatable parameters whencarbonating in the laboratory, this can dramatically improve the speed withwhich new products are developed.
Both premix and postmix operations are available from the standardmachine, and an option is available to add the syrup for postmix automatically.
Other options enable for deaeration of the product and evacuation of thebottles, continuous processing capability, and filling and capping (screwand/or crown) at a single station without removing the bottle.
The Carbonator/Filler is easy to install, set up and use.
Theimproved semi-automated cleaning programme takes the user step by step throughthe cleaning process and enables the unit to be made ready for another productor formulation. Colour touch screen control is used with a new graphical interface,enabling different carbonating and filling scenarios to be set and stored. 

Features & Benefits:
Easily reproducible test batches
Very flexible and accurate
No CO2 loss during filling dueto double stage cooling
Fill and cap different container styles to individual parameters on thesame product run
32 preset programs
Easy to use: many functions automated
Cost saving: for small test batches no production line is required
Additional filling/capping head can be added at a later date
Accurate control of filling and carbonating variables
Option of filling and crown sealcapping and/or screw top capping at a single station
30l process vessel, positioned at a convenient height
Batch & continuous processing
Evaluation service for customer cans and bottles
CO2 content of 12g/l can be realised
Enhanced colour touch screen control with help facility as standard
In-bottle pressure measurement enables accurate and reproducibledepressurisation
Throughputs up to 60l/h achievable (2l bottles)
Higher throughputs possible with add-on filling/capping system
Wide range of cans or bottles can be used from 0.15l to in excess of 2l
Adds protective gases (N2 connection now standard)
Many parameters can be automated
Fills non-carbonated drinks
Improved cleaning programs with heater and spray ball
CO2 or NO2 flushing
Carbonates foaming products
Carbonates at any temperature between 4C and ambient
Premix and postmix capability.



Stepped Tandem Master Brake Cylinder

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1200003 - (Stepped Tandem Master Brake Cylinder)

In a tandem master cylinder for a vehicle hydraulic brake system havinga push-rod piston designed as stepped piston and anintermediate piston designed as stepped piston both pistons being aligned in a stepped bore of the cylinder housing forthe purpose of obtaining a particularly short and compact design.



Toxicity Apparatus

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1350003 - (Toxicity Apparatus)

An internally mounted stirring fan for rapid mixing of combustion products
12 sampling ports on the side of the chamber
The gas burner has a spark ignition system which automatically reignites should the flame extinguish
A forced-air extraction system for evacuating the chamber after a test
A separate control unit houses the flowmeters, timer, methane and air controls
The combustion chamber has welded seams and a volume of 0.7m3.



Schlieren Apparatus For Supersonic Wind Tunnel

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1370003 - (Schlieren Apparatus For Supersonic Wind Tunnel)

The Schlieren apparatus allows students tosee density gradients as variations in intensity of illumination. This allowsthem to see supersonic air flow patterns around models. A monochrome Schlieren apparatus for use with theIntermittent Supersonic Wind Tunnel. The apparatus includes digital imaging equipment to record the images this isuseful when using an intermittent supersonic wind tunnel. The video monitor isparticularly useful to display the images to groups of students. It also clearly showsshock waves and expansions, and students can compare their positions and angleswith values predicted by theory. The imagingequipment can capture still images and any real-time changes in the image. The mirrors and lenses are of high optic standards to reduce any possibility of optic distortions of the images. 



Electric Pensky Martens Flash Point Apparatus

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1660003 - (Electric Pensky Martens Flash Point Apparatus)

A stirrer motor is incorporated to agitate the liquid under test and is controlled by a pushbutton on the top panel of the control unit. Immediately behind the pushbutton are two motor drive outputs which connect to the test cup via the curved flexible drive - changeover being made simply by lifting the cable drive from one outlet and placing it in the other. The unit is also fitted with an integral, rechargeable LPG gas tank. Electrically heated flash point apparatus is designed to determine the flash point of petroleum products with flash points above 49ºC (120ºF) and in so doing conforms to the following standards: Method The apparatus consists essentially of a cast-iron stove with test cup, lid and shutter assembly mounted on a stainless steel encased control unit with the main power switch and heater controller located on the front panel. The stove is fitted with an easily replaceable base and band heaters, so arranged that all parts of the exterior surface are heated uniformly, while accelerated cooling, after flash point determination, is provided by an air inlet connection, which leads to the interior of the stainless steel baffle surrounding the heaters. Handles are provided for lifting the cup and lid, and a vertically located, cam locking device ensures safe and secure mounting of the lid and shutter assembly.

Two speed stirrer
Forced air cooling facility
Ambient to 370°C temperature range
Variable ramp rate
Supplied with sample cup, lid and shutter stand and instruction manual.



Blowby Meter Range Apparatus

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1710003 - (Blowby Meter Range Apparatus)

The apparatus is an ideal solution for measuring gas leaks Engine casings and which can be easily integrated In the engine ventilation system. The device consists of a flow transducer, a Digital display module and cable Interconnection. The deterioration of the engine can be evaluated by several Methods, one of which is to measure the gas cylinder; Crankcase crankcase gas accumulation is A result of that loss, and provides an indication of the The wear of valve stems, valve guides, Piston rings and cylinder bores. A pulse train output is also provided. The module incorporates an alarm circuit which provides the Visual indication and closes the alarm contacts Without voltage when the gas flow exceeds a value Of the operator. The display module, which incorporates a linearization circuit, Shows the gas flow in liters / min on a display Digital output and provides an analog output voltage of 0- 2V or 0-10V. To allow the device to be Used on a wide range of engine applications, five Different flow sensor sizes are available. 

Experimental Ability:
Research and development
Monitoring of engine conditions
End of line test


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