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Educational Cavitation Tunnel

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1790001 - (Educational Cavitation Tunnel)

The main data of the Cavitation Tunnel is as follows:
Pressure regulation from relatively high vacuum to above atmospheric pressure measured at the pressure regulation container  1 bar Approx
Cavitation number adjustable in wide range down to belows = 0.2
Total length including stiffening girder not including the length required for the impeller drive  20.4 m Approx.
Measuring section  850 mm x 850 mm
Length of measuring section  4000 mm
Contraction ratio of the nozzle 4.99:1 Approx.
Maximum velocity of the water in the measuring section  12 m/s
Total height from the floor at which the tunnel foundations are supported to the highest part of the cavitation tunnel, inclusive stiffening girders, not including additional height for the separate pressure regulation container and not including the height for setting in propeller dynamometers or other test equipment  12.9 m.



Educational Cavitation Tunnel Dynamometers

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1790005 - (Educational Cavitation Tunnel Dynamometers)

The dynamometers have been designed for low friction torque at the propeller shaft and for this reason shaft seals are not fitted. As a result, the dynamometers are not watertight. If watertight propeller dynamometers are required, alternative designs are available. All dynamometers have a similar appearance although vary in size / rating to suit the intended specification required. The Dynamometers are compact with low weight and small dimensions and as such are suitable for use with models over a wide range of sizes however also offer with suitable accessories the ability of mounting two dynamometers driven through a gear box to allow the testing of twin screw models. The self propulsion dynamometer measures thrust and torque of the propellers during propulsion tests with ship models on smooth water and in waves in towing tanks. 



Educational Cavitation Tunnel Instrument

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1790004 - (Educational Cavitation Tunnel Instrument)

High Speed / Frame Rate Camera system for observing cavitation.
Window mounting hydrophone system for use in the educational cavitation tunnels.
Educational Wake Rake with integrated pressure transducers for measuring the wake profile within the tunnel.
Flat Plate and Cylinder Model Experiment for use in Tunnels.
Pitot Static tube for use in measuring section of Tunnel.



Educational Engine Model With Petrol Injection System Motronic

Product Code: LBNY-0005-10800015 - (Educational Engine Model With Petrol Injection System Motronic)

Training engine is a great educational tool that allows students to learn the structure of the engine and its components, power supply system, cooling system, engine control system. It also allows to study components and operation modes of the engine control system, perform various measurements, tests and other diagnostic procedures. Educational Engine Model With Petrol Injection System Motronic training engine with multipoint petrol injection (MPI) system MOTRONIC is specially designed to demonstrate the engine management system and operational structure. Self contained, fully operational engine installed in a mobile frame.

The main characteristics and functions of the Educational Engine Model With Petrol Injection System Motronic trainer are:
Engine with external components is clearly visible after removing safety panels. Easy access to the engine and its components for service and maintenance.
Integrated engine emergency stop button.
Possibility to measure the exhaust gas before and after the catalytic converter.
Possibility to simulate more than 20 faults by disconnecting banana plug jumpers.
Supplied with safety removable panels to protect against hot and rotating parts.
Electric wiring diagram with built in banana plug jumpers for measurements and simulation of system fault codes
Educational functional engine model with fuel supply system, instrument cluster, cooling system, power supply system and the exhaust system.
Instrument cluster, measurement and fault simulation panel integrated in a closed aluminium frame construction.

The Educational Engine Model With Petrol Injection System Motronic trainer has the following diagnostic and measurement features:
Diagnosis through OBD 16 pin diagnostic connector
Electronic control unit (ECU) identification
Control unit diagnosis 
Control unit encoding/configuration
Reading/erasing fault codes
Actuator test (depending on the control unit)
Displaying the operating system parameters (live data)
Throttle adaptation.



Educational Proton Exchange Membrane fuel cell

Product Code: LBNY-0005-18400039 - (Educational Proton Exchange Membrane fuel cell)

Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell incorporates a unique membrane electrode assembly for the stack cells, each of which is internally reinforced and water cooled. The Proton Exchange Membrane fuel cell is one of the current leading contenders as a power source for use in motor vehicles. The fuel cell generates electrical power directly from hydrogen and air producing only pure water and heat as a by-product.
This gives the cell a high watt density and allows students to investigate a practical fuel cell with a realistic output capable of driving significant electrical loads up to 0.75kW. Unlike other educational units on the market the Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell utilises an award winning module that is identical to those used in an actual vehicle power supply currently in production.



