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Bow Type Drop Optical Cable Testing Machine

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1570005 - (Bow Type Drop Optical Cable Testing Machine)

Loading speed stepless setting, loading process stability, no jump to change fluctuations
Integrated with software limit protection, hardware travel limit protection and full scale overload protection.
Total load force points set arbitrarily, holding time of load force point set arbitrarily
Dynamic display of load, displacement, deformation and real-time testing curve on the screen.
Strength point force value control precision, load without overshoot.
Support saving, instant retrieving and inspection of testing results.
Closed loop control of channels such as load, displacement, deformation, etc. Smooth switching inbetween.
Load force is precise controls, and steady loads.



Portable Capacitive Load Bank

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1590005 - (Portable Capacitive Load Bank)

This allows students to create and study the effects ofbalanced or unbalanced capacitive loads. Each bank of capacitors includes athermally operated circuit-breaker to protect the loads. The Portable Capacitive Load Bank is a robust steelenclosure that contains three banks of switchable capacitive loads. Each bankof capacitors is electrically separate, so they can connect as a star or deltaload for three-phase circuits. This helps to preventelectrical shocks when the students disconnect the circuits. The value of thedischarge resistor is too high to affect any experiment results. Each bank has a set of switches to bring eachcapacitor into circuit. Each capacitor of theload bank includes a high-value discharge resistor that safely discharges anyd.c. electrical charge that remains after experiments. Studentsconnect the loads to experiment circuits using safety sockets on the enclosure frontpanel. The other loadbanks are Resistive and Inductive. The enclosure has ventilation holes and hascarrying handles for portability. Students can use this load bank in combination with the other similarload banks to provide variable power and power factor loads. 



Adjustable Section Channel

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1600005 - (Adjustable Section Channel)

The group is supplied with manuals which describe all parts of the Adjustable Section Channel unit, the installation and utilisation procedures, as well as many exercises with the relative results. The Adjustable Section Channel allows to show experimentally several fundamental fluid-dynamic aspects. Indeed, the unit allows to visualise some physical phenomena: the water current flow in an open channel, in an enclosed duct (just placing a covering to turn the channel into a duct) or in the presence of an obstacle (three different types of weirs are supplied). Besides it allows to introduce some concepts such as the Bernoullis theorem, the energy equation and the concept of channel critical depth.



Compact Centrifugal Fan Test Set

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1610005 - (Compact Centrifugal Fan Test Set)

Compact Centrifugal Fan Test Set is a bench top unit for studying the small centrifugal fan characteristics. An interchangeable forward blade impeller is provided for comparison of operating characteristics. The unit consists of a small industrial centrifugal fan with a backward blade impeller and a motor on a steel base, an advanced inverter, inlet and outlet ducts, and measuring instruments.

Comparison of backward and forward blade impellers.
Fan input, output and overall efficiency.
Flow rate vs pressure.
Effect of speed on fan performance.



Model Positioning System

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1620005 - (Model Positioning System)

Trans/supersonic systems:
Nominal pitch angle range: <10 degrees + / <5 degrees.
Subsonic systems:
Nominal yaw angle range: +/- 30 degrees typical
Nominal pitch angle range: +/- 30 degrees typical



Steam Power Plant 1,5Kw

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1630005 - (Steam Power Plant 1,5Kw)

A steam power plant essentially consists of a heat source for generating steam, a turbine with load, and a cooling mechanism for condensing the steam. In steam power plants, thermal energy is first converted into mechanical energy and then into electrical energy.

Closed steam-water circuit
Complete laboratory-sized steam power plant.



Spectro Analyser

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1650005 - (Spectro Analyser)

The analyser is based on a specially designed Pyrex quartz ionisation cell in which the sample gas flow is ionised in a high voltage alternating electrical field with consequential emission of light. The instrument has ranges of both 0-10 & 0-100 vpm with a sensitivity of less than 1 vpm. A narrow spectral band corresponding to one of the specific light emission wavelengths of nitrogen is filtered by a narrow band-pass composite interference filter and then detected by a photomultiplier tube.



Variable Compression Equipment

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1680005 - (Variable Compression Equipment)

The engine can Be provided with a specific cylinder head fitted with Devices for the multi-channel indicator for Diagrams. Other cylinder heads for the gasoline engine Variable compression ratio are provided to allow To study the effects on the efficiency of the engine. Anything Instrumentation and controls are located on the Control panel made of melamine resin which comprises Multicolor synoptic table. The instrumentation provided is highly accurate, Includes an electric sensitive dynamometer, which allows To achieve fair and repeatable results.



