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Ram Rapid Analysis Machine

Product Code: LBNY-0005-12200012 - (Ram Rapid Analysis Machine)

Fully automatic procedure with quick and accurate test results (max. errors within 5 kg./cubicmetre). Ram Rapid Analysis Machine Used for the determination of cement content in fresh concrete, coarse and fine aggregate, fly ash and GGBF slag content can also be determined. The complete test takes approx. 10 minutes. The connection to water net for approx. 80 liters each test is required.



Chain and Chisel Mortiser

Product Code: LBNY-0005-12300012 - (Chain and Chisel Mortiser)

Table size: 455x 150/18x6
Max.height of workpiece on table: 254/10
Max.height of door or frame: 1000/39
Max.depth of cut-chain mortiser: 140/51/2
Max.depth of cut-chisel mortiser: 90/31/2
Longitudinal movement of head/table: 305/12
Table tilt-degree: 45
Size of dust collection port-dia: 100/4
Air pressure required (kg/cm2): 5 to 7
Electric motor (hp/rpm): 2/1440



Portable PLC Learning System

Product Code: LBNY-0005-12400012 - (Portable PLC Learning System)

The system's highly-interactive multimedia curriculum takes the learner through 14 modules covering 89 skills that provides an unmatched breadth and depth of knowledge and skill building only can provide this level of training using a compact, portable workstation. Learners use the powerful plus terminal, and networks throughout the curriculum to build basic skills, such as program editing, to more advanced skills, such as analog output scaling. Portable PLC Learning System is a portable solution for when there is a need to teach PLCs where there is limited space such as in a conference room, lab area, or even a shop floor desk Its compact size and durable case also provide for safe storage when your limited space must be used for teaching other subjects or when the system must be transported to a different location in the facility for use.

Highly-interactive multimedia curriculum takes the learner through 14 modules covering 89 skills that provides an unmatched breadth and depth of knowledge and skill building.
A portable solution for when there is a need to teach PLCs where there is limited space such as in a conference room, lab area, or even a shop floor desk.
Enhances learning through a wide array of real world applications that allows learners to actually see their programs control real systems.



Vertical Visualisation Of Flow Fields

Product Code: LBNY-0005-12500012 - (Vertical Visualisation Of Flow Fields)

Electrolytically generated hydrogen bubbles rise with the flow, flow around the model and visualise the flow. Different models are available: drag bodies (e.g. aerofoils and cylinders) or changes in cross-sections. Fine gas bubbles are perfectly suited to visualising flow fields. Due to analogies, many flow processes that occur in air can also be demonstrated by experiments in water. Water flows from bottom to top through the experimental section. The trainer consists of a vertical experimental section in which an interchangeable model is inserted. 

Learning Objectives And Experiments:
Vortex formation, demonstration of Karman vortices
Qualitative observation of the velocity distribution in laminar flow
Visualisation of two-dimensional flows
Flow separation
Analogy to air flow
Streamline course in flow around and through models.



Level Control Apparatus, Three Term Electronic

Product Code: LBNY-0005-12800012 - (Level Control Apparatus, Three Term Electronic)

This Level Control System is designed to allow numerous level control experiments to be performed within a typical laboratory session. This invention relates to an improved type of electronic liquid level control apparatus, yand more particularly toa relatively. A simple electronic type 'of controller which may be utilized to maintain substantially accurate liquid levels, within small liquid receiving chambers. A for use with very small liquid receiving chambers, such as -may be used 'in laboratory apparatus or pilot plants, or they are not adapted for use with extremely high pressure'equipment because of yinadequate packing glands or sealing means. Still other types of liquid level 'controllers are adapted to operate overa relatively wide range of level variations and are not sensitive to small changes ,in liquid' level. The unit enables students to investigate the effects of changing the parameters of the control algorithm and changes can be made to the process conditions by adjustment of the ow into the vessel. Many of the present-forms of liquid level ycontrollers are of a type which are not suitable.



Torsional Oscillations Apparatus

Product Code: LBNY-0005-13000012 - (Torsional Oscillations Apparatus)

Torsional Oscillations Apparatus mechanism demonstrates torsional oscillations of single or multi-rotor and or geared systems with low natural frequencies.



Deflection Of Curved Bars Unit

Product Code: LBNY-0005-13100012 - (Deflection Of Curved Bars Unit)

Bench-top unit mounted on a structure of anodized aluminum, with painted steel panel, and with regulable in heigh legs.



