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Digital Analytical Scales

Product Code: LBNY-0003-830012 - (Digital Analytical Scales)

Digital Analytical Scales



Main Cable For Cableway System Galvanized Tow cable 10 mm

Product Code: LBNY-0002-830012 - (Main Cable For Cableway System Galvanized Tow cable 10 mm)

Main Cable For Cableway System Galvanized Tow cable 10 mm



Industrial Temperature Meter

Product Code: LBNY-0001-1000012 - (Industrial Temperature Meter)

Industrial Temperature Meter



G Clamp

Product Code: LBNY-0003-1010012 - (G Clamp)

G Clamp



Flow Boiling Demonstration Unit

Product Code: LBNY-0005-10200012 - (Flow Boiling Demonstration Unit)

The Flow Boiling Demonstration Unit is a floor-mounted unit designed to provide a visual demonstration of the flow boiling processes that can occur inside the vapour generating tubes of practical plant such as refrigeration, steam, chemical and food processing systems.



Viscosity And Particle Drag

Product Code: LBNY-0005-10300012 - (Viscosity And Particle Drag)

The flume is made of transparent glass, precision-built toensure parallel walls and a consistently accurate cross section along itslength. The Viscosity and Particle Drag apparatus is a simplefalling-sphere viscometer. The self-standing unit holds two glass tubes filled with the test fluids, for comparisons and to minismise draining and refillingof the fluids after experimentation. A sturdy steel square-section firmly supports the channel throughoutits length. It has a floor-standing frame that supports the working section ata convenient eye-level position for students. The back plate has a low-voltage backlightso students can easily see the test spheres through the fluid. Students fillthe two tubes with their chosen test fluid, then select a sphere of the correctdensity and size for the fluid. They drop the sphere into the test fluid at thetop of the glass tube. The valve systemminimises the fluid loss from the tube and helps when draining the tube afterthe tests are complete. Students may also make their own use shapes to test inthe unit. The shapes must fi t through the valve at the base (maximum 8 mm inany single dimension). They then use a stopwatch (included) to measure the timetaken for the sphere to fall a set distance down the tube. When the test spherereaches the bottom of the tube, it enters a valve that the students turns,dropping the sphere into a collection vial for recovery. The apparatus can be used with any fluid that can besafely handled and is chemically compatible with the wetted parts of theequipment - glass and PTFE. Suitable test fluids include water, thin machine oil,castor oil and motor oil.



Advanced Hydrology Study System

Product Code: LBNY-0005-10400012 - (Advanced Hydrology Study System)

The water is output either from an outlet tank and flow measurement system located at the end of the main sand tank, from one or both of the two wells located in the tank, or one or both of the French drains. The unit comprises a sand tank, made of stainless steel, measuring 2 meters by 1 meter. A large plastic sump tank is located under the sand tank. Water may be input to the sand tank from spray nozzles located above the tank (simulating rainfall), from an inlet tank simulating a river flow or from two french drains buried in the sand at either end of the tank. 

Hydraulic gradients in ground water flow .Investigation of model stream flow in alluvial material
Determination of run-off hydrographs from model catchments including multiple storms, moving storms, effect of reservoir storage and land drains
Sediment transport, bed load motion, scour and erosion
Formation of river features and development over time
Construction of draw-down curves for one or two well systems in a sand bed.

Stilled inlet tank provides developed river flow conditions, allowing the full length of the tank to be used for river simulations
Control and measurement of inlet flows
Flexible configuration allows a wide range of simulations
Flexible configuration allows a wide range of simulations
Novel outlet tank design for water flow and sediment flow measurement
Stainless steel sand tank
Dual jacks provide adjustable tilt
Use of fine grade sand allows detailed feature development
Adjustable spray nozzle height
Computer data logging option for sediment and water outlet flow measurement.
Single grade of sand for all defined demonstrations, no need to change the sand.



Portable Power And Control Electronics Learning System

Product Code: LBNY-0005-10500012 - (Portable Power And Control Electronics Learning System)

The Portable Power and Control Electronics Learning System also utilizes the industry's premier computer-based fault insertion system, which enables learners to develop key industry troubleshooting skills, and features 30 different faults to present learners with realistic electronic circuit troubleshooting experiences. The Portable Power and Control Electronics Learning System features interchangeable application panels with industry-standard components that can be set up in a wide variety of real-world machine applications. These components will help learners develop hands-on competencies with linear power supplies, solid state relays, discrete and thermal sensing devices, solid state switching, and more.
Portable Power and Control Electronics Learning System covers how to operate, adjust, and troubleshoot electronic components, circuits, and systems used in machine applications. The Portable Power and Control Electronics Learning System provides skills and topics that will be invaluable in industries like manufacturing, transportation, energy, and construction. The portable learning system allows for on-the-go exploration of the fundamental concepts of industrial power and control electronics, such as measuring temperature, speed, and analog signals.