Multi Turbine Test Set

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1720005 - (Multi Turbine Test Set)

The unit consists ofa pump and a storage tank, turbine units connected in parallel, a dynamometerfor each turbine, and measuring instruments. Multi Turbine Test Set is a self contained set of three different typesof turbine namely-Pelton, Francis, Cross Flow, designed for studying theturbine characteristics under various flow rates and heads. The unit is on wheels.

Power output vs speed for various heads and flow rates.
Efficiency vs speed for a given head and flow rate.
Each turbine can be tested on the following :
Racing characteristics.
Torque vs speed at various heads and flow rates.



Educational Cavitation Tunnel Dynamometers

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1790005 - (Educational Cavitation Tunnel Dynamometers)

The dynamometers have been designed for low friction torque at the propeller shaft and for this reason shaft seals are not fitted. As a result, the dynamometers are not watertight. If watertight propeller dynamometers are required, alternative designs are available. All dynamometers have a similar appearance although vary in size / rating to suit the intended specification required. The Dynamometers are compact with low weight and small dimensions and as such are suitable for use with models over a wide range of sizes however also offer with suitable accessories the ability of mounting two dynamometers driven through a gear box to allow the testing of twin screw models. The self propulsion dynamometer measures thrust and torque of the propellers during propulsion tests with ship models on smooth water and in waves in towing tanks. 



Control And Instrumentation Study Station

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1850005 - (Control And Instrumentation Study Station)

The Control and Instrumentation Study Station uses industry-standard parts to teach industrial process control. Two valves control the flow of the water supplies into a process vessel. Hot and cold water supplies connect to the study station. It is an excellent tool to help train plant technicians and process control engineers.

The process vessel has three jobs:
A pressure vessel with a pressure-relief valve for safety
A liquid-level reservoir with a sight gauge
A temperature-mixing chamber for the hot and cold water flows



Frictional Vibrations

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1870005 - (Frictional Vibrations)

Friction is the resistance of a body against movement on a base. Self-excited friction oscillations, also known as slipstick phenomenon, occur if the static friction is significantly higher than the dynamic friction. Static friction means that a body remains at rest under the action of a force. If a limit value is exceeded, the body begins to move on the base, resulting in dynamic friction.

Learning Objectives And Experiments:
Observation of the transition from static to dynamic friction
Together with the drive unit
Influence of the relative velocity of the friction partners on the slipstick phenomenon
Influence of the force between the friction partners on the slipstick phenomenon
Influence of lubrication on slipstick phenomenon.

Friction rings of different materials for the study of different friction pairings
Slip Stick phenomenon at the transition from static to dynamic friction.



Wind Simulator

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1840005 - (Wind Simulator)

It allows simulating the wind force and direction. System composed of: wind speed and direction sensor, power supply, fan, potentiometer, measurement circuit.



Alternative Fueled Engine

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1890005 - (Alternative Fueled Engine)

The Alternative Fueled Engine program includes a dynamometer, which is attached to an oil-less engine allowing the student to measure the engine's horsepower. Also, this patented electric dynamometer con-verts useful power to electrical energy. Alternative Fueled Engine patented oil-less, four stroke transparent engine can run on any alternative fuel. With the ability to vary timing or change the compression ratio, this trainer is the world's most unique teaching device. The ADVANCED LEVEL Program provides experiments in the areas of variable compression ratio, variable spark timing and operation with any combustible fuel. The net electrical power output is measured by a DC ammeter and volt-meter. Run it on ethanol or methanol, propane or natural gas and measure the horsepower with the electric as shown above and witness the actual combustion of different fuels. Available with or without and with or without electric start. With an emission analyzer you can do many alt. fuels emission tests. The program is based on Alternative Fueled Engine technology for the 21st century.



CNC Machines Learning System

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1920005 - (CNC Machines Learning System)

CNC Machines Learning System includes a CNC Lathe, a tooling package, multimedia curriculum, an instructors guide, installation guide, and a student reference guide. CNC Machines Learning System introduces learners to the CNC lathe and covers the operation and programming of this vital industrial machine. Learners will study the basic components and function of the lathe and then write programs to reduce the diameter of a shaft and create a part with a specific fillet. Learners will use the curriculum to study CNC lathe topics like basic lathe G- and M-codes, absolute and incremental programming, circular interpolation, and program interpretation, and then practice applicable, industry-relevant skills with the CNC lathe. Lathes are one of the most widely used machines in industrial settings, found in every machine shop, so understanding their operation and function is vital for future members of the workforce.

