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Portable Resistive Load Bank

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1590007 - (Portable Resistive Load Bank)

This allows students to create and study the effects of balancedor unbalanced resistive loads. Each bank of resistors includes a thermallyoperated circuit-breaker to protect the loads. Studentscan use this load bank in combination with the other similar load banks toprovide variable power and power factor loads. The other load banks areCapacitive and Inductive. The enclosure has ventilation holes and carryinghandles for portability. The Portable Resistive Load Bank is a robust steel enclosurethat contains three banks of switchable resistive loads. Each bank of resistorsis electrically separate, so they can connect as a star or delta load forthree-phase circuits. Each bank has a set of switches to bring each resistorinto circuit. Students connect the loads toexperiment circuits using safety sockets on the enclosure front panel.



Set Of Sectioned Components For Liquid Pumping

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1600007 - (Set Of Sectioned Components For Liquid Pumping)

Special explanatory technical plates show each sectioned component explaining its operation with notes, drawings and technical data. The Set Of Sectioned Components For Liquid Pumping includes some of the most important components, used in water works, for fluid pumping, that is pumps of different types. The use of contrasting colours according to a pre-established code simplifies the informative process as well as the learning one. In sectionizing each component the best care has been taken to evidence all the interesting constructive detailed features.



Single Stage Air Compressor Test Set Air Cooled

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1610007 - (Single Stage Air Compressor Test Set Air Cooled)

The Single Stage Air Compressor Test Set Air Cooled is for studying the single stage reciprocating air compressor characteristics. The air receiver has a safety valve, a drain valve and a discharge valve. The unit is equipped with necessary measuring instruments and is on wheels. An industrial type compressor is driven via a vee-belt by a motor with an advanced inverter. 

Effect of compressor speed.
Compressor characteristics eg. volumetric efficiency, isothermal efficiency, pressure ratio, temperature ratio.



Traverse Systems

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1620007 - (Traverse Systems)

Sweep area - based on each unique test section and application
Position accuracy - customer defined.

Optional Features:
Models and Probes
Data Acquisition and Control (DAC) System.



Process Plant Steam Bench

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1630007 - (Process Plant Steam Bench)

Incorporates a low pressure steam feed line including a VeeReg isolating valve, a 1 to 3 bar pressure reducing valve, a pressure relief valve set at 3.5 bar and temperature and pressure measuring points; a process fluid circuit constructed from high strength borosilicate glass components, including a reboiler equipped with a temperature measuring point, a separator with a rubber filler stopper and outlet baffle plate, a condenser, a drain valve, joint couplings and joint gaskets, reboiler blowdown pipework fitted with a flexible stainless steel braided hose complete with boiler joint adaptor flange and including a Vee-Reg isolating valve, steam trap and non-return valve; condenser cooling water feed line complete with control valve and pressure measuring point and cooling water drain line with non-return valve and pressure safety valve, set to vent at 2.5 bar. Process Plant Steam Bench consists of a sturdy framework and panels of all steel construction, fitted with a student work surface, interconnecting back panel and adjustable feet.

Experimental Capability:
Demonstration of cumulative effect on thermosyphon reboiler boiling rate, and of the boiling off of process fluid lighter fractions.
Demonstration of a thermosyphon reboiler, using water as the process fluid and steam as heating fluid.  



Six Component Balance

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1650007 - (Six Component Balance)

The balance can be manually adjusted to variable angles of incidence making it particularly suitable for testing rudders or stabiliser fins. The balance is mounted on a plate in place of a measuring section window, normally at the top of the tunnel.
The 6 Component Balance  is supplied with a Stainless Steel plate/bracket to mount the balance in place of the measuring section windows, Calibration equipment and support Frame.



Mini Magnetic Field Demonstration Unit

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1720007 - (Mini Magnetic Field Demonstration Unit)

The unit consists of the mini Pelton turbine with a dynamometer, output power sensors and software. The adjustable turbine nozzle directs water jet to the runner buckets. Mini Pelton Turbine Demonstration Unit Computer Interface is a mini Pelton turbine for studying the turbine characteristics with data analysis by computer. Both are separately supplied. The Mini Pelton Turbine Demonstration Unit Computer Interface unit is to be used with Mini turbine service unit, and a computer.

Power output vs speed for various heads and flow rates.
Torque vs. speed at various heads and flow rates.
Racing characteristics.
Efficiency vs speed for a given head and flow rate.