Educational Towing Carriages

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1780001 - (Educational Towing Carriages)

They are suitable for a range of hydrodynamic research functions, from current meter calibrating to large ship model testing at speeds of up to 20m/s. All carriages are designed such as to cope with steady state and dynamic model testing, whilst ensuring smooth running at constant speeds. Our range of Carriages often incorporate four quadrant systems for smooth acceleration and retardation. Towing Carriages are manufactured from modern high-grade materials offering rigidity and strength, but where necessary manufactured in suitable lightweight materials for high-speed applications. Drive trains, electrical systems, control equipment and other important key components are selected in order to reduce overall maintenance costs and down time during routine maintenance. Software control maximises test duration in calm water and with links to wavemakers can maximise test duration in waves.



Educational Wind Tunnel

Product Code: LBNY-0005-16200014 - (Educational Wind Tunnel)

The Complete Educational Wind Tunnel System is an easy-to-use, all-in-one fluids aerodynamics laboratory. Optional features include instrumentation, data acquisition, models and probes. Educational Wind Tunnel (EWT) System is a powerful tool for educators and researchers alike. With many optional features available, the budget-conscious user can start with a basic system and upgrade as needs change or funding becomes available. Perfectly scaled for high school or university use, the basic Educational Wind Tunnel system is also popular with small technical businesses needing an accurate, reliable testing device.



Efficiency In Heating Technology

Product Code: LBNY-0005-12500037 - (Efficiency In Heating Technology)

The losses of the most important fittings can be determined using seven differential pressure sensors. Control response and energy flux can be plotted using four temperature sensors, a flow rate sensor and an effective power sensor. The trainer contains a complete closed heating circuit with circulating pump, electrical heater, and convector for dissipating heat, various pipe sections, fittings and safety devices. The characteristics of a conventional circulating pump and a differential pressure controlled circulating pump can be compared.



EFIS And EICAS Trainer

Product Code: LBNY-0005-2010003 - (EFIS And EICAS Trainer)

The system combines primary flight instrumentation, aircraft systems instrumentation, engine instrumentation, warnings/alerts, and navigational information, all displayed on two LCD color screens. The EFIS / EICASTrainer is based on panel-mount LCD flight and navigation displays. There are separate PFD and MFD screens, with fullreversionary backup for redundancy. This is an advanced technology avionicssuite designed to integrate pilot/aircraft interaction into one central system. The trainer has a full functional primary flight display (PFD) for attitude/directionalguidance with electronic engine monitoring and detailed moving-map multifunction display (MFD) capabilities. The is a complete packaget hat represents EFIS / EMS / EICAS displaying flight instrumentation, position,navigation, communication, and identification information to the pilot using dual 7 wide (800 x 480) flat-panel color displays.



EGR Valve Cutaway

Product Code: LBNY-0005-121000415 - (EGR Valve Cutaway)

Operated: Static
Dimensions: 20 x 10 x 10(h) cm
Net Weight: 1.5 kg
Gross Weight: 2 kg
Equipment Layout: On Base.



Eight Channels Control Unit Automatic

Product Code: LBNY-0005-12200053 - (Eight Channels Control Unit Automatic)

Designed with the latest technology, an innovative PC-likeTouch Screen system, employed to control and manage all sorts of automatic testing machines. Multi piston electric pump with variable flow driven by a microprocessor. To update or complete your compression and flexural testing machine on concrete and mortar.
Eight channels controlled unit for a fully automatic execution of the test.
Data acquisition system.
The machine comprises.



Eight Channels Control Unit Touch Screen Semi Automatic

Product Code: LBNY-0005-12200048 - (Eight Channels Control Unit Touch Screen Semi Automatic)

The new PC based and touch screen control unit developed by department to offer a new generation of control units for the management of semi-automatic and fully automatic compression, flexural, and splitting tensile tests on concrete and cement specimens.

Main Features:
Modular structure
Pc based control unit
No limits memory
Touch screen display with icons Internet and Intranet connections for remote technical assistance.