Study CNC lathe topics like basic lathe G- and M-codes, absolute and incremental programming, circular interpolation, and program interpretation.
Introduces learners to the CNC lathe and covers the operation and programming of this vital industrial machine
Includes a CNC lathe, a compact, 2-axis CNC lathe with totally covered interlocking guards.



Solar Thermal Cold Water Supply Station

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1930005 - (Solar Thermal Cold Water Supply Station)

Solar Thermal Cold Water Supply Station will enable the three solar thermal learning systems to be self-contained. The Solar Thermal Cold Water Supply Station is designed to reduce the temperature of hot water from the open loop, closed loop, or installation solar thermal learning systems and feed it back to the learning system at a temperature and pressure that is similar to a city water supply. This trainer includes the frame, ball valves for shutoffs and bypasses, relief valve to adjust temperature and pressure output, temperature gauges, a pressure gauge at outlet of chiller, AC pump, AC chiller, water storage tank, control unit, ground fault circuit interrupter, and an AC circuit breaker with lockout / tagout.



Electric Torque Wrench Learning System

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1940005 - (Electric Torque Wrench Learning System)

The Electric Torque Wrench Learning System includes an electric torque wrench, a 19mm box head drive, CD-ROM based student learning materials for both theory and lab, and teachers assessment guide. The CD-ROM based curriculum includes virtual simulation of key skills, allowing learners to practice skills in advance of actually working on the equipment. 
Electric Torque Wrench Learning System uses industrial quality components to help assure that students are better prepared for what they will encounter on the job and to withstand frequent student use. The CD-ROM based curriculum can be accessed locally or web delivered, allowing businesses to increase delivery of high quality assembly practices in far flung organizations.
Electric Torque Wrench Learning System teaches the operation and application of electric torque wrenches with threaded fasteners. The Electric Torque Wrench Learning System teaches learners how to use a high-speed, precise torque tool. Precision assembly requires accurate fastener tension in bolted assemblies.

Industrial quality components
Hands-on skills
Teaches learners how to use a high-speed, precise torque tool.



Oven 420 Liters Forced Ventilation Digital Thermostat

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1950005 - (Oven 420 Liters Forced Ventilation Digital Thermostat)

Main Features:
Forced ventilation airflow
Regulation of fan speed (0-100%)
Stainless steel chamber and trays with Silicone gasket
PID electronic regulator, double digital display.
High quality thermo insulation material
Double over heat protection system
Low power consumption
300°C maximum temperature
High temperature (uniformity ±2% and precision ±0.3°C ) fully compliant with Standards
Air outlet control by valves operated manually



Computerized Educational Equipment On The Thermal Solar Refrigeration Cycle

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1960005 - (Computerized Educational Equipment On The Thermal Solar Refrigeration Cycle)

The solar energy is captured by a cylindrical parabolic solar concentrator in which the parabola axis is constituted by a high thermal conductivity tube and black colour containing an adequate liquid able to capture the solar energy increasing its temperature. The Computerized Educational Equipment On The Thermal Solar Refrigeration Cycle is one of the most interesting applications of solar thermal energy because it is able to use the solar energy and, via an absorption cycle, to convert the energy in a source of cold that can be used for food conservation chain, air conditioning, chilling water and in general in all the applications of refrigeration and conditioning purposes without the use of electrical energy. The Computerized Educational Equipment On The Thermal Solar Refrigeration Cycle has been designed and manufactured by Italia to allow the experimental study of an absorption refrigeration plant using solar energy as energy source. Owing the peculiarity of the plant able to use the solar energy to convert it in a source of cold, the plant is particularly interesting in all the countries of the equatorial area, where the sun is the main energy source and the coverage of the electrical network is scarce.



Watertight Model Self-Propulsion Propeller Dynamometer

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1970005 - (Watertight Model Self-Propulsion Propeller Dynamometer)

This additional sealing equipment can be taken out easily and can be replaced by the sealing arrangement for use in ship models in the towing tank in order to reduce friction So if the additional equipment for use of the dynamometers in a cavitation tunnel is ordered, the dynamometers are also suitable for use in ship models in a towing tank. In the first case, they are provided only with a sealing arrangement suitable for sealing against water pressure whereas in the latter case, they are supplied with additional equipment that seals the propeller dynamometers against relatively high vacuum and against pressure up to 1 bar above atmospheric pressure. 