Flow Process Training System

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1850007 - (Flow Process Training System)

The self-contained unit can do many experiments, but it can also connect to other products in the range for extra experiments. For cascade control of flow and pressure, it can link to the optional Pressure Process Training System. The Flow Process Training System is a compact and mobile unit for a wide range of experiments in flow control. It gives students a greater understanding of the stability of simple control systems. For distributed control, it can connect to the optional Computer Control System. For cascade control of flow and level, it can link to the optional Level Process Training System.

The main parts are:
A gap-type (rotameter) flow meter
Fixed orifice and pressure transmitter
Industrial controller with auto-tune feature
Two-channel chart recorder
Three-speed pump
Pneumatic control valve



Hybrid Vehicle

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1860007 - (Hybrid Vehicle)

Hybrid Vehicle trainer has a console panel to read DC current, voltage and outputs. A controller is in place for battery charge management. Hybrid Vehicle technology in electric dynamometers has enabled the design of this hybrid vehicle for dual purposes. How solar energy can be integrated with alternative fueled engine power is taught by hands on activities which teaches the basics of hybrid propulsion. The propelled by a 2.5 HP DC motor connected by a bank of batteries. Solar cells provide substantial charging as does the onboard propane powered engine which is coupled to an electric dynogenerator.



Vibration Trainer

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1870007 - (Vibration Trainer)

Mechanical vibrations are usually found as an unwanted side effect in many areas of engineering. Examples include vehicle vibrations on uneven roads or engine vibrations. Vibration theory is a particularly challenging area in the field of mechanics.

Learning Objectives And Experiments:
1. Damped and undamped resonance
2. Absorber effect in multi-mass oscillators
3. Experiments with pendulums
Reduced pendulum length
Spring-mass system
Katers pendulum
4. Bar-type oscillator
Forced vibration
Undamped oscillation
Damped oscillation

Detailed, wide-ranging series of experiments on the mechanical vibration theory
Experiments on various pendulums, bar-type oscillators and spring-mass systems
Damping, resonance and absorber effects in forced vibrations.



Hermetic Refrigeration Training Unit

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1880007 - (Hermetic Refrigeration Training Unit)

A dedicated Hermetic Refrigeration Training Unit with a capillary flow control and a range of switch activated faults for student practice. 
The unit includes: Fan cooled Hermetic Refrigeration Training Unit condensing unit with high starting torque compressor; Front mounted evaporator with suction accumulator; Liquid line dryer; Compound and Pressure gauges
Using the push button switches, five system faults can be introduced into the system: Faulty compressor valve; Choked capillary; Excess discharge pressure; Overcharged system; Undercharged system.



Reactive Power Controller

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1840007 - (Reactive Power Controller)

Relay for automatic adjustment of the power factor in systems with inductive load. 
Power factor adjustment range: 0.9 ... 0.98 ind
2 decimal digit display
Output relay for batteries connection: 4 NO contacts with LED indication
Output relay contact: 400 Vac, 5 A
Sensitivity: 0.2 ... 1.2 K
Supply voltage: three-phase from mains
Automatic detection of the frequency.
Ammetric input circuit: 5 A (250 mA min.).



Solar Stirling Engine Technology

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1890007 - (Solar Stirling Engine Technology)

Parabolic reflectors are used to focus the sun's energy into the end point of the cylinder, where gas expands and pushes the piston to do the work. Solar Stirling Engine Technology is part of the study of external combustion engines. It is based on converting thermal energy to mechanical energy: For this case, the source is solar energy. During cloudy days, alcohol can be used as an external source of energy.



Pipeline Pigging Demonstrator

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1910007 - (Pipeline Pigging Demonstrator)

Pipeline Pigging Demonstrator shows the student operator the concept of a pipeline pig moving through a pipeline including the steps required to prepare the pipeline for the pig, insert the pig and remove the pig from the pipeline. The Pipeline Pigging Demonstrator apparatus is a small scale model of a pipeline that includes a pig launching station, a short pipeline and a pig receiving station. The Pipeline Pigging Demonstrator has no process instrumentation as it is intended to demonstrate oilfield operating principles with basic visual manual operation only. Most of the components of this demonstrator are fabricated from clear plastic materials in order to allow the student operator to visualize how the pig moves through this representative pipeline system.

 A pig launching station is used to insert the pig into a pipeline using a series of valves and hatches. The pig is pushed through the pipeline by the liquid or gas stream to the pig receiving station. The pig catching station works in opposite to the pig launching station. Pipeline Inspection Gauges (or Pigs) are used for pipeline cleaning, inspection and maintenance, and fluid batching in pipelines. These tools are pushed along the inside of a pipeline by the flow of liquid or gas.