Basic Roof Truss

Product Code: LBNY-0005-13300012 - (Basic Roof Truss)

The apparatus consists of two rafter struts and a restraining tie mounted on a self contained, bench top base.
Evaluation of co-planar forces in the struts and tie of a basic roof truss
Effect of changing tie bar length
Loading at the hinged apex by load hanger
The tie length, and hence angle of truss, variable
Both struts and tie incorporate linear, direct reading spring balances to measure forces
An instruction manual for student and lecturer provided
Struts and tie re-adjustable to original lengths
Set of weights.



Set Of Sectioned Components For Gas Compression

Product Code: LBNY-0005-13700012 - (Set Of Sectioned Components For Gas Compression)

The use of contrasting colors according to a pre-established code simplifies the informative process as well as the learning one. The set includes some of the most important components used in pneumatic plants for gas compression (compressors and valves of different type). Special explanatory technical plates show each sectioned component explaining its operation with notes, drawings and technical data. In sectionizing each component the best care has been taken to evidence all the interesting constructive detailed features.



Beam Apparatus

Product Code: LBNY-0005-13800012 - (Beam Apparatus)

Verification of the bending equation
Deflection of beams on two simple supports with point loads
Reciprocal properties for loads and deflection
Determination of flexural rigidity and elastic modulus (Youngs modulus)
Verification of static equilibrium
Bending characteristics of a brass/steel compound beam, with and without shearing connection between the two layers
Equivalent sections characteristics of a metal-faced wooden beam
Simple and propped cantilevers with any loading
Simply supported and cantilever beams with sinking supports
With the Specimen Beams, these additional experiments can be done:
The effects of material and section shape on flexural rigidity
Continuous beams statically indeterminate cases for simply supported beams and cantilevers on more than two supports with any loading (including measurement of unknown reactions
Deflections on a non-uniform (tapered) beam or cantilever.



Geared Systems

Product Code: LBNY-0005-14000012 - (Geared Systems)

The dynamic tests run the input of the different drive units at a given speed using a motor, while measuring the input power. At the same time, a dynamometer loads the output of the drive unit while measuring the output power. A bench-mounting base unit forms the main part of this set of products. Supplied with a three-shaft gear drive unit as standard, the base unit dynamically tests the gear drive and the other optional drive units. Includes simple tools needed to fit the drive units to the base unit, and to adjust the compound gear drive. In the base units upper level, the student fits their choice of drive unit. Students use the measurements to find the performance and efficiency of the drive unit. Students may set the gear unit (supplied) as a simple or compound drive by sliding a gear in or out of mesh on the third shaft. A variable-speed, low-voltage motor provides the shaft input turning force (effort) to the drive. A dynamometer provides the output braking force (load) to the drive. Fans provide air cooling for both the motor and dynamometer. Flexible couplings with collets connect the drive unit to the motor and dynamometer for quick and accurate alignment. The dynamometer uses electromagnetic braking and a hysteresis effect to provide a variable load at a constant torque irrespective of the speed. Sensors on the motor and dynamometer measure their shaft speed, torque and therefore power in and out at the drive.



Manual Chiller Units Training Bench With Data Acquisition

Product Code: LBNY-0005-14100012 - (Manual Chiller Units Training Bench With Data Acquisition)

Safety control using the high and low pressure switch and flow switch
Plant start-up and system monitoring using the incorporated protection and safety devices
Study and understanding of the operation of a chiller unit
On-off control of the cooled water temperature.

Detecting the system operating parameters:
Calculation of thermal balances for the refrigerant and water circuit
Plotting of the refrigerant cycle on a pressure-enthalpy diagram of the refrigerant gas



Hydrostatics Bench

Product Code: LBNY-0005-15800012 - (Hydrostatics Bench)

Hydrostatics Bench is styled to be a matching unit to Hydraulics Bench, which provides a range of hydro dynamic experiments. A number of the individual experiments are permanently mounted on the backboard, whilst the remaining items are conveniently stored in the cupboard along with the triple beam balance. The working surface is recessed and supplied with a drain point. The optional barometer, consists of siphon type barometer mounted on a wooden backboard supplied complete with mounting brackets for attaching to the frame of the Hydrostatics Bench. The unit is self-contained and independent of all laboratory services. The bench consists of a steel-framed unit, mounted on castors, and containing a high quality fibreglass work surface, a steel backboard and a storage cupboard and shelf under the work surface. 



Distribution Trainer

Product Code: LBNY-0005-15900012 - (Distribution Trainer)

Nett dimensions and weight:
1850 mm long x 1870 mm high x 960 mm front to back and 670kg
Packed volume and weight: 5 m3 and 800 kg
Three-phase loads:
220 V star-connected resistive, inductive and capacitive
110 V delta-connected resistive
Protection relays:
1 x single phase over current
1 x three phase over current
1 x three-phase over current with voltage
2 x low-voltage single-phase
1 x line power 5 kVA three-phase delta-star reduces theincoming supply down to 220/230 V
1 x line receive 3 kVA three-phase delta-star with starpoint link to earth 220 V/110 V three-phase. Includes tap selection on itsprimary windings of ±10%, ±7.5%, ±5%, ±2.5%, and 0%.
Low voltage supplies:
30 volts d.c. or 0–30 volts a.c.



