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Mini Axial Flow Propeller Turbine Test Set

Product Code: LBNY-0005-17200010 - (Mini Axial Flow Propeller Turbine Test Set)

The unit consists of a storage tank, a pump, a turbine, a dynamometer, and measuring instruments. Mini Axial Flow Propeller Turbine Test Set is a self contained bench top set for studying the axial flow propeller turbine characteristics under various flow rates and heads.

Power output vs speed for various heads and flow rates.
Efficiency vs speed for a given head and flow rate.
Torque vs speed at various heads and flow rates.
Racing characteristics.



ULF PHC Ultra-low temperature Freezer

Product Code: LBNY-0007-2100010 - (ULF PHC Ultra-low temperature Freezer)

Capacity: 528L
Cabinet Type: Upright
Volume category: ≥ 300 600L
Storage temperature: up to-86°C
Operating ambient temperature: +5 °C - +40°C (Hot zone)
Adjustable cabinet temperature set point -86 ? to -50 ?
Power requirement: 220-240V/50Hz.



Flow through a Bend Apparatus

Product Code: LBNY-0005-16100011 - (Flow through a Bend Apparatus)

The module consists of two parts, a straight section Followed by a regular 90° elbow. The lower and lower are made of black acrylic plastic while the Sides are transparent. Multitube of The velocity of the air is measured by a Pitot tube, supplied With the bench, connected to the double pipe manometer inclined. Curves representing typical results Can be obtained are presented in the graph cidessus. The conduit measures 60 mm Height for 50 mm depth. Several measuring points are located both in the parts. The top and bottom of the elbow joint to Connection with multi-tube manometer, device Necessary for the use of this module. However, it can be used separately in Connecting to a suitable fan an air flow of about 500 liter / sec for 600 Pa and using the manometer. The appliance is designed for use on the basic air flow bench and connected by pipes Twisted to the experimental duct 'blown' at the exit of the fan.

Experimental Ability:
Study of the flow around the elbow fitting.
Comparison with theory and actual readings of Pressure coefficients as well as the pressure loss at Through the elbow.
Theoretical test on the effects of the boundary layer,Turbulence and on a single whirlwind.
Definition of the dimensionless pressure coefficient.
Calculation of the volumetric flow around the elbow ratio.
Calculation of the Bernoulli equation between the upstream sector Duct and any point in the reportelbow.



Flow Visualisation Wind Tunnel

Product Code: LBNY-0005-16200011 - (Flow Visualisation Wind Tunnel)

Ideal for small group experiments or classroom demonstrations, the apparatus is floor standing. A variablespeed fan mounted on top of the wind tunnel produces the air flow through the working section. Air flow is vertically upwards. A vertical, suction-type wind tunnel with smoke visualisation. Allows demonstrations and student investigations into the flow of air around a wide variety of differently shaped models. Smoke is produced by the vapourisation of a high-quality food grade oil. A filter helps provide uniform air flow. A smoke generator connects to a comb mounted in the wind tunnel below the working section. Students can move the comb from side to side to aid investigations into the aerodynamic properties of a test model.

When used with the optional models, the visualisation and demonstration of:
Rotational flow
Boundary layers



Compact Cross Flow Turbine Test Set

Product Code: LBNY-0005-17200011 - (Compact Cross Flow Turbine Test Set)

The unit consists of a storage tank, a pump, a turbine, a dynamometer, and measuring instruments. The adjustable nozzle direct a water jet tangentially to the runner. Compact Cross Flow Turbine Test Set is a self contained bench top set for studying the Cross Flow turbine characteristics under various flow rates and heads.

Efficiency vs speed for a given head and flow rate.
Racing characteristics.
Torque vs speed at various heads and flow rates.
Power output vs speed for various heads and flow rates.



ULF PHC Ultra-low temperature Freezer 729L

Product Code: LBNY-0007-2100011 - (ULF PHC Ultra-low temperature Freezer 729L)

Cabinet Type: Upright
Capacity: 729L
Storage temperature: up to-86°C
Volume Category: ≥ 600 <900L
Operating ambient temperature: +5 °C - +40°C (Hot zone)
Adjustable cabinet temperature set point -86 ? to -50 ?
Power requirement: 220-240V/50Hz.



Flow Boiling Demonstration Unit

Product Code: LBNY-0005-10200012 - (Flow Boiling Demonstration Unit)

The Flow Boiling Demonstration Unit is a floor-mounted unit designed to provide a visual demonstration of the flow boiling processes that can occur inside the vapour generating tubes of practical plant such as refrigeration, steam, chemical and food processing systems.



Vertical Visualisation Of Flow Fields

Product Code: LBNY-0005-12500012 - (Vertical Visualisation Of Flow Fields)

Electrolytically generated hydrogen bubbles rise with the flow, flow around the model and visualise the flow. Different models are available: drag bodies (e.g. aerofoils and cylinders) or changes in cross-sections. Fine gas bubbles are perfectly suited to visualising flow fields. Due to analogies, many flow processes that occur in air can also be demonstrated by experiments in water. Water flows from bottom to top through the experimental section. The trainer consists of a vertical experimental section in which an interchangeable model is inserted. 