CNC Machines

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1920007 - (CNC Machines)

Circular Interpolation will cover absolute and incremental positioning, circular interpolation, program interpolation, program interpretation and pausing CNC programs. In learning basic CNC Mill programming, linear interpolation, start-up and shutdown blocks, tooling selection, and locating zero is discussed and skills are applied to move to Circular Interpolation. CNC Machines Micromill begins by introducing CNC Mill programming by describing the functions and operations of a CNC Mill and discussing CNC Mill programming, simulation, and safety. 

Strong Depth and Breadth of Content
Text and Audio
Built for Self-Paced Learning 
Engaging Interactions
Stunning 3D Animations.



Turbine Electric Hub Troubleshooting Learning System

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1930007 - (Turbine Electric Hub Troubleshooting Learning System)

Turbine Electric Hub Troubleshooting Learning System teaches learners adaptive skills for wind turbine operation, adjustment, and troubleshooting in a wide variety of situations. Turbine Electric Hub Troubleshooting Learning System allows learners to develop and practice component, subsystem, and system level skills. Wind turbine electric hubs present unique operational and maintenance challenges. Wind turbine technicians must pinpoint and resolve a wide variety of situations where the hub is key, especially in changing load conditions. Their troubleshooting and problem solving skills have to be excellent to keep wind turbines operational. Additionally, Turbine Electric Hub Troubleshooting will connect to the Turbine Nacelle Learning System and the Turbine Generator Control Troubleshooting Learning System to create a complete wind turbine learning experience. It is fully functional like a utility-scale turbine electric hub. Turbine Electric Hub Troubleshooting Learning System includes unique electronic fault insertion system, which allows instructors to electronically create realistic hub problems and then track the learners progress in solving the problem. 
This system includes a mobile workstation, blade simulator with 3-axis servo system, pitch control unit, emergency power unit, blade simulator, pitch control software, and fault insertion system. Turbine Electric Hub Troubleshooting Learning System is an effective training platform for wind turbine technicians.

Control Troubleshooting Learning System to create a complete wind turbine learning experience
Connects to the Turbine Nacelle Learning System and the Turbine Generator 
Utility Scale Turbine Electric Hub Experience  
Computer Based Fault Insertion.



Instrumented DC Electric Torque Wrench Learning System

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1940007 - (Instrumented DC Electric Torque Wrench Learning System)

Instrumented DC Electric Torque Wrench Learning System uses industrial quality components to help assure that students are better prepared for what they will encounter on the job and to withstand frequent student use. The Instrumented DC Electric Torque Wrench Learning System includes a tool panel with a DC right angle electric nutrunner, 19MM socket, 5M DS cable, control box, multimedia based student learning materials for both theory and lab, and teachers assessment guide. The multimedia based curriculum can be accessed locally or web delivered, allowing businesses to increase delivery of high quality assembly practices in far flung organizations. The multimedia based curriculum includes virtual simulation of key skills, allowing learners to practice skills in advance of actually working on the equipment.
The Instrumented DC Electric Torque Wrench Learning System teaches learners how to assemble a threaded fastener using a torque wrench. These tools combine both speed and precision, making them a popular choice in todays workplace.

Industrial quality components
Hands-on skills
Teaches learners how to assemble a threaded fastener using a torque wrench.



Water Still Plant

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1960007 - (Water Still Plant)

The distillation tank is completely made of borosilicate glass with a low coefficient of thermal expansion. The electric heating requires a power of 4 kW for a production of approx 6 l/h with a conductivity of 1-2 µS/cm. Water Still Plant can be used both to produce distilled water for laboratory use and as a pilot plant for educational purposes. The plant is fitted with a safety alarm against malfunction or lack of water pressure. A training handbook completes the supply.

Study of the operation of a water condenser.
Distillation of a known quantity of water.
Effect of the water quantity variation.



Traditional 3 Component Resistance Dynamometer

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1970007 - (Traditional 3 Component Resistance Dynamometer)

Equipment is designed for the measurement of resistance and alteration of draught and trim during tests with relatively small ship models on smooth water and in waves.



Additional Mechanisms Kit

Product Code: LBNY-0005-1980007 - (Additional Mechanisms Kit)

These include the Genevamechanism and a ratchet mechanism. Students test each mechanism to see how itworks and note the differences in the way that each mechanism converts themotion. This kit offers additional mechanisms, supplementary tothose of the Simple Mechanisms Kit. Students, teachers or lecturers fit theparts of the kit to the Work Panel to study or demonstrate an engineeringscience topic. The two mechanisms are the same as those used in real applications,such CNC machines, hand tools, turnstiles and lifting hoists. Each has a uniqueway of converting motion, shown by the experiments. This kit includes two popular mechanisms for experiments inconversion of motion from one form to another.

Main parts:
Ratchet mechanism
Geneva mechanism