The portable learning system allows for on-the-go exploration of the fundamental concepts of industrial power and control electronics, such as measuring temperature, speed, and analog signals
Covers how to operate, adjust, and troubleshoot electronic components, circuits, and systems used in machine applications
Includes 30 unique faults that present realistic situations that technicians encounter on the job, such as troubleshooting a power supply, an open-loop operational amplifier circuit, a pressure sensing device, and more.



Compressor Trainer Single and Duplex Compressor

Product Code: LBNY-0005-10600012 - (Compressor Trainer Single and Duplex Compressor)

The gas compression apparatus consists of two commercial compressor receiver units each with added temperature indicators, flow indicator, power meter and pressure indicating controller. The compressors are of similar power demand but different design. Pressure, temperature and flow data obtained can be used to calculate compression efficiency. Control valves are provided to provide control of the downstream pressure.

Function of Compressor Trainer Single and Duplex Compressor
The gas compressors use air as the working fluid to demonstrate reciprocal compressor operation. Trainees select compressor type and flow rate then read and record the flows and temperatures for further analysis. The discharge pressure is automatically controlled to a selected process pressure set point.



Common Rail Diesel Engine Management System

Product Code: LBNY-0005-10800012 - (Common Rail Diesel Engine Management System)

Common Rail Diesel Engine Management System demonstration panel shows the operating of the electronic, mechanic and hydraulic elements that constitute the control and fuel feed system of the contemporary CR/EDC ignition diesel engine.

The Common Rail Diesel Engine Management System is composed of two main modules:
The fuel system enables presentation of the sub-assemblies working and a change of the fuel dose. The pump drive control allows the simulation of the full rotational speed range from the start phase to full capacity. The fault simulation console enables creating of breaks in chosen circuits and observing the reaction of the control system to the occurred position. The measuring panel enables easy installation of the check meters for all the system sensors and working sub-assemblies. 
Diesel Common Rail engine control unit, equipped with a microprocessor controller used for the demonstration of the high-pressure pump and electro-injector control system. The module can only work with the pump and injector control module.
Common rail pump and injector control system for demonstration of its working and for the study of the electric and hydraulic parameters of the high-pressure pump and electro-injector control system. The module can work autonomously or together with the Diesel Common Rail engine electronic control unit.



PLC Application Materials Handling Process

Product Code: LBNY-0005-10900012 - (PLC Application Materials Handling Process)

PLC Application is a compact teaching and practice unit for the control of a materials handling process using a PLC. Two processes can be simulated: a punching process, or workpiece control in the form of a sort operation. The working cylinder can switch between sorting and punching modes by a simple sequence of actions. All components are in a clearly laid out design. Black and white cylindrical workpieces are fed from a container onto a conveyor belt. On the belt is a reflex photoelectric proximity switch which differentiates between light and dark and feeds the white items to the pre-selected process (punching or sorting). The unit is designed for operation in conjunction with a PLC module. Use of PLC module is recommended. The well-structured instructional material sets out the fundamentals and provides a step-by-step guide through the experiments.



Liquid Liquid Extraction Unit

Product Code: LBNY-0005-11000012 - (Liquid Liquid Extraction Unit)

A laboratory liquid liquid extraction column designed for use with Kerosene Paraffin and Acetic acid.
Organic phase circulation system with an 18l feed tank, 18l return tank and variable speed air operated pump. Pump is calibrated and gives flows of 50-250ml/min.
Column length 1.6m (1.2m working length), 50mm diameter, made from glass. 
Column packed with 15mm glass Rashig rings. 
Includes valves for taking samples of both phases for analysis. 
Touch panel for control / calibration of pumps and display of measurements.
A single valve sets either the organic phase or the aqueous phase as the continuous phase .
Aqueous phase circulation system with a 25l feed tank, 25l return tank and variable speed pump. Pump is calibrated and gives flows of 50-250ml/min. 
Fine adjustment of the lower phase interface to compensate for variation in specific gravity of the Kerosene.  



Water Chilled Recirculating Unit

Product Code: LBNY-0005-11200012 - (Water Chilled Recirculating Unit)

Refrigeration unit to chill water:
Power consumption: 370 W.
Refrigerating capacity: 40W at -10/32°C.
Expansion valve.
Cooling compressor.
Evaporator and condensator.
Coolant accumulation tank.
Tank of division of the cooling liquid.
Cooling filter.



Plain Bearing Machine Tool Axis Learning System

Product Code: LBNY-0005-11400012 - (Plain Bearing Machine Tool Axis Learning System)

Plain bearings are commonly used in small to medium machine tools because they are simple to maintain and low cost. The Plain Bearing Machine Tool Axis Learning System adds to Mechanical Drives 1 Learning Systems to teach machine tool axis drives that use plain bearings. The model Plain Bearing Machine Tool Axis Learning System includes an operational dovetail slide with plain bearings and alignment adjustment devices; student learning materials for both theory and lab, and teachers guide. Students will learn industry-relevant skills related to this new topic including operation, installation, alignment, and troubleshooting. Plain Bearing Machine Tool Axis Learning System uses industrial quality components to help students become better prepared for what they will encounter on the job and to withstand frequent student use.

