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Compressors Test Bench

Product Code: LBNY-0005-13700013 - (Compressors Test Bench)

The Compressors Test Bench is extremely versatile: in fact, it has been designed to allow to choose and mount compressors of different size and type, coupled to different electric motors, selected by the user. The Compressors Test Bench allows to experimentally characterize a wide range of air compressors, in a work field from 0 to 500 Nm3/h as regards the flow rate and from 0 to 10 bar as regards the pressure. The frame of Compressors Test Bench is very strong and has to be fixed to the floor; the bench is completely made of corrosion-proof materials. The high precision of the sensors installed in the Test Bench allows to perform accurate and trustable research experiments within the whole work field. An user manual is supplied with the equipment. The electric control and command board allows to operate in manual mode, by personal computer or by external board.



Pin Jointed Frameworks

Product Code: LBNY-0005-13800013 - (Pin Jointed Frameworks)

Comparison of different frameworks Operating Conditions
Operating environment: Laboratory
Study of Bows Notation, strains, stresses, forces and deflections in various frameworks, including a Warren girder and roof truss
Operating relative humidity range: 80% at temperatures < 31ºC decreasing linearly to 50% at 40ºC
Storage temperature range: 25ºC to +55ºC (when packed for transport)
Operating temperature range: +5ºC to +40ºC.



Tensile Modulus Of Elasticity

Product Code: LBNY-0005-13900013 - (Tensile Modulus Of Elasticity)

Tensile Modulus Of Elasticity is to be used with Universal Structural Frame. The rod is mounted between two gripping heads and a load of upto 3 kN is applied by means of a screw with turning wheel. Elongation of the gauge length is measured by two dial indicators. Tensile Modulus Of Elasticity equipment is used for studying the modulus of elasticity of materials in the form of rods. The load is measured by a force indicator.



Machinery Diagnostic System

Product Code: LBNY-0005-14000013 - (Machinery Diagnostic System)

The Machinary Diagnostic System permits vibration measurement exercises whereby readings can be taken from different points on the apparatus and at different motor speeds. The Machinary Diagnostic System can be used to simulate certain types of damage and investigate its effects on the vibration spectrum. Balancing of rigid rotors and alignment of shafts can also be practiced. Users can also complete exercises from purposefully induced faults (measurement of vibration displacement, velocity and acceleration in the time/frequency range).
A speed controller and tachometer display are supplied to allow the accurate controlling and displaying of the speed of the motor. The base frame, with integral grooves allows the elements of the apparatus to be moved and adjusted into position accurately. The Machinary Diagnostic System allows the quick and easy mounting of the key component parts. The key components of the base unit are the mechanical elements (i.e. motor, bearing blocks and shaft with rotors).

Experimental Capabilities:
Transducers and measuring devices
Fundamentals of measurement of shaft and bearing vibrations
Introduction to vibration measurement methods on rotating Machinery Systems.
Fundamentals of vibration measurement methods.



Training Pilot Plant For Balance Of Ventilation Networks

Product Code: LBNY-0005-14100013 - (Training Pilot Plant For Balance Of Ventilation Networks)

The Training Pilot Plant For Balance Of Ventilation Networks allows realistic field evaluation of parameters such as the static pressure and air speeds at different points in the system. 
Training Pilot Plant for Balance of Ventilation Networks, for the advanced study of the operation of a modern ventilation, thermo-ventilation and air conditioning installation.
This will allow students to diagnose problems with the airflow and pressure losses in a ventilation or air conditioning network.
The Training Pilot Plant For Balance Of Ventilation Networks has been designed to allow the students to evaluate the correct ventilation network balance and how unbalanced systems can cause incorrect heating or ventilation in any of the outlet points of the system.

Study of the components of a ventilation system including:
Connection of the different system components and verification of the system operation
Field measurements of the static, dynamic and total pressures
Calibration dampers
Supply grilles
Exhaust grilles.

Field measurements of the air speed at different points in the system
Calibration of dampers to ensure consistent pre-set values of room air flow are achieved
Localised and distributed pressure losses
Loss coefficients.