Centrifugal Pumps Study Unit

Product Code: LBNY-0005-16000012 - (Centrifugal Pumps Study Unit)

Equipped with all the instruments and controls necessary for testing, it requires only to be connected to electrical supply and filled with clean water. The trolley-mounted self-sufficient unit has been designed to study the features of centrifugal pumps. 
The group is supplied with manuals which describe all parts of the unit, the installation and utilisation procedures, as well as many exercises with the relative results.
The Centrifugal Pumps Study Unit is supplied in four different versions, the first two of which allow also for series-parallel tests:
One pump with a.c. motor
One pump with d.c. motor
Two pumps with 2-speed a.c. motors
Two pumps with one 2-speed a.c. motor and one d.c. motor



Flow In Pipes Apparatus

Product Code: LBNY-0005-16100012 - (Flow In Pipes Apparatus)

Two duct support stands are provided (only one is shown in the picture) and the experiments require the use of a necessary accessory, the Multitube Manometer. The equipment comprises additional sets of ductwork manufactured in aluminium containing both pressure tappings and pitot static tube points together with a set of inlet adaptors which can be connected to the intake of the fan by means of deep spigoted sockets with O ring seals and over-centre toggle latches.

Items of ductwork comprise:
The graph shows typical results which can be obtained when measuring duct entry pressure.
65 mm dia. inlet duct with sudden transition to 95 mm dia. incorporating six static pressure tappings. 
65 mm dia. bellmouth intake adaptor.  
95 mm dia. by 1400 mm long section with six static pressure tappings, together with a pitot static mounting pad.  
65 mm dia. bluff intake adaptor.
95 mm dia. by 1400 mm long section with a static pressure tapping and a pitot static mounting pad. 



Separating and Throttling Calorimeter Bench

Product Code: LBNY-0005-16300012 - (Separating and Throttling Calorimeter Bench)

The steam bench includes an insulated separating calorimeter, equipped with a water level sight glass, connected via fixed orifice to a lagged throttling calorimeter which exhausts to a water cooled steam condenser. Separating and Throttling Steam Bench consists of a sturdy framework and panels of all steel construction, fitted with a student work surface, interconnecting back panel and adjustable feet. A manometer is provided for measuring the pressure inside the throttling calorimeter and thermocouples are provided for measuring steam supply and temperatures which may be individually selected for display on an analogue temperature meter.

Experimental Capability:
To determine the dryness fraction of steam i.e. The quantity of dry vapour present in any wet vapour mixture.



Pelton Turbine Test Set

Product Code: LBNY-0005-17200012 - (Pelton Turbine Test Set)

Pelton Turbine Test Set is designed for studying the Pelton turbine characteristics under various flow rates and heads. The adjustable nozzle direct a water jet to the runner buckets. Power output can be measured by either dynamometer or generator.The unit is on wheels. The unit consists of a storage tank, a pump, a turbine, a dynamometer, a generator, and measuring instruments.

Power output vs speed for various heads and flow rates.
Efficiency vs speed for a given head and flow rate.
Torque vs speed at various heads and flow rates.
Racing characteristics.
Overall turbine generator efficiency.



Ball And Plate Apparatus

Product Code: LBNY-0005-18500012 - (Ball And Plate Apparatus)

The Ball and Plate Apparatus shows the problems of the of an unstable system. The apparatus consists of a plate pivoted at its centre so the plate can tilt in two directions.
The basic control task is to control the ball position. The ball is free to roll on the plate.
Stepper motors tilt the plate. A servo system with a stepper motor control card controls the motors. A camera with an intelligent vision system measures the ball position.

The equipment includes:
A data acquisition board for your computer
Camera with USB connection
Ball and plate model
Power supply
The data acquisition board fits into a suitable computer (not included) to link with the Ball and Plate Apparatus and control its motors.
Software (included)
Interface library for programming at the system level
Demonstration program with PID controllers



Truck And Heavy Dun Diesel Program

Product Code: LBNY-0005-18600012 - (Truck And Heavy Dun Diesel Program)

Truck And Heavy Dun Diesel Program introduce the Cummins, Caterpillar, Navistar, Detroit Diesel or other engines with all the components assembled and ready for operation. These units are available with hydraulic water absorption dynamometers for accurate measurements. The manuals provide full information and procedures for troubleshooting diesel engines. Potential problems are listed, diagnostic methods are indicated and repair procedures detailed. 