Industry-relevant skills
Teaches machine tool axis drives that use plain bearing.



Computerized Fixed Bed Plant For The Adsorption In The Gaseous Phase

Product Code: LBNY-0005-11600012 - (Computerized Fixed Bed Plant For The Adsorption In The Gaseous Phase)

Computerized Fixed Bed Plant For The Adsorption In The Gaseous Phase is supplied with an adsorption column filled with activated carbons, into which a stainless steel coil is immersed. Computerized Fixed Bed Plant For The Adsorption In The Gaseous Phase unit has been designed for the development of gas adsorption and deadsorption processes. The unit enables to check all the process characteristic parameters in such a way to realize work complete cycles. The unit is made of borosilicate glass as this latter is particularly suitable for its operating characteristics and also of stainless steel. The coil terminals can be connected to an external refrigeration or heating circuit according to the process to be realized. The computerized version unit allows, thanks to the electronic transducers and suitable software, to display on personal computer and/or print the tables of results and diagrams of the various experiments. The particular construction of the column allows the classic adsorption material (activated carbon) to be replaced with others such as silica gel, molecular sieves, activated alumina, or others for experiments concerning gas de-hydration.



Electronic Technology Experimental Device

Product Code: LBNY-0005-12100012 - (Electronic Technology Experimental Device)

The experimental device absorbs the advantages of domestic and foreign advanced teaching equipment. It uses hanging box. All experimental instruments have the digital display. All the power and instruments used in the experiments have reliable protection. At the same time it set up a reliable safety protection system. Its superior performance is the best choice of the major colleges laboratory construction. It takes full account of the laboratory's current status and future trends and makes the innovation in performance and structure. 

It is applicable to major colleges experiment teaching like electrician basis, electrical engineering, mode voltage, motor learning, digital circuit, motor and power drag, motor control, relay contactor control. Also the programmable controller experiment, the motor inverter control experiment and so on can be expanded.



Ram Rapid Analysis Machine

Product Code: LBNY-0005-12200012 - (Ram Rapid Analysis Machine)

Fully automatic procedure with quick and accurate test results (max. errors within 5 kg./cubicmetre). Ram Rapid Analysis Machine Used for the determination of cement content in fresh concrete, coarse and fine aggregate, fly ash and GGBF slag content can also be determined. The complete test takes approx. 10 minutes. The connection to water net for approx. 80 liters each test is required.



Chain and Chisel Mortiser

Product Code: LBNY-0005-12300012 - (Chain and Chisel Mortiser)

Table size: 455x 150/18x6
Max.height of workpiece on table: 254/10
Max.height of door or frame: 1000/39
Max.depth of cut-chain mortiser: 140/51/2
Max.depth of cut-chisel mortiser: 90/31/2
Longitudinal movement of head/table: 305/12
Table tilt-degree: 45
Size of dust collection port-dia: 100/4
Air pressure required (kg/cm2): 5 to 7
Electric motor (hp/rpm): 2/1440



Portable PLC Learning System

Product Code: LBNY-0005-12400012 - (Portable PLC Learning System)

The system's highly-interactive multimedia curriculum takes the learner through 14 modules covering 89 skills that provides an unmatched breadth and depth of knowledge and skill building only can provide this level of training using a compact, portable workstation. Learners use the powerful plus terminal, and networks throughout the curriculum to build basic skills, such as program editing, to more advanced skills, such as analog output scaling. Portable PLC Learning System is a portable solution for when there is a need to teach PLCs where there is limited space such as in a conference room, lab area, or even a shop floor desk Its compact size and durable case also provide for safe storage when your limited space must be used for teaching other subjects or when the system must be transported to a different location in the facility for use.

Highly-interactive multimedia curriculum takes the learner through 14 modules covering 89 skills that provides an unmatched breadth and depth of knowledge and skill building.
A portable solution for when there is a need to teach PLCs where there is limited space such as in a conference room, lab area, or even a shop floor desk.
Enhances learning through a wide array of real world applications that allows learners to actually see their programs control real systems.



Vertical Visualisation Of Flow Fields

Product Code: LBNY-0005-12500012 - (Vertical Visualisation Of Flow Fields)

Electrolytically generated hydrogen bubbles rise with the flow, flow around the model and visualise the flow. Different models are available: drag bodies (e.g. aerofoils and cylinders) or changes in cross-sections. Fine gas bubbles are perfectly suited to visualising flow fields. Due to analogies, many flow processes that occur in air can also be demonstrated by experiments in water. Water flows from bottom to top through the experimental section. The trainer consists of a vertical experimental section in which an interchangeable model is inserted. 

Learning Objectives And Experiments:
Vortex formation, demonstration of Karman vortices
Qualitative observation of the velocity distribution in laminar flow
Visualisation of two-dimensional flows
Flow separation
Analogy to air flow
Streamline course in flow around and through models.