Osborne Reynolds Unit

Product Code: LBNY-0005-15800013 - (Osborne Reynolds Unit)

The unit is designed to be used on Hydraulics Bench which allows the volumetric measuring tank to be used for flow measurement. Alternatively the unit can be used on a laboratory bench with water supplied from a tap and with the unit discharging to a drain. Osborne Reynolds Unit comprises a reentrant bell mouthed glass experimental tube of 16 mm bore and approximately 650 mm long mounted horizontally in a 103 mm bore perspex tube. Flow control is achieved by an angled seat valve at exit from the apparatus. A dye injector probe and adjustable head dye reservoir are provided to introduce a dye filament for the observation of laminar, and turbulent flow regimes, and the transition between them. An adjustable height constant head inlet tank supplies water to the annulus so that the water flows along the annulus through a baffle into a reverse flow stilling chamber, thus providing a uniform flow with very little turbulence into the bell mouth entry of the experimental tube.

Experimental Capability:
Determination of the lower and upper Critical Velocities and Reynolds Number.
Demonstration of laminar or streamline flow, turbulent flow and the transition between these two regimes by observation of injected dye line.  



Transformer Trainer

Product Code: LBNY-0005-15900013 - (Transformer Trainer)

The Transformer Trainer module fully examines single phase andthree-phase power and distribution transformers.

The fully instrumentedunit includes:
One three-phase educational transformer
Three single-phase educational transformers with tertiarywindings
One three-phase delta-star transformer
The module includes a second fixed ratio delta-star transformer for extraexperiments. An adjustable autotransformer allows lower voltage experiments. All windings of the educational transformers connect to colour-codedshrouded sockets on the control panel. The control panel includes all the analogue and digital meters andtransducers needed to measure electrical voltage, current and power for alltransformer tests. The educational transformers work at onevolt each turn, so the no-load output voltages are the same as the number ofsecondary turns. Also included are selectable resistive, inductive andcapacitive loads, which can connect in parallel, series, delta or star connection.



Open Surface Tilting Flow Channel

Product Code: LBNY-0005-16000013 - (Open Surface Tilting Flow Channel)

A throttle valve makes it possible to regulate the water flow rate. A series of park-away threaded holes along the bottom of the channel (spaced 250 mm apart) allows to fit the optional models. A guide is assembled on the sides of the channel to carry the accessories and the instruments necessary for the tests. The bottom of the channel can be tilted by up to 1.5 degrees, so as to simulate the normal inclinations of the real channels; it is also possible to obtain a slight negative slope. The centrifugal pump draws the water from the collection tank and transfers it to the still tank, where a manually operated vertical gate, which is assembled before the testing section, allows to vary the height of the hydraulic load. The unit is supplied with manuals that describe each component of the system, installation and utilization procedures, and gives many exercises.
The series of channels has been designed by to study the hydrodynamic phenomena of the open surface streams in variable inclination channels. The following versions are available: 
Open Surface Tilting Flow Channel 5 m long
Open Surface Tilting Flow Channel 3 m long



Air Flow Bench

Product Code: LBNY-0005-16100013 - (Air Flow Bench)

The Air Flow Bench consists of a welded steel frame, Air Flow Bench - General assembly with accessories mounted on castors, and provides two work surfaces for experiments and integral storage space. The ductwork supplied with the Air Flow Bench is manufactured in aluminium sections assembled by deep spigoted sockets, sealed by O rings and clamped by quickrelease over-centre toggle latches. The duct work includes flow straighteners and an adjustable discharge valve. A tangential fan (i.e. fitted with a narrow chord centrifugal impellor), directly driven from a single phase induction motor, provides the necessary air flow for experiments. The fan is capable of providing a flow of 500 litres/second at a static pressure rise of 800 Pascals. The instrumentation supplied with the Air Flow Bench comprises a digital manometer, barometer, conical inlet flow measuring device, and pitot static tube for traversing the duct. An electrical enclosure is mounted on the upper work surface and contains the fan contactor, fan start and stop pushbuttons, and provides electrical power for optional additional equipment. An optional data logging system with various modules is available to provide 0-10V dc analogue outputs of all measurements for interfacing to a computer system.



Sting Balance

Product Code: LBNY-0005-16200013 - (Sting Balance)

Balances can be divided into two main groups: internal and external. The group names are derived from their location relative to the test model and wind tunnel test section internal balances reside inside a test model, while external balances reside outside the test section. During the early years of wind tunnel testing, Forces and Moments were literally measured through pan-type balances. Internal Force/Moment balances are almost universally used for measurements in supersonic and transonic tunnels. However, they are also becoming popular in subsonic tunnels. Although technology has advanced dramatically since those early days, the term balance is still applied to the devices used for Force and Moment measurements today.