Ejector Steam Bench

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1630009 - (Ejector Steam Bench)

Incorporating a typical commercially available steam ejector instrumented for the measurement of temperature and pressure at the steam inlet, suction inlet and delivery outlet. The apparatus is supplied complete with service facilities relating to water supply, blowdown and drainage together with a set of four stainless steel flexible hoses which enable the bench to be connected to other steam benches to form a comprehensive system. Ejector Steam Bench consists of a sturdy framework and panels of all steel construction, fitted with a student work surface, interconnecting back panel and adjustable feet. Two water tanks acting as a suction tank and a delivery tank respectively, are inter-connected in such a way that water can be returned to the suction tank to permit experiments with suction water at varying temperatures. Water supply to the suction tank is via a flow meter.

Experimental Capability:
To investigate the overall efficiency of the ejector.
To investigate the efficiency when used as a pump.
To investigate the efficiency when used as a feed water heater. 



EKG Sensor

Product Code: LBNY-0004-780043 - (EKG Sensor)

EKG Sensor



Elastic Bumper

Product Code: LBNY-0004-780018 - (Elastic Bumper)

Elastic Bumper



Elastic Line Of A Beam

Product Code: LBNY-0005-10100022 - (Elastic Line Of A Beam)

Beams are important design elements in mechanical engineering and building construction that can deform under load. In linearelastic material behaviour, the bending line, also known as elastic line, is used to determine the deflection of beams. Deflection can be determined at any point on the beam using the influence coefficients and commutative theory. Beams are subjected to load transversely in the axial direction, which leads to deflection.

Beams of different materials: steel, brass and aluminium.

Learning Objectives And Experiments:
Elastic line and support forces in statically indeterminate systems.
Elastic line under varying load.
Elastic line under various support conditions.



Elastic Modulus On Concrete

Product Code: LBNY-0005-12200056 - (Elastic Modulus On Concrete)

The appliance includes:
Electronic measuring system
Hydraulic system
Data acquisition and processing software.



Elastic Shaft Kit

Product Code: LBNY-0005-10100033 - (Elastic Shaft Kit)

This accessory set-up enables the response of an elastic rotor to unbalanced excitation to be studied. The field balancing of elastic rotors is another area which can be investigated. The supplied pendulum ball bearings ensure full mobility of the shaft. The subcritical, supercritical and resonance running states can be demonstrated. A comparison of the orbits (path curves) in the subcritical and supercritical range is of particular interest. The retainer bearing limits the amplitudes to harmless values at speeds close to resonance.



Elastomeric Bearing Testing Machine

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1440001 - (Elastomeric Bearing Testing Machine)

The hydraulic system features a quick withdraw unit to promote efficiency.
Easy to set testing  methods. Administrators may configure in a specific range of settings under related standards, pre-installed with two sets of testing schemas (standard testing schema and custom testing schema).
Highly automatic testing process. Capable of general functionalities including automatically aligning with zero, smooth continuous loading and un-loading, automatic sustaining. Capable of monitoring the whole testing process, automatic testing data measuring and processing, automatic testing curve displaying, automatic saving the source data and curves of tests.
A wide range of test projects are supported by the testing software perfect support for the latest mechanics performance testing standards on rubber bearing products.
Support for management permissions for various user types (Operator, administrator and engineer).
Highly user-friendly testing process. Operators may perform testing procedures according to system suggestions. Other interactions may retrieve testing state suggestions in time.
Electromechanically adjustable test space between upper and lower compression platen. Horizontal shear components are moveable electromechanically and easy to operate.
Multi-channel coordinative digital load control system makes it more convenient to perform tests.
Testing data automatic processing, one-click data calculation, automatic testing report obtaining and printing.
Integrated with a complete set of templates for shear tests from the The testing software supports displaying various categories of testing data, and drawing real-time common-type curves including load-time, displacement-time, deformation-time, load-displacement, load-strain, stress-strain and etc., as well as partial curve zooming in/out.
Rich and detailed help documentation installed in the test software. Contents including testing descriptions, operating procedures, cautions can be viewed or printed through the help system.
Integrated with travel limit protection and full scale overload protection.
Ministry of Transport of the Peoples Republic of China. Customizations are also supported to cater for users specific requirements.
The testing software is integrated with a complete and safe data storing system. Supports tracing history testing data, automatic test report generating and printing.



Electrial Transformer Trainer

Product Code: LBNY-0002-620004 - (Electrial Transformer Trainer)

Electrial Transformer Trainer


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