Learning Objectives And Experiments:
Vortex formation, demonstration of Karman vortices
Qualitative observation of the velocity distribution in laminar flow
Visualisation of two-dimensional flows
Flow separation
Analogy to air flow
Streamline course in flow around and through models.



Laminar Flow Reactor

Product Code: LBNY-0005-12700012 - (Laminar Flow Reactor)

Laminar flow reactor for connection to supply unit
Transparent double jacket from pmma for cooling and heating with
Sensor for measuring the conductivity and temperature via
Air vessel for damping of pulsation
Straight glass tube with laminar flow
Temperature control in the reactor via
T-piece with nozzle for mixing the reactants
Special inlet for reducing the inlet length.



Flow In Pipes Apparatus

Product Code: LBNY-0005-16100012 - (Flow In Pipes Apparatus)

Two duct support stands are provided (only one is shown in the picture) and the experiments require the use of a necessary accessory, the Multitube Manometer. The equipment comprises additional sets of ductwork manufactured in aluminium containing both pressure tappings and pitot static tube points together with a set of inlet adaptors which can be connected to the intake of the fan by means of deep spigoted sockets with O ring seals and over-centre toggle latches.

Items of ductwork comprise:
The graph shows typical results which can be obtained when measuring duct entry pressure.
65 mm dia. inlet duct with sudden transition to 95 mm dia. incorporating six static pressure tappings. 
65 mm dia. bellmouth intake adaptor.  
95 mm dia. by 1400 mm long section with six static pressure tappings, together with a pitot static mounting pad.  
65 mm dia. bluff intake adaptor.
95 mm dia. by 1400 mm long section with a static pressure tapping and a pitot static mounting pad. 



Open Surface Tilting Flow Channel

Product Code: LBNY-0005-16000013 - (Open Surface Tilting Flow Channel)

A throttle valve makes it possible to regulate the water flow rate. A series of park-away threaded holes along the bottom of the channel (spaced 250 mm apart) allows to fit the optional models. A guide is assembled on the sides of the channel to carry the accessories and the instruments necessary for the tests. The bottom of the channel can be tilted by up to 1.5 degrees, so as to simulate the normal inclinations of the real channels; it is also possible to obtain a slight negative slope. The centrifugal pump draws the water from the collection tank and transfers it to the still tank, where a manually operated vertical gate, which is assembled before the testing section, allows to vary the height of the hydraulic load. The unit is supplied with manuals that describe each component of the system, installation and utilization procedures, and gives many exercises.
The series of channels has been designed by to study the hydrodynamic phenomena of the open surface streams in variable inclination channels. The following versions are available: 
Open Surface Tilting Flow Channel 5 m long
Open Surface Tilting Flow Channel 3 m long



Air Flow Bench

Product Code: LBNY-0005-16100013 - (Air Flow Bench)

The Air Flow Bench consists of a welded steel frame, Air Flow Bench - General assembly with accessories mounted on castors, and provides two work surfaces for experiments and integral storage space. The ductwork supplied with the Air Flow Bench is manufactured in aluminium sections assembled by deep spigoted sockets, sealed by O rings and clamped by quickrelease over-centre toggle latches. The duct work includes flow straighteners and an adjustable discharge valve. A tangential fan (i.e. fitted with a narrow chord centrifugal impellor), directly driven from a single phase induction motor, provides the necessary air flow for experiments. The fan is capable of providing a flow of 500 litres/second at a static pressure rise of 800 Pascals. The instrumentation supplied with the Air Flow Bench comprises a digital manometer, barometer, conical inlet flow measuring device, and pitot static tube for traversing the duct. An electrical enclosure is mounted on the upper work surface and contains the fan contactor, fan start and stop pushbuttons, and provides electrical power for optional additional equipment. An optional data logging system with various modules is available to provide 0-10V dc analogue outputs of all measurements for interfacing to a computer system.



Blowby Meters

Product Code: LBNY-0005-16500013 - (Blowby Meters)

Blowby Meter is an ideal solution to the problem of easily measuring the gas flow out of engine crankcases as it can be incorporated into engine ventilation systems in a low intrusive manner. Engine deterioration may be assessed in several ways, one of which is to measure cylinder gas loss; the accumulation of crankcase gas is a result of this loss, and it provides an indication of wear in the valve stems, valve guides, piston rings, and cylinder bores.

Continuous Flow Measurements
Vortex Shedding Technology
Very Low Pressure Drop (< 0.25 mbar)
Flow Range 4~5650 l/min
Small Physical Size
3 1/2 Digit LCD Display
Excellent at Low Flows
Linearising Electronics
High Flow Alarm
Analogue Output (0-2V or 0-10V, selectable)
Pulse Train Output
40 : 1 turndown ratio.



Mini Axial Flow Propeller Turbine Demonstration Unit

Product Code: LBNY-0005-17200013 - (Mini Axial Flow Propeller Turbine Demonstration Unit)

The unit consists of axial flow propeller turbine with a dynamometer, a water storage tank, a low head high flow centrifugal pump, an interface box and input power sensors and software. The turbine fixed guide vanes direct water to the runner. The interface box includes power supply to the sensors and motor, and a computer interface unit. Mini Axial Flow Propeler Turbine Demonstration Unit is a self contained mini axial flow propeller turbine for studying the turbine characteristics with data analysis by computer. It also provides interface ports to sensors and computer. The unit is to be used with a computer.