Nozzle Rig Bench

Product Code: LBNY-0005-16300013 - (Nozzle Rig Bench)

Steam passes from the inlet chamber, through the test nozzle, into the exhaust chamber and finally into the surface condenser via a back pressure control valve. Nozzle Steam Bench consists of a sturdy framework and panels of all steel construction, fitted with a student work surface, interconnecting back panel and adjustable feet. Steam supply to the inlet chamber first passes through a steam separator to remove excess water content and the chamber is fitted with a throttling facility to enable the dryness of the inlet steam to be determined. The steam chest consists of an inlet chamber and an exhaust chamber with a test nozzle positioned in the wall common to the two chambers.

Experimental Capability:
Determination of critical pressure ratio for choked flow
Calculation of velocity through length of nozzles of various forms  
The variation of pressure along a nozzle profile as a function of back pressure  
The effect of back pressure on the mass rate of flow
Measurement of state at entry to the nozzle and subsequent calculation
A comparison of theoretical and actual throat pressures on rates of flow  
Study of shock wave formation within nozzle divergence and at nozzle outlet  
Study of the effects of friction in a parallel nozzle.



Blowby Meters

Product Code: LBNY-0005-16500013 - (Blowby Meters)

Blowby Meter is an ideal solution to the problem of easily measuring the gas flow out of engine crankcases as it can be incorporated into engine ventilation systems in a low intrusive manner. Engine deterioration may be assessed in several ways, one of which is to measure cylinder gas loss; the accumulation of crankcase gas is a result of this loss, and it provides an indication of wear in the valve stems, valve guides, piston rings, and cylinder bores.

Continuous Flow Measurements
Vortex Shedding Technology
Very Low Pressure Drop (< 0.25 mbar)
Flow Range 4~5650 l/min
Small Physical Size
3 1/2 Digit LCD Display
Excellent at Low Flows
Linearising Electronics
High Flow Alarm
Analogue Output (0-2V or 0-10V, selectable)
Pulse Train Output
40 : 1 turndown ratio.



Mini Axial Flow Propeller Turbine Demonstration Unit

Product Code: LBNY-0005-17200013 - (Mini Axial Flow Propeller Turbine Demonstration Unit)

The unit consists of axial flow propeller turbine with a dynamometer, a water storage tank, a low head high flow centrifugal pump, an interface box and input power sensors and software. The turbine fixed guide vanes direct water to the runner. The interface box includes power supply to the sensors and motor, and a computer interface unit. Mini Axial Flow Propeler Turbine Demonstration Unit is a self contained mini axial flow propeller turbine for studying the turbine characteristics with data analysis by computer. It also provides interface ports to sensors and computer. The unit is to be used with a computer.

Torque vs speed at various heads and flow rates.
Efficiency vs speed for a given head and flow rate.
Racing characteristics.
Power output vs speed for various heads and flow rates.



Helicopter Model

Product Code: LBNY-0005-18500013 - (Helicopter Model)

The model simulates a helicopter with horizontal and tail rotors to give pitch and yaw control. The control system must keep the helicopter stable and allow for a change in the centre of gravity. When operating near the steady state, the electromechanical system can be linearized to a six-order model. Sensors measure the yaw and pitch angles. This gives a two-input and two output system, with cross-coupling. Students use the educational manual (supplied) to help identify plant dynamics and create a control system.

The equipment includes:
The model helicopter on a stand
A protective steel cage to put around the helicopter for safety
An interface unit
A data acquisition board for your computer.



Heavy Dun Starting And Charging

Product Code: LBNY-0005-18600013 - (Heavy Dun Starting And Charging)

This is the exact unit as designed for Truck and used in their N. Heavy Dun Starting And Charging Designed to incorporate live actual components, providing "real world" electrical measurement values.



Torsional Vibration Apparatus

Product Code: LBNY-0005-18700013 - (Torsional Vibration Apparatus)

The Torsional Vibration Equipment provides a basic range of Torsional Vibration Equipment. Steel and brass rods of two different diameters are included. A wire rod clamped in a wall mounted bracket has a heavy disc attached to the lower end. A solid ring can be located over the disc to increase its inertia. All brackets, clamps and adapters are supplied.
Torsional Vibration Equipment is part of a range designed to both demonstrate and experimentally confirm basic engineering principles. Setting up time is minimal, and all measurements are made with the simplest possible instrumentation, so that the student involvement is purely with the engineering principles being taught. Great care has been given to each item so as to provide wide experimental scope without unduly complicating or compromising the design. Each piece of apparatus is self-contained and compact.

Experimental Capabilities:
To determine the modulus of rigidity of the wire rod.
To verify the dependence of the periodic time of oscillation of a "shaft"mounted flywheel on the moment of inertia, length of shaft, and shaft diameter.



Check Valve Assembly

Product Code: LBNY-0005-18800013 - (Check Valve Assembly)

A storage case contains all the elements of the Check Valve Assembly, and the technical drawings, list of parts and instruction manual give the student all the necessary tools to assemble the valve, and the operate the valve afterwards. The Check Valve Assembly is designed for the students to become familiar with the assembly, functionality and operation of an industry standard check valve. 

Experimental Capabilities:
Disassembly of check valve.
Reading and understanding technical drawings.
Assembly of industry standard check valve.



Maximum Demand Meter

Product Code: LBNY-0005-18400013 - (Maximum Demand Meter)

Measurement of voltages, currents, frequencies, active power, reactive power, apparent power. Microprocessor controlled three phase power analyzer. 
Input current: 5 A (max 20 Arms)
Input voltage: 500 V (max 800 Vrms)
Auxiliary supply: single phase from mains
Operating frequency: 47 · 63 Hz.



Geothermal Turbine Trainer

Product Code: LBNY-0005-18900013 - (Geothermal Turbine Trainer)

Geothermal Turbine Trainer has multiple gauges for DC power (voltage and current) and several outputs for harnessing the electricity produced. Pressure relief and controls are mounted for safety. This system simulates an electric power generating plant, which uses a steam turbine. 
The Geothermal Trainer shows students how thermal energy is used to generate electricity via a turbine, just as production wells use this source in geothermal power plants. Geothermal energy is a renewable and sustainable power source that comes from heat generated by the earth. 
The amount of power generated is controlled by boiler pressure and/or the amount of fuel burned under the boiler. The student will burn pro-pane fuel or natural gas to generate steam, which is injected into a transparent turbine coupled to an electric generator, producing electricity.



Solar And Wind Alternative Energy Training System

Product Code: LBNY-0005-19300013 - (Solar And Wind Alternative Energy Training System)

The Alternative Energy Learning System Wind and Solar includes a mobile workstation with solar PV components, small wind components, multimedia student curriculum, and teaches assessment guide. Wind turbine and solar panels also allow for outside use with expansion capability for teaching grid-tie and data acquisition. also offers alternate workstation configurations for either small wind or solar individually. The mobile workstation is equipped with pre-mounted components for easy inventory.
Alternative Energy Learning System supports the training necessary to prepare for portions of the solar and small wind certifications.The Solar And Wind Alternative Energy Training System teaches students key skills needed for job success in small wind alternative energy and solar energy. The demand for qualified solar and small wind technicians is rising, as more consumers and businesses apply solar energy and small wind systems in their communities. Many employers prefer employment candidates who are certified. Critical skill areas covered are system connection, operation, and programming of solar PV (photovoltaic) and small wind systems in commercial and residential applications. Students will receive hands-on alternative energy training and skills they can use on the job.

Convenient Indoor / Outdoor Use:
The solar array easily disconnects from the workstation and sets up outdoors. The Learning System can also be connected to client-supplied roof-top solar panels or wind turbines with the addition of optional interface connections. The Solar And Wind Alternative Energy Training System circuits can be used indoors with sun and wind simulators, or outdoors via the detachable solar panel array or client-supplied external wind and solar sources. 

Convenient Indoor / Outdoor Use
Grid Interactive and Data Acquisition Options
Additional Requirements of Solar And Wind Alternative Energy Training System
Real World Components: Multiple Panel Array and Modern Communications

Solar PV Array Station:
Solar PV Sun Simulator - Alternative Energy

