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Vortex Apparatus

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1030008 - (Vortex Apparatus)

The product consists of a transparent vessel on a support frame, which mounts on a DigitalHydraulic Bench. A low-voltage, variable-speed motor rotates the vessel aboutits vertical axis. The Vortex Apparatus enables students to produce both freeand forced vortices, and measure the vortex water surface profile. To produce a forced vortex, studentsadd water to the rotating vessel until it is about half full. A forced vortexforms. After a few minutes the vortex becomes constant, and students canmeasure the surface profile using the traverse probe. A speed-control unit (included), sited away from the mainapparatus, controls the speed of rotation. Students can also measure distribution of total head by replacing the traverseprobe with a Pitot tube. The traverse probe canmove both horizontally and vertically, and both axes have linear scales.



Tripod Stands

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1040008 - (Tripod Stands)

A mounting tripod constructed from aluminium alloy is supported on three stainless steel rods secured by thumbscrews. The rods are adjustable allowing the stand to be made level.
An adjustable mounting tripod constructed from aluminium alloy, supported by three stainless steel rods secured by thumbscrews. For use with Hook & Point Gauges and Pitot Tubes.
The whole assembly may be adjusted for height on the support rods. A carrier plate mounted on the tripod supports the gauge.
Levelling is assisted by use of a Bullseye spirit level mounted on the top plate.



The Study Of Three Phase Asynchronous Motors

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1050008 - (The Study Of Three Phase Asynchronous Motors)

The asynchronous motor represents the most important and simple case in the area of poly phase machines and it is the most wide spread for industrial applications as food, chemical, metallurgical industries, paper factories or water treatment and extractive systems. The Bench for the Study of Three Phase Asynchronous Motors is a multi purpose bench for the study and characterization of three phase a synchronous motors of the series.

The characteristic key of this bench is its total modularity which means:
To configure complete solutions without creating duplication of equipment
To couple each motor with the electromagnetic brake
To be able to buy the bare essentials.



Three Phase Separation Trainer With DCS Control

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1060008 - (Three Phase Separation Trainer With DCS Control)

The primary separation operation for crude oil occurs when the crude stream flows through a vessel of sufficient capacity to allow gravitational separation of the gas, liquid hydrocarbon and water phases. This fluid mixture then flows into a horizontal separator vessel fabricated of clear PVC. Gas flow passes through a secondary vertical 2-phase separator. This process trainer blends air, water and refined oil to emulate a crude oil stream. The entire trainer is controlled from an optional distributed control system or dedicated control panel. The separator is equipped with industry-typical process measurement devices.



Vegetables Processing

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1070008 - (Vegetables Processing)

Drying lines for vegetables
Static batch dryers suitable to process tomatoes and any kind of fruits. Therefore, we are able to supply complete drying lines as well as equipment for product preparation as washing units, cutting machines and distribution systems of the products on drying trays.
Tomato processing
We can provide single machines or complete lines for the preparation of tomato passata, tomato sauces, tomato paste and ketchup. Also for this kind of line we study tailor made solution for customers, both big industries and small and medium producers.
Preserved vegetables in oil or vinegar
Complete lines or single machines for processing vegetables in preserved products, in oil, vinegar and brine. Mainly equipment of smallmedium capacity but  as usual  always design according to the real customer needs.



Engine Control System Bosch Motronic

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1080008 - (Engine Control System Bosch Motronic)

Engine Control System Bosch Motronic demonstration panel represents direct petrol injection system MOTRONIC. Integrated engine control system shows different operation modes of the fuel injection/ignition system and the trainer is based on OEM components of Audi/VW.

The main characteristics and functions of the Engine Control System Bosch Motronic trainer are:
Integrated engine control system with direct petrol injection.
Manual adjustment of the engine crankshaft speed.
Electric wiring diagram with built-in banana plug jumpers for measurements and simulation of system fault codes.
Possibility to simulate more than 20 faults by disconnecting banana plug jumpers
Intake manifold flap regulation (vacuum pump is required; optional).
Monitoring operation of fuel supply system, injected fuel quantity, spray pattern quality, fuel pressure of the fuel pump.
Visible work process of spark plugs.
Easy access for high voltage measurements.
Low pressure fuel pump in a transparent tank which allows to see its operation.
Complete electric wiring diagram of direct petrol injection system

The Engine Control System Bosch Motronic trainer has the following diagnostic and measurement features:
Diagnosis through OBD 16 in diagnostic connector
Electronic control unit (ECU) identification
Displaying the operating system parameters (live data)
Control unit diagnosis
Control unit encoding/configuration
Reading/erasing fault codes
Possibility to measure electrical signal parameters of each system component (such as sensor or actuator)
Possibility to measure high voltage circuit of the ignition system
Activating the actuators (depending on the control unit)
Throttle valve adaptation
Possibility to measure the parameters of the system connecting to the banana connector.



Wetted Wall Gas Absorption Column

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1100008 - (Wetted Wall Gas Absorption Column)

Comprises both wetted wall column and a deoxygenating column, a water tank, two water pumps, an air pump and an oxygen meter with two probes.
A floor standing apparatus, used for demonstration and determination of liquid film mass transfer coefficients.
The deoxygenating column is 1570mm long, 26mm internal diameter, and made of clear acrylic.
The wetted wall section is 900mm long, 32mm internal diameter, and made of glass.

The equipment is used to study absorption of oxygen from air into deoxygenated water, specific demonstrations include:
Calculation of liquid film mass transfer coefficient
Determination of the power law relationship 
Variation of this coefficient with mass flow rate.



Superheated Steam Plant Performance

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1120008 - (Superheated Steam Plant Performance)

The boiler produces steam to turn a two-cylinder steam motor. The used steam from the motor outlet passes through a mains water-cooled condenser, then down to a waste tank or to a measuring vessel (supplied). The equipment includes all instruments needed for the experiments. A mobile frame contains all the parts of the test set. An electric pump draws from a reservoir to deliver water to an electrically-heated boiler. The boiler includes a safety valve, water level gauge and blow-downcock. Thermocouples connect to a digital temperature display to measure and display temperatures at key points in the test set. Athrottling calorimeter allows students to measure the dryness fraction of the steam.  Two mechanical gauges show the boiler and engine inlet pressures. These include a band-brake dynamometer with a digital torque and speed display, to measure and display motor speed, torque and power. A meter shows the electrical power supplied to the heaters in the boiler.

A mobile laboratory-scale steam plant for experiments in thermo dynamic principles. It helps students to understand:
Steady flow energy equation
Thermal efficiency and the control surface
Thermodynamic laws of energy conservation
The Willans line
Rankine Cycle Analysis.



Roller Pack Machine Tool Axis Learning System

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1140008 - (Roller Pack Machine Tool Axis Learning System)

Roller-pack bearings are precision bearings made specifically for the machine tool axes to provide precision positioning of the axis under heavy load. The Roller Pack Machine Tool Axis Learning System adds Mechanical Drives 1 Learning Systems to teach machine tool axis drives based on the roller-pack type bearing. Students will learn industry-relevant skills related to this new topic including operation, installation, performance analysis, troubleshooting, and design.
The axis can also be combined with the ball screw components of the Mechanical Drives 4 System to become a fully operational machine tool axis. The Roller Pack Machine Tool Axis Learning System includes 12 roller-pack bearings and other components to assemble a machine tool axis; student learning materials for both theory and lab, and teachers guide.

Industry-relevant skills
Teaches machine tool axis drives based on the roller-pack type bearing.



Press Filter

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1160008 - (Press Filter)

This type of plant is particularly suitable to filter both milk and fruit juices and it can be generally employed for any liquid-solid mixture (not soluble).

Exercises of Press Filter
Filtering efficiency as a function of treated product turbidity
Introduction in a pilot line for producing pasteurized milk or juices
Filtering efficiency as a function of delivery pressure
Filtering efficiency as a function of feeding flow rate



Central Climatization System

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1170008 - (Central Climatization System)

Electrically or manually operated gates allow simulating the fresh air inlet and the presence of one user. Two heat exchangers are assembled inside the air distribution system which allow varying the cooling or heating capacities. The Central Climatization System simulates the indoor air treatment for buildings such as hospitals, schools, hotels.Two fans - one at the air inlet, one at the air outlet - generate an air flow passing in an air distribution system, which has theshape of an H. The unit is supplied with a manual that describes each component of the system, installation and utilization procedures. A chiller complete with a reverse cycle valve feeds the two exchangers with hot or cold water according to the selectedcycle.

Study of a chiller and its functioning as a heat pump
Study of air flow and air flow measurements.
Influence of fresh air inlet
Influence of the air flow
Summer air conditioning
Winter air conditioning.



Soil and Water Model Tank

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1180008 - (Soil and Water Model Tank)

Measurement of rates of water penetration into the soil is aided by a grid on the tank front. The equipment is self-contained with a sump tank, pump and flowmeter fitted behind the tank. Water may be discharged along the soil surface or directed to twin drip nozzles to demonstrate trickle irrigation.
Removable end plates allow soil samples to be changed quickly and easily.
The apparatus consists of a narrow transparent fronted tank which may be partially filled with any soil type. It is supported on a bench mounted frame.



Filterability Index Apparatus

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1190008 - (Filterability Index Apparatus)

A simple measure of whether the liquid is filterable is useful to enable assessment of filtration as an appropriate process, if so what type of pre-treatment and filter media are required. The use of deep beds of porous granular media to filter liquids to improve their clarity is widespread in municipal and industrial practice. Other liquids are filtered through granular media in the processing of beverages and food products for example. Predominant is the filtration of drinking water and industrial water, although the filtration of sewage as a tertiary stage of treatment is increasing. Although the normal methods of chemical and physical analysis such as suspended solids content, turbidity, color etc. may, with experience, indicate whether a suspension is filterable, they give no direct measure of this property.
The Filter ability Index Unit utilizes a bed of granular material, normally sand, which can be chosen by the investigator to suit his own purposes. The measurements taken with this apparatus enable a filter ability number to be calculated which has significance in deep bed filter performance.
A number of measures of filter ability have been proposed, using woven micromesh, lint pads or membrane filters, which have application where these materials represent, or are identical to, the filter media to be used. However none of them is representative of porous granular filter media, such as sand, consequently they are not applicable to deep bed filtration.
The Filter ability Index Unit is not intended for filter design purposes. That requires pilot filter column equipment such as the Deep Bed Filter Column. However preliminary assessment of pre-treatment processes, and possible filter media with the Filter ability Index Unit will reduce the amount of testing required with pilot filter columns. 



Brake Master Cylinder

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1200008 - (Brake Master Cylinder)

Function inthe event of a failure of any brake circuit
Sliding thepressure rod piston
Differentialand tracking bore function
Closing thepressure chamber.



Motion Control Learning System

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1240008 - (Motion Control Learning System)

Motion Control Learning System teaches the skills required to understand and maintain the sophisticated industrial applications so commonly found in modern industry. The motion control action may be as simple as opening and closing a valve or as complex as controlling multiple axes on a CNC machine. Motion Control Learning System is used where conventional motor control, using discrete inputs and outputs, cannot achieve the accuracy needed to produce a product. A good example of motion control is an offset printing press that uses four motors to print four separate colors on a page and another motor to turn the feed roll. A motion controller sends acceleration and velocity commands to each motor to control its speed, torque, and rotor position. At the same time the motion controller monitors these parameters and adjusts the output as needed to create a legible color image on the page. Motion Control Learning System applies to a wide range of industries that need to meet market demands for greater system throughput and improved output quality and precision. Some of these industries include automotive, energy, medical, petroleum, printing, and packaging. Motion control training for multiple axes is necessary. The Motion Control Learning System provides instruction in motion control for a multiple axis system, including set-up, operation, programming, and multi-axis synchronization and control. Motion Control Learning System includes a tabletop workstation, multiple single axis drives, and motion controller with control programming software, tensioning kit, synchronization kit, registration kit, timing kit, communication cables, lockout/tagout kit, student curriculum, and instructor's assessment guide. Motion Control Learning System is self-contained and teaches students to control both single and multiple axes. It allows students to learn industry-relevant skills including how to create, navigate, configure, operate, maintain, and apply industrial motion control systems.

Students Learn Skills In Motion Control Programming
Reliable, Industry Standard Components and Features
Teaches Applications of Motion Control In Industry
Optional Online eBooks.



Single Phase Electro Compressor

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1260008 - (Single Phase Electro Compressor)

With very low noise level for small capacity.
Air intake: 50 litres/min.
Max. working pressure: 8 bar or 116 PSI
Tank capacity: 24 litres
Noise level: 40 dB
Motor power: 0.34 kW or 0.45 HP
Dimensions: 40 x 40 x 60 (h) cm.
Weight: 25 kg.



Flow Properties Of Bulk Solids

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1270008 - (Flow Properties Of Bulk Solids)

The flow properties of a powder or bulk solid determine how it behaves during handling. A motor moves the shear cell relative to the lid in order to apply shear to the sample. For compaction (pre-shearing) the sample is subjected to a large normal force. In a ring shear tester, a bulk sample is contained in a ring-shaped shear cell. A normal force is exerted on the sample by way of a lid. A hanger from which a variable weight is suspended generates this normal force. For example, material may flow irregularly out of silos, or the flow of bulk solid may come to a stop. In order to avoid these problems in practice, soils can be designed on the basis of measurements using shear testers, such as the Jenike shear tester or a ring shear tester. From the shear force characteristics, properties such as the compressive strength and internal friction of the bulk solid can be determined. An electronically amplified force transducer measures the shear forces which are then recorded by data acquisition software over time. To determine the density of the bulk solid, the volume of the bulk sample is ascertained by recording the lowering of the lid using a vernier caliper gauge. After pre-shearing, shearing to failure is executed with a reduced normal force (strength measurement) and likewise recorded by the software. 



Pressure Process Control Learning System

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1280008 - (Pressure Process Control Learning System)

Pressure Process Control Learning System simulator features an exposed component layout built to enhance a learners understanding of a pressure process control systems operation. This functionality allows learners to study important industrial gas blanket applications as well as gain valuable hands-on experience in practicing a broad range of pressure process operations in both manual and automatic modes. Pressure Process Control Learning System offers the ability to control liquid level and tank pressure simultaneously using a human machine interface (HMI), programmable automation controller (PAC), and variable frequency drive (VFD) that are found in real-world industrial fields such as pharmaceutical, bio-technology, and power generation. Additional industrial-grade components on this learning system include: level sensors, which learners can use to set alarms; a centrifugal pump for producing liquid flow; and several valves to show their function and operation in a loop control system. This training simulator is compact enough to fit through a standard door, yet broad enough to offer all of the skills and topics a learner needs. 

Highly Interactive Multimedia to Engage All Learners
Use with Additional Process Control Systems
Control Liquid Level and Tank Pressure Simultaneously
Practice Real-World Pressure Control using an Industrial-Grade PAC
Student Reference Guide.



Friction Experiments kit

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1290008 - (Friction Experiments kit)

All experiment elements are made in special and anodized aluminium.
Friction with roar.
Friction equipment.
Block of wheels with roar.
Set of rollers in a marc.
Foils of friction.
The simple pendulum.
Principle of wedge.



Rotary Translation Motion Set

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1300008 - (Rotary Translation Motion Set)

The set is supplied in plastics box. Slider crank, slotted link, and quick return mechanism are used for studying relation of rotary motion and translation. Rotary Translation Motion Set is part of mechanical Engineering Test Series which provides sets for various experiments on Basic Panel (separately supplied) to study or demonstrate specific engineering principles. 