Torque vs speed at various heads and flow rates.
Efficiency vs speed for a given head and flow rate.
Racing characteristics.
Power output vs speed for various heads and flow rates.



Plain Tube and Tube Bundle in Cross Flow

Product Code: LBNY-0005-10200014 - (Plain Tube and Tube Bundle in Cross Flow)

The Plain Tube and Tube Bundle in Cross Flow accessory includes two clear plastic plates that are designed to fit the aperture in the Cross Flow Heat Exchanger duct. Using the single tube plate the active element may be used to investigate the variation in heat transfer, temperature difference and surface heat transfer variation with air stream velocity. An electrically heated cylindrical active element with an integral surface thermocouple is supplied which may be inserted in the apertures in each of the two plates. One plate has a single central hole and the other consists of  a six row tube bank with a removable tube in the centre of each row.

Exeperimental Capabilities:
Determination of the mean surface heat transfer coefficient for cross flow heat exchangers with one to six rows.
Deduction of the relationship between Nusse lt, Reynolds and Prandtl Numbers for each of the six tube rows.
Steady state determination of heat transfer , temperature difference and surface heat transfer coefficient for a single tube in a transversely flowing air stream at speeds of up to 30m/s.



River Flow Simulator Experiment

Product Code: LBNY-0005-10400014 - (River Flow Simulator Experiment)

A self-contained river flow simulator for the study and visualization of river formations, bed load studies and fluvial geomorphology
Tank mounted on a steel frame with jacking system to easily and safely adjust the tank slope while fully loaded
Uses sand as the media for detailed feature development and bed load motion studies
Stainless steel tank with a 2150mm x 900mm working area
Water reservoir, submersible pump, variable area flow meter and control valve giving flows from 1.5 to 15l/min
Water inlet vessel with stilling can be positioned anywhere in the tank
Supplied with comprehensive instruction manual.

Sturdy frame with dual jacks to vary slope
Stilled water inlet vessel, featuring variable positioning
Robust stainless steel tank
Variable flow, with flow meter
Uses sand for realistic and highly detailed feature formation
Self-contained, includes pump and water reservoir
Variable height exit.



Water Flow In Pipes and Fitting Experiments

Product Code: LBNY-0005-15800014 - (Water Flow In Pipes and Fitting Experiments)

It is also of significant interest in such diverse fields as Civil and Chemical Engineering, and Biology and Medicine. Early work in the subject was essentially empirical and despite many advances in mathematical analysis the complexity of the flow of real fluids is such that very few complete solutions of flow situations exist and therefore a large part of the topic of fluid flow in closed conduits remains an empirical science. In this area, three sets of experiments are considered which are all concerned with the flow of water through circular pipes or tubes, the head loss through pipe fittings, the loss of head at changes in pipe section, the head loss which occurs at entry and exit to pipes, the pressure loss across valves and valve characteristics. The flow of fluids in closed conduits or pipes is a major topic in the Mechanical Engineering subject of Mechanics of Fluids due to its practical importance in so many fields of study.



Plug Flow Reactor

Product Code: LBNY-0005-12700015 - (Plug Flow Reactor)

Straight Glass Tube With Fixed Bed From Glass Spheres As Reactor
Transparent Double Jacket From Pmma For Cooling And Heating
Plug-Flow Reactor For Connection To Supply Unit
Sensor For Measuring The Conductivity And Temperature Via
Air Vessel For Damping Of Pulsation
T-Piece With Nozzle For Mixing The Reactants
Temperature control in the reactor via.



Mini Axial Flow Impulse Turbine Demonstration Unit

Product Code: LBNY-0005-17200015 - (Mini Axial Flow Impulse Turbine Demonstration Unit)

The turbine twin nozzles with flow control valves direct water jets to the runner radial blades. Mini Axial Flow Impulse Turbine Demonstration Unit is a mini axial flow impulse turbine for studying the turbine characteristics with data analysis by computer. The unit is to be used with Mini turbine service unit, and a computer. The unit consists of the mini axial flow impulse turbine with a dynamometer, output power sensors and software. Both are separately supplied.

Power output vs speed for various heads and flow rates.
Efficiency vs speed for a given head and flow rate.
Torque vs speed at various heads and flow rates.
Racing characteristics.



ULF Ultra-low temperature Freezer Upright

Product Code: LBNY-0007-2100015 - (ULF Ultra-low temperature Freezer Upright)

Cabinet Type: Upright
Capacity: 747L
Adjustable cabinet temperature set point -40°C to -86°C in 0.5°C increment., the temperature regulation accuracy is 0.1°C.
Volume Category: ≥ 600 <900L
Storage temperature: up to-86°C
Operating ambient temperature: +10 °C to +43°C (Hot zone)
Power requirement: 230V /50Hz and upon request 220V/60 Hz.


